• I love the custom file path feature, and I think renaming the file on upload would be ideal.

    I tried using this snippet:

    // ACF Upload Prefilter:
    add_filter('acf/upload_prefilter/name=some_file_upload', 'acf_upload_prefilter' );
    function acf_upload_prefilter() {
    // WP Handle Upload Prefilter:
    add_filter('wp_handle_upload_prefilter', 'rename_current_acf_upload', 11, 1);
    function rename_current_acf_upload( $file ){
    $file['name'] = 'custom-filename-' . $file['name'];
    return $file;

    Which works if run in the backend, but not if uploaded/updated through the ACF Form provided through frontend admin.

    I notice though that the file does get renamed with the field id appended, so it looks like this is already happening to some extent….but I would love to be able to rename the file using the $post_title + ‘custom-filename’.[same extension]

    Is there a hoook or filter I can use to hook into renaming the file upload for specific fields?


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