• uptowngeeks


    In the address bar, if you type [your domain.com]/wp-register.php it will display the renamed location in the address bar. Thus giving away the new location.

    How can this be corrected. I have registration disabled.

    I’d like to think the author of the plug-in are smarter or just as smart has the hackers.

    I installed the plug-in and it worked for about an hour. Now I must have shaken the bee hive because now I’m getting attacked relentlessly. About 30-40 failed attempts per day.

    I’m confident in my use of a strong password, but my anxiety level very high at the moment.


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  • The pattern matching against most file names is pretty lax in the plugin and WordPress in general, and chances are your rewrite rule does not cover all cases. For example the following also redirects to the login page:


    These are my rewrite rules now:

    RewriteRule ^wp-login\.php\b - [F]
    RewriteRule ^login(/.*)?$ - [F]
    RewriteRule ^admin(/.*)?$ - [F]
    RewriteRule \bwp-register\.php\b - [F]  # URL doesn't have to start with it!
    RewriteRule ^wp-signup\.php\b - [F]
    RewriteRule ^wp-activate\.php\b - [F]
    RewriteRule ^wp-mail\.php\b - [F]
    RewriteRule ^xmlrpc\.php\b - [F]

    Plus Rename wp-login.php, plus .htaccess directory protection on /wp-admin. Let’s see how it goes…

    @ddaum What did you do for .htaccess directory protection?

    Me, up until 5 days ago, I only had a handful of single hack attempts after installing Rename wp-login.php. However, during a three day period, I had hundreds of bot hack attempts all from different ip addresses, and about 5 minutes apart. This finally motivated me to install a disable xmlprc plug in. So far so good.

    Hey Mr.Yuck, I simply put a .htaccess password protection on /wp-admin, which protects on top of WordPress’ own user management (it’s only me anyways). Looks like this:

    AuthName "admin area"
    AuthType Basic
    AuthUserFile /path/to/my/webspace/.htpasswd
    AuthGroupFile /dev/null
    require valid-user

    For the .htpasswd file, you can just create one online; Google for htpasswd.

    How did you measure/track hack attempts?

    If you’re in a hurry you can patch the wp-include\canonical.php file.
    Search for $redirect_url = site_url( ‘wp-login.php?action=register’ );
    and comment out (//) that line.
    I know is bad practice to mess with wp files but I hope the plugin’s author comes up with a solution.

    It will be pretty hard for the plugin developer to come up with a clean solution for this, because the canonical.php is executed even before any plugin hooks are registered, therefore it cannot intercept the site_url() call like it can for login/signup/activate.

    That wp-register.php redirection is there for historical reasons only anyway and should be deprecated/removed by WordPress soon (I hope).

    If you go ahead and mess around a lot in WP’s or other plugins’s code, (like I do) I recommend putting your whole installation into version control (i.e. Subversion). This makes tracking your changes and merging new versions together really easy. It also helps tracking changes that WP does to itself, like .htaccess changes, styles, auto-updates, etc. – I couldn’t live without it…


    Thanks for the info, ddaum. I use Aryo Activity Log to see log in attempts, under the log type “user”. You can filter by type of log, and I generally need to, because the overwhelming majority of log entries are the 2,000 or so spam comments per month I receive. ??

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