• Resolved medard22


    Hello, first of all thank you, for the great plugin. I noticed that lately Ninja Firewall reports many BASE64 encoded injection attempts like this one. POST /index.php – BASE64-encoded injection – [POST:d = JGQgPSBnZXRfY3VycmVudF9maWxlX3VybCgpOwoKZmlsZV9nZXRfY29udGVudHMoImh0dHA6Ly8xOTguMjQuMTY2LjIyMi9ydC5waHA/Zj1kb21zc3M1NSZkPSIuJGQpOwp2YXJfZHVtcChiYXNlNjRfZGVjb2RlKCJkMlZ5ZVhWNWFXdG5hbWhtZW1abmF…]

    Is it possible to recover the complete payload from the logs? I would like to investigate it further. Thank you.

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  • Plugin Author nintechnet


    The firewall only logs the first 200 characters.
    If you want to log the full $_POST[‘d’] payload, you can use the .htninja script and add your own code to do it.

    You probably were aware, but the fragment from the log file can be decoded at https://www.base64decode.org
    It will lead you to (one of) the source(s) of the hack source code…

    Thread Starter medard22


    Thanks for all the answers. I am no programmer though. Can I use this code snippet in .htninja script to log POST payload?

    file_put_contents("post.log", print_r($_POST, true));

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by medard22.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by medard22.
    Plugin Author nintechnet


    @gwdlarry : you can decode a base64 string, even a partial one. You can use a command line:
    $ echo -e BASE64-ENCODE-STRING | base64 -d

    But that is unlikely your issue. Hackers try to inject the same code using many different vulnerabilities. This one is blocked by the firewall.

    @medard22 : you can use this code:

    if (! empty( $_POST ) ) {
       file_put_contents( __DIR__ .'/post.log', print_r( $_POST, true ) );

    Be careful: when you log in to your admin dashboard, the user password will be written to the log!

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