• Hi there, odd little issue here. I have successfully renamed my wp-content directory using the BWPS plugin, but the dashboard prompt still reads “You should rename the wp-content directory of your site” in blue.

    I tried the development version of the plugin and the same issue appears, and I have used the feature on other sites and know the dashboard prompt changes to “You have renamed the wp-content directory of your site” in green.

    Any ideas what might be happening here?


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  • MagicOyster



    Same issue for me.
    Have you found a solution or explanation ?


    Same issue here. Just adding my name to the list. Blank install on 3.5.1 with only BWPS latest version (3.4.9)



    I did not know where else to ask this:
    Due to the recent ‘brute force attacks’ against WordPress I am getting paranoid and want to rename the wp-content. Better WP Security says that it will break my site, it has not gone live yet so I would fix anything that broke.
    But will it break beyond repair, that is my concern and question? What can I expect will happen?
    Hope as well that if I change it it gets detected?

    thank you

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