In in a past post that I did here was some code to modify the credits for the theme:
add_filter( 'tc_credits_display', 'my_credits_display' );
function my_credits_display($html) {
$logo_src = esc_url ( tc__f( '__get_option' , 'tc_logo_upload') ) ;
if ( empty($logo_src) )
return $html;
<div class="span4 credits">
$credits = sprintf( '<p> · ? %1$s <a href="%2$s" title="%3$s" rel="bookmark">%4$s</a> · Designed by %5$s ·</p>',
esc_attr( date( 'Y' ) ),
esc_url( home_url() ),
'<img src="'.$logo_src.'" alt="'.esc_attr(get_bloginfo()).'">',
'<a href="'.TC_WEBSITE.'">Themes & Co</a>'
echo $credits;
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Trying to see if I can place this in the function.php for my child theme