• Resolved Marcus Fridholm


    I chose this plugin for an intranet I’m working on. It seemed simple and clear, and in general to be doing what I needed.

    I added the groups I needed, just short of 40, then categories to match them, and parent pages for each. Roughly 40 categories and top-level pages plus another 10 or so subpages.

    Since the groups aren’t hierarchical, a lot of pages and categories have more than group assigned to them, on average two.

    I now started adding posts to a couple of the categories, about 70 posts in all.

    While I was working the system got slower and slower, not so much in the admin area as in the front.

    So I installed debug objects to see wtf was going on. And noted that on the same page where I had 18 (eighteen) queries without UAM, i had 10302 (ten thousand threehundred and two queries I sh*t you not!) with the plugin active.

    Total query time: 1 392,1ms for 10302 queries (1,392127990722656s)
    Page generated in 4 000,0ms; (4,6721889972686767578125s); 65,20% PHP; 34,80% MySQL

    In reality that means going from a page served in less than half a second to about four seconds on localhost and eight seconds on my actual host. Activating W3 total cache, the time got down to seven seconds, so that is still faaaaar too slow.

    I sat down and started to analyze the reported queries, to try to get why the sh*t hit the fan that way, and it turns out it is probably an iteration/recursivity problem.

    That is, rather than doing a single query and using the result to filter what is accessible or not, it asks for each and every restrictable object. In some cases it makes the same query three or more times per object almost consecutively.

    Like this:

    Time: 0.2ms (0.00022101402282715s)
    Query: SELECT object_id as id
    FROM wp_uam_accessgroup_to_object
    WHERE group_id = 1
    AND object_type = ‘category’
    Function: UamUserGroup->getObjectsFromType()

    Time: 0.2ms (0.00017690658569336s)
    Query: SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = ‘category’ AND t.term_id = 1 LIMIT 1
    Function: get_term()

    Time: 0.2ms (0.00018811225891113s)
    Query: SELECT object_id as id
    FROM wp_uam_accessgroup_to_object
    WHERE group_id = 1
    AND object_type = ‘category’
    Function: UamUserGroup->_getAssignedObjects()

    Time: 0.1ms (0.00014400482177734s)
    Query: SELECT COUNT(*)
    FROM wp_term_relationships AS tr,
    wp_term_taxonomy AS tt
    WHERE tr.object_id = ‘247’
    AND tt.term_id = ‘1’
    AND tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
    AND tt.taxonomy = ‘category’
    Function: UamUserGroup->_isPostInCategory()

    Time: 0.2ms (0.00021100044250488s)
    Query: SELECT object_id as id
    FROM wp_uam_accessgroup_to_object
    WHERE group_id = 1
    AND object_type = ‘post’
    Function: UamUserGroup->_getAssignedObjects()

    And so on… for ever and ever and ever.

    So my choices are to accept the performance hit, go through and debug the 4000 lines of code in the plugin, or start over with another plugin.

    Alternative one is probably a deal-breaker, since either the customer or the customers host will flog me if I let this go live in its current condition.

    Alternative two would be doable if I can be fairly sure of success. The cost would be time, which I can pay if it works and not if it doesn’t.

    The third alternative means starting over, which is very unappealing but might be what it comes down to in the end.

    What I would like is for the plugin author to test and see if he can recreate the problem, and share what might be the offending method, if there are any workarounds and whether it is a simple fix or means a total rewrite.

    If it is something he can recreate and if it is doable to fix it within a reasonable time-frame, I am available to help.


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  • Thread Starter Marcus Fridholm


    Open the file UamUserGroup.class.php.
    Try changing the line 494 from:

    $aDbArray = [];


    $aDbArray = array();

    I think bad habits bit me in the foot on that one, in php 5.4 you can declare arrays with the shorthand [], in some older php-version you can’t.

    If you don’t have a text editor with line numbers, this is what it looks like in context:

         * Returns the assigned _aObjects.
         * @param string $sObjectType The object type.
         * @return array
        protected function _getAssignedObjects($sObjectType)
            if ($this->_aAssignedObjects[$sObjectType] !== null) {
                return $this->_aAssignedObjects[$sObjectType];
            $aDbArrayRaw = UserAccessManager::$allUserObjects;
            $queryArr = array('group_id' => $this->getId(), 'object_type' => $sObjectType);
            $aDbArrayKeys = UserAccessManager::md_search($aDbArrayRaw, $queryArr);
            $aDbArray = array(); // THIS IS THE LINE TO CHANGE
            if( ! empty($aDbArrayKeys) ) {
                foreach ($aDbArrayKeys as $key) {
                    $aDbArray[] = $aDbArrayRaw[$key];
            $this->_aAssignedObjects[$sObjectType] = array();
            if( ! empty($aDbArray) ) {
                foreach ($aDbArray as $oDbObject) {
                    $oDbObjectKey = $oDbObject['object_id'];
                    $this->_aAssignedObjects[$sObjectType][$oDbObjectKey] = $oDbObjectKey;
            return $this->_aAssignedObjects[$sObjectType];

    I’ll update the file when I get to work tomorrow, until then you can try the solution here.

    Ah, great. Thanks again for the quick response.

    Thread Starter Marcus Fridholm


    Oh, I’m getting this thread mailed to my phone. I am really curious about how much this will affect performance in other installations, and if there are any bugs.

    I’ll probably disappear in a while. Other work will consume almost all my time. And whatever time there is left, will be consumed by my three kids.

    That’s life I suppose ??

    No problem, completely understandable. Again, your help is greatly appreciated.

    Your revision above worked great on our dev site (with twentythirteen activated). I haven’t yet tried duplicating the live site in question onto the dev server, and going from there (as it’s nearing the end of the work day, it’s probably best to try that tomorrow), but, the speed difference on the dev server was definitely noticeable. It was loading much, much faster than before (even though it only had 35 posts compared to the 223 our problem site has). So, looks very promising indeed.

    Thanks again for your help. I’ll reply once it’s been applied to the live site.

    Thread Starter Marcus Fridholm


    Thanks, other experiences are interesting.

    I did my main testing on a site with 50 groups and around 60 pages/100 posts, loading time was less than half of what it used to be. It used to be almost painful, now it is just slow-ish. ??

    Ok, here are the results on the live site:

    A speed test at pingdom.com was previously reporting a loading speed of around 20 seconds. (Yep, that bad). It’s now down to 8 seconds. (Still bad, but not nearly as much so.)

    However, it’s still a situation where, when I deactivate the UAM plugin, the site loads right up, quick as could be.

    But again, thanks for getting it to a point where the plugin is not causing as much slowdown as before. We have 6 groups and around 223 posts (though not all of those posts have group distinctions – it seems overall number of posts still makes a difference in loading speed.)

    Thanks again for your help on this. I’m going to keep up with the thread in case any further progress is made.

    Thread Starter Marcus Fridholm


    Your menus, are they sparse or heavily populated? One of the most costly filter actions in the plugin is the one filtering the menus.

    Hi guys! Im following with interest! Keep up w the good work tracking / analysing…

    Hmm… regarding the menus, I’d say they’re pretty average. Top menu has 4 main links, total of 8 dropdown links. Then we have 3 other sidebar menus, with a total of 19 links.

    Plugin Author GM_Alex



    sorry again for the few information/updates about the plugin status. The problem is that this is a free time project and it doesn’t pays my bills, I have a company with over 30 employees to manage (which pays my bills) and a family, so to be honest the priority for that is not the highest. I right now committed a new version of the module which should fix all the issues with the dev version (loosing settings, recursive locking doesn’t work). Please check the performance again and if everything works. I have tested it with the latest version of WP and it seems to work for me.

    @marcus: It would be great if you use the dev version for you changes, so I could merge that with my current version, if you find something which speeds up the current dev version. Your help is welcome if you want to help :).


    Thread Starter Marcus Fridholm


    Sure, I can do that.

    I’ll see if I can port my changes to the dev version and what that gives.

    Plugin Author GM_Alex


    Nice would be also if you could check the raw dev version and give some feedback about the speed and if the issues are gone. I implemented a caching so that everything should be only executed once not like in the past multiple times.

    Thread Starter Marcus Fridholm


    I assume it is the same dev-version link as before?

    Plugin Author GM_Alex


    Yes should be but you can see all versions here: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/user-access-manager/developers/

    Thread Starter Marcus Fridholm



    WARNING: wp-content/plugins/user-access-manager/class/UserAccessManager.class.php:1130 - include(/Library/WebServer/Documents/uamtest/wp-content/plugins/user-access-manager/tpl/bulkEditForm.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

    Forgot to add the file to the repo it seems ??

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