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  • Hello!

    Yes, it is completely safe to change the title.
    You should have a permalink text box on your portfolio editing page. If you change the name, but don’t touch the portfolio, then you have changed just the title, but the link remains the same. If you want the link to be changed, just click the edit permalink button, and delete the current text there (for example wild-arctic). If you now click OK (while the text box is still empty), WordPress should automatically generate the new permalink based on the new title. Or you can give it something of your own, it does not have to be similar to the title.

    However, I would like to warn you. If you have a lot of traffic, it is a good practice to set up some redirects that will redirect everyone who is trying to open the link to the new and working link. Google does not really like dead links, and it can hurt your google pagerank. And because the /wild-arctic/ was used for some time and it will suddenly no longer work, it would be a dead link until Google realizes it can be found on an other link.

    I hope this helps. If you have any more questions, just feel free to ask.

    PS: Your photos are awesome!

    Toth Balint BT

    Thread Starter amossbacher


    Hi Toth,

    thanks so much for your detailed answer. This helps me sooo very much.
    I than just rename the title in the title box and leave the permalink underneath the title box alone!
    Hope I am correct, it looks like this in my Dashboard:
    Box to enter title: Wild Arctic
    Underneath the : Permalink: ? Edit View Portfolio Get Shortlink

    If I am wrong with the above, please let me know ??

    The portfolio links stay already for a year. The Arctic just a few month, but way to long to change the link. Will leave it short – less is more! ??
    My thought was when I rename the link it helps also the SEO, but in this case with Google I just leave it as it is and rename the Portfolio.

    Thank you very much that you took the time to answer me on a weekend ??

    Enjoy your weekend


    PS thanks a lot for your kind comment on my images ??

    Hi Anette!

    Yes, you are right. Although I am not an SEO expert, I think you are thinking right for renaming the title, it matters for search engines.

    If you have any more questions, just feel free to ask, I am happy to help you. ??

    Toth Balint BT

    Thread Starter amossbacher


    Hi Toth,

    thank you very much for your time and confirming my thoughts. Good to know that I am on the right path. SEO is also not quite my subject, trying to open that door. ??

    More questions, not to many ??

    The image file names I’d like to change. (that I have learned for SEO) How can I do it the safest way without disturbing Google search? The images sit also for a longer time. I do not mind to delete and upload again, have them all in a folder for WP.
    Just need to know the how to, without disturbing Google search. Otherwise I just do it like in the Portfolios and change the Title!

    On my blog I have a tag cloud:
    – How can I rename those tags without killing anything either in Google search?
    – Can I delete a few, again without disturbing Google search?
    – Tags, can I assign them to the portfolios and images? I do see the Tag box there too!
    – Does the tag cloud work for the whole website in WP?

    Again many thanks Toth for your great help. This really does help me a huge step further ??

    Ciao Anette


    Regarding the images, those don’t have that much importance than links, because when Google indexes a page, it actively searches for links and follows them. And if you have a link that it can’t follow, than it’s bad. But images are just elements of a page, Google indexes it, but there is nothing that can be followed like links, so there is no damage if you rename those.
    From an other standpoint, if you rename a link, it makes Google unable to index a page completely. If you delete/rename an image, there is no problem, Google still can reach and index the page, and eventually it will just update it’s records with the changed image details.
    Hope my description makes sense ??

    On the technical side, you cannot rename images from WordPress, so the best way is to upload them again, but I am not sure if that is a good idea, because than you will have to include all of them in your pages/posts, and based on the number of images you have, that can be a pretty tremendous job. Instead, if you are concerned with SEO, it is most important to use Alt information or Alternative Text. You should always fill that in when you are using images, because Google ranks that information pretty high.

    Regarding tags, that is a tricky thing. If you rename a tag, through Posts->Tags in your Dashboard, WordPress will rename the tag everywhere you have used it.
    As far as I know, you cannot add tags to your images, and regarding the portfolio items, it depends on how those were created. Meaning, portfolio items are not available out-of-the-box in WordPress, they are so called custom post types, which need to be created with some php code. So it depends how it was set up back in the day, if you see the tags meta box in your portfolio editing page (like for your posts), you can add and use them just like for posts, if there is no such thing, than it can’t be done.

    Having said that, many people consider using tags for SEO a bad thing, because it creates duplicate content. Actually, Ross Jone, a former Google employee has a really interesting talk about this on, you should definitely check that out. If I remember right, he mentions a website where the owners used a couple thousand tags for about 400 posts, so they had about 400*1000=4000 pages which contained duplicate content. (If this is not the video it is mentioned, just let me know and I will check where it is, because it really relevant in this topic).

    Toth Balint BT

    Thread Starter amossbacher


    Hi Toth,

    I really should send you a bottle sparkly stuff / champagne. You really explain it to me very good, that even me, with not much experience in this jungle can find a path.

    Your description about image file names makes total sense to me ?? Got that part. Thank you very much, will just change the title and add the missing Alt Text in a few images. Not many, thank god ??

    Tags, I did understand that part too. Can I delete tags, just like this. I do have a few which I did not assign to any post. Means they show in the tag overview, where I also can rename them under posts with a “0”. I want to get rid of them.
    Or best way, maybe just disable that Tag cloud. I can do that too. But what happens than with all indexed tags in Google secret bunker?

    Found the video, will watch it. Many thanks for this, I really need that to walk through this jungle ??

    Have a great Sunday



    I am happy that I could be helpful to you!

    I think the best thing to do is to delete the tags and the tag cloud also. Basically you are just deleting links to duplicate content, so it should not do any harm in the eyes of Google…
    If the tags are appearing only in the tag cloud, I think it is enough just to hide the tag cloud.

    If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. ??

    Have a nice day!

    Toth Balint BT

    Thread Starter amossbacher


    Hi Toth,

    the tag cloud will go next week. I do not want to update to much.

    Thanks so much ??


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