Removing DIVs styling from imported event content
Hi, when I output the_content() of a single eventbrite page I find that the content has some <div>s with styling applied.
On Eventbrite itself the event was set up using the WYSIWYG editor, where you set up the Main Event Image, Description, Summary, Text, Images etc..
When I import this event into WordPress using your plugin the event description elements are wrapped in divs such as:
<div style="margin:20px 10px;font-size:15px;line-height:22px;font-weight:400;text-align:left;">Text Content is in here</div>
That was seen when using the ‘editor’ part of the event in the WP admin area, with the ‘Text’ tab chosen.I was wondering if these extraneous divs were the fault of Eventbrite, a side-effect of using Blocks/Guttenburg or added by your plugin? I’d preferably like to get rid of them all, or at least add some classes to them so they can be targetted by CSS.
Can you let me know where you think this extra HTML is coming from? Thanks!
P.S. We are testing out the plugin and we are hoping to go with the Pro version if we can iron out the last couple of issues.
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