I for one, am interested. Sometimes imported posts aren’t loaded chronologically.
When I first imported posts from Blogger into WP back in the day (v1.2), a couple botched tries (along with Blogger’s lack of data like GMT post times) screwed up the numbering. My posts start somewhere around 1100, and if you follow the timestamps chronologically, the ids jump all over the place, sometimes increasing like they should, sometimes decreasing.
The reason for a fix is since most of WP (and author plugins) usually sort by postID, the chronology becomes screwy.
I eventually changed all of my permalinks to use the page slug to hide post ids, but it still doesn’t address the problem.
I’ve written a Ruby script that takes a WordPress eXtended RSS file and rewrites all of the post ids, comment ids, and parent ids. No need then to change the database, as the importer should (I assume) create the proper database entires using the post ids.
I’ll put it up once I work out some bugs.