Hi Simon,
I see your need for this. The problem is that this Plugin is desinged to show the data the spot is sending. It is not really meant to edit the data. THough I was thinkin a lot about this in the past.
I don’t see this making myself in 2021 to be honest though.
Custom links might make it too complicated, but adding new markers for blog posts which are assigned with a geolocation could be shown in the map. E.g. all blog posts published with a geolocation in the timerange specified for the Spotmap.
— But this will go beyond what the plugin should do (but it would be nice…)
I see there are option to store metadata in blogposts:
I was thinking for similar things on photos uploaded to WordPress. Unfortunaltey WP is cutting the geolocation stored in the photo exif data…
Some kind of point management needs to be added anyway. Directly via the block or via the Dashboard. To move markers that are sent not entirely correct and delete markers. This would be the right place to be able to change the text of the CUSTOM markers, which would then include any link to where ever you need it.
In addition the popup field should be configurable + options to decide wether the popup is shown or not.
In your case it’ll be only shown on CUSTOM and maybe OK messages with a minimum of information but ofcourse with the Message part, which you could edit alter on.
OkayOkay this is how it could work. What do you think?
Editing the plugin code manually is generally speaking not a good idea, since if I push a new Version to WPorg you will loose the changes you made as soon as download the new version.