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  • Thread Starter cloud9ca


    I tried putting in some custom CSS but now the banner is too big and encroaching on the menu bar. How do I fix that?

    see if this will work

    .metaslider .flexslider{
    margin:0 0 0 0 !important;

    Thread Starter cloud9ca


    That moved the content up, but it didn’t fix it ??

    what else are you wanting to change ?

    The black border is showing because it’s a transparent png. To fix it, just assign background image color with white color.

    #page-banner { background-color: #fff; }

    But this kind of image (taken photo) is best saved in jpg, not png. The image now in png is 2.7MB which is way too much and it will slow the site down on every page load. Save it in jpg, with white background under it, there we will have the white border already in it.

    Another issue is that the front page is missing the title, it’s better to have the header there for accessibility. So put in the page title, use something that’s useful to SEO like site title or business name and we can hide it with proper CSS.

    /* ----- Front page title hide visually -----  */
    /* --- --- */ .hentry .entry-header {
    	border: 0;
    	clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
    	height: 1px;
    	margin: -1px;
    	overflow: hidden;
    	padding: 0;
    	position: absolute;
    	 width: 1px;
    /* ----- ml-slider plugin flexslider remove bottom margin  -----  */
    #page-banner .flexslider { margin: 0; border-bottom: 5px solid #adce80; }
    /* ----- ml-slider plugin flexslider image background  -----  */
    #page-banner { background-color: #fff; }
    Thread Starter cloud9ca


    Thank you guys, all of that was a big help, it’s already looking much better.

    Paulwpxp, you said we can use some CSS to hide the page title. Should I put in all of what you typed above, or just a certain portion of that?

    Thank you again, this has been a huge help.

    Use the first 12 lines to hide front page title. But right now that you put the front page title in, IMO it looks better if we don’t hide it.

    Theme Author Styled Themes


    Hi there,

    You can use plugin to hide the page title on singular pages.


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