[…] afaik, i’m having people check on the site via the Google’s PageSpeed Insights; i don’t have enough arguments to say that they should stop doing this on GPI
You now have the only one you really need cf. my initial reply. ??
As I am doing here, all you can do is attempt to enlighten others such that they can then begin to exorcise themselves of the Internet mythology that has sprung up around PSI.
and use a different speed test,
One gets a speed ‘grade’ but PageSpeed Insights is not a speed test per se. It is by definition and purpose a basic best practices tool; one that provides insights into performance items that will likely improve key user experience centered performance metrics. Unlike WebPageTest.org — which is Google’s real world performance testing platform — PSI issues no performance metrics at all. And so to get those and to see what’s really going on Google provides WebPageTest.org.
cause google don’t know what they’re doing. ??
One must use the right tool for the job, as they say. That PSI does not always recognize alternate means by which to defer noncritical CSS does not mean that one ought not use PSI for what it is (a best practices tool). Conversely, it does not mean that PSI should be used to assess real world performance.
Also they care about indexing, if i recall google favors mobile-friendly websites more than non mobile-friendly, so i cannot walk around the GPI test.
Whether or not one’s noncritical CSS is in reality deferred and whether or not one has a mobile friendly website are mutually exclusive matters.
One thing comes to mind though – what if everything is above-the-fold? Like when you have an entrance page that’s 100% w&h. Could this cause the issue with render blocking CSS? Cause technically, if everything is above the fold, it has to load everything regardless?
Are you able to share the URL, msthunder1?
Be well,