Hello @aicoosoft
For using MD5 you can use a filter like the following:
function( $file_name, $ext, $dir, $cb, $alt, $no ) {
if ( isset( $_POST[ 'action' ] ) && 'forminator_submit_form_custom-forms' === $_POST[ 'action' ] ) {
$file_name = md5( basename( $file_name, $ext ) ) . $ext;
return $file_name;
if the same files are uploaded by anonymous users, they will all be saved in the directory with userid /0/
Are you using any custom snippet for that or is this a use-case you want to cover?
Here, I will mention another small requirement. It will be more convenient to use if the form can support other api interfaces of webhook after the form submission is completed,
We have a few sample cases on this in our Gists, a recent one: https://gist.github.com/wpmudev-sls/fa306bda0cb868fd9c7c1634b7306091
Warm regards,