• I’ve noticed that some of the smilies on my blog appear with borders around them. How do I remove the border so that the smiley is just there on the line instead of in some box high above the line? =P Thanks in advance for any support.

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  • Thread Starter Janny


    Never mind, I figured out what was wrong; it had to do with the theme I had downloaded. ><

    just found the same thing totally beautiful theme but it gives a boxed frame around the smileys .. minor detail and i’ll keep using it just a shame that’s all oh and if anyone is interested the theme i have this problem for is ..
    Daisy Rae Gemini developed by Root designed by geeksmakemehot.


    The Daisy Rae author is a regular here. Just as soon as she knows there is a problem I am sure it will get fixed in the download. But img to border: 0; in the CSS should do it I would think

    I will get this fixed!

    The box looks great around regular images in a post. The smiles, unfortunately act as the regular images and don’t look so hot with the borders.

    I am actually using this theme on my own blog at the moment, and I took the borders off images so my smilies would look pretty ??

    I fixed this: In the CSS scroll down to —–Core CSS—— and where the code reads: img {margin: 10px;padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #573D2E; }
    replace that with this.
    img {margin: 0px;padding: 0px; border: none; }
    That solved the problem.

    I’ve got the same problem with the “Gray Gets Green” theme. My problem is that i want the regular pictures with a border, but the smileys without the border..

    Anyone know how i can manage that?

    Create a class that has borders – and apply it to all your “regular” pictures.
    And for all the rest (including smilies) have properties without border.

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