This snippet was recently posted on by one of the developers, which might do what you are looking for.
add_filter( 'ninja_forms_i18n_front_end', 'my_custom_ninja_forms_i18n_front_end' );
function my_custom_ninja_forms_i18n_front_end( $strings ) {
$strings['fieldsMarkedRequired'] = 'YOUR CUSTOM REPLACEMENT TEXT';
return $strings;
Of course you should replace the “your custom replacement text” with what you want – in your case, nothing at all – so just leave it like this (you can actually just copy the snippet below):
add_filter( 'ninja_forms_i18n_front_end', 'my_custom_ninja_forms_i18n_front_end' );
function my_custom_ninja_forms_i18n_front_end( $strings ) {
$strings['fieldsMarkedRequired'] = '';
return $strings;
Note that i havent tested this, and i’m just copying it from a @kjohnson from