• I have removed the categories and comments link on posts and added the code to have a featured image show above the post title, here’s how I did that:

    I added:
    <?php get_template_part('inc/page-image'); ?>


    <section class="content">
    	<?php get_template_part('inc/page-image'); ?>
    	<?php get_template_part('inc/page-title'); ?>
    	<div class="pad group">

    That was in single.php

    However, now I am left with some ugly whitespace between the image and the post title…it seems that it is a seperate box compared to that of the title and that is not what I was after.

    Is it possible to remove that whitespace so that it shows the image and then immediately below that the post title?

    Here’s a screenshot of the space I want removed.


    Website is: https://ghoststorm.co.uk

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  • Thread Starter SingingTurnip


    @bdbrown, where else can I see the theme’s documentation as the website appears to be down.

    I don’t know of another location. The developer may be working on updating the documentation. Or there may be a server issue.

    Thread Starter SingingTurnip


    It’s been like that for a few hours now, hope it comes back up soon.

    Thread Starter SingingTurnip


    I have the child theme installed and activated currently and put in the other code you handed to me but wondered if the other changes I made in post 1 can also be put into the custom css, or do I need to upload single.php to the child theme folder too as that’s the file I made changes in?

    I also want to remove ALL tags from posts, is that possible with this or do I need to remove <?php the_tags('<p class="post-tags"><span>'.__('Tags:','hueman').'</span> ','','</p>'); ?> from single.php too?

    do I need to upload single.php to the child theme folder too as that’s the file I made changes in?


    I also want to remove ALL tags from posts

    Yes, removing that line from single.php will remove the tags.

    Thread Starter SingingTurnip


    Ok thanks, I didn’t want to edit the original theme single.php really – glad I can upload a copy of it and edit that instead.

    Sir my problem is that when i punlish any post and when i open ut from site to chek it my written content was not show on page buy when i scroll down the page its show in middle of the page and when content ends then again white blanck space their and and scroll down the page more nd more then my theme footer came .
    What wss the problem why blanck white space show on my post header and bottom why ? Adnjob.com

    @adnanshahid402 – this topic is almost a year old. The theme has changed substantially in that time and your problem and/or the solution is likely not related to this one. Please start a new topic here:

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