Replace underscore with blank space
Thank you for nice plugin
I need to replace underscore with blank space. Which is there in all file.Please check the below link help me i have dead line to release this site.
It is not a good practice to have blank spaces in file names; this is dependent on the web server that is used. However, the MP3 file itself contains an encoding of the correct name of the file, so that once it is downloaded, it will display its own correct name, not its file name.
Thank you for your reply I do not want to remove the underscore from the files. I just want to hide the underscore displayed on the website. example in my other site I am using php script for listing my file on the website. It does not display the underscore of the file on site.
Please click on the below link you
To remove the underscores, either:
You can rename your files using a plugin like this:
You can modify the List Yo’ Files Pro plugin to show a display name, not the actual file name, in your list, by using PHP’s str_replace() function to show a space instead of an underscore in each file name. If the underscore is present in the actual file, you want to leave it in the link.Sorry. I will clarify.
I want to display the actual file name on the webpage
The file name may be mp3 or jpeg or anything
My files have underscores for spaces
Displaying files with underscore looks dirty on my webpage
Hence, without actually altering the file names, I want to display the file names by hiding their underscores
I want to add a line in the sss plugin that will hide underscore and instead show space.What is the “sss” plugin?
This subforum is for “List Yo’ Files Pro” plugin.
I am really Sorry it was an error. I am talking about “List Yo’ Files Pro” plugin.
Please help me ..
In 88-files.php, on line 472, after
$itemName = str_replace( $ext, '', $itemName );
in function LYFListFiles, try adding this line:
$itemName = str_replace( '_', ' ', $itemName );
I haven’t tested it myself, but it might work for you. This should turn the underscores into spaces for the item name in the file lists. If you prefer to remove the spaces entirely, change the
' '
. It should leave the link working. Let me know your results.If you are a novice to programming, use a text or code editor, or the WordPress plugin editor, NOT a word processor like MS Word.
Note that if you ever update this plugin, unless “edit file display name” is added as a feature, you’ll probably need to manually make this edit again.
I added $itemName = str_replace( ‘_’, ‘ ‘, $itemName ); on line 472 but it didn’t work then i tried to replace $itemName = str_replace( $ext, ”, $itemName ); with $itemName = str_replace( ‘_’, ‘ ‘, $itemName ); but problem is not solved.
please check below is my code and i have found $itemName = str_replace( $ext, ”, $itemName ); at two places.
please help
<?php /* Plugin Name: List Yo' Files Plugin URI: Description: Lets WordPress users display lists of files in their pages and posts in a myriad of interesting ways. Version: 1.12 Author: Wanderer LLC Dev Team */ require_once "helpers.php"; require_once "upload_ui.php"; // Important ID names define( 'LYF_LIST_YO_FILES', 'List Yo\' Files' ); define( 'LYF_USER_FOLDER', 'wp-content/list_yo_files_user_folders/' ); define( 'LYF_DOMAIN', 'list-yo-files' ); define( 'LYF_ADMIN', 1 ); define( 'LYF_USER', 2 ); define( 'LYF_USER_MP3S', 3 ); // Database options define( 'LYF_MENU_TEXT', 'lyf_menu_text' ); define( 'LYF_ENABLE_USER_FOLDERS', 'lyf_user_folders' ); define( 'LYF_ENABLE_SIMPLE_HELP', 'lyf_simple_help' ); define( 'LYF_MINIMUM_ROLE', 'lyf_minimum_role' ); define( 'LYF_ENABLE_ALLOWED_FILE_TYPES', 'lyf_enable_allowed_file_types' ); define( 'LYF_USE_TABLE_STYLES', 'lyf_use_table_styles'); define( 'LYF_ALLOWED_FILE_TYPES', 'lyf_allowed_file_types' ); define( 'LYF_USER_SUBFOLDER_LIMIT', 'lyf_subfolder_limit' ); define( 'LYF_USER_USER_FOLDER_SIZE', 'lyf_user_folder_size' ); define( 'LYF_ENABLE_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS', 'lyf_email_notifications' ); define( 'LYF_NOTIFICATION_EMAILS', 'lyf_notification_emails' ); // Other strings and messages define( 'ADMINISTRATOR', 'Administrator' ); // Localized define( 'EMPTY_FOLDER', 'No files found.' ); define( 'SHORTCODE_ERROR', 'Incorrect shortcode. Check what you typed between the "[]".' ) ; define( 'PERMISSIONS_MESAGE', 'You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. Resave your administration options to be safe.' ); // Various hooks and actions for this plug-in add_shortcode( 'listyofiles', LYFShowAdminFiles ); add_shortcode( 'showfiles', LYFShowUserFiles ); add_shortcode( 'showmp3s', LYFShowMP3Files ); add_shortcode( 'listyofiles_uploadform', LYFUploadForm ); add_action( 'admin_menu', LYFAddSettingsPage ); add_action( 'init', 'LoadDomain' ); // Localization add_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'LYF_AddStyles' ); // Needed for adding a styles add_filter( 'plugin_row_meta', 'AddListYoFilesPluginLinks', 10, 2 );// Expand the links on the plugins page // Add extra links to the plugin summary on the WordPress plugins menu function AddListYoFilesPluginLinks($links, $file) { if ( $file == plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) { $links[] = '<a href="">' . __('Overview', LYF_DOMAIN ) . '</a>'; $links[] = '<a href="">' . __('Donate', LYF_DOMAIN ) . '</a>'; } return $links; } // LYF_AddStyles will add custom styles for List Yo' Files. function LYF_AddStyles() { $url = WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/list-yo-files/css/lyf_table_styles.css'; $styleFile = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/list-yo-files/css/lyf_table_styles.css'; if ( file_exists( $styleFile ) && 'on' === get_option( LYF_USE_TABLE_STYLES ) ) { wp_register_style('LYFStyleSheets', $url); wp_enqueue_style( 'LYFStyleSheets'); } } // Localization support function LoadDomain() { // Load the translation $path = basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/lang'; // Docs say this function doesn't return a value, but it actually returns a bool. // So, examine that variable if things get weird. $result = load_plugin_textdomain( LYF_DOMAIN, false, $path ); } // Global counter for distinguishing multiple lists $fileListCounter = 1; // // LYFShowAdminFiles // function LYFShowAdminFiles( $params ) { return LYFDisplayFiles( $params, LYF_ADMIN ); } // // LYFShowUserFiles // function LYFShowUserFiles( $params ) { return LYFDisplayFiles( $params, LYF_USER ); } // // LYFShowMP3Files // function LYFShowMP3Files( $params ) { return LYFDisplayFiles( $params, LYF_USER_MP3S ); } // // LYFUploadForm // function LYFUploadForm( $params ) { // Store the various options values in an array. $values = shortcode_atts( array( 'options' => '' ), $params ); $options = $values['options']; $output = LYFStartForm(); $output .= LYFGetUploadFormCode( $options ); $ouptut .= LYFEndForm(); return $output; } // // LYFDisplayFiles() // // This function reads the shortcode from the blog post or page and displays the // list of files for the folder requested. Several options are allowed, see these // in the $values variable. This function ultimately generates an HTML table to // display the list of files. // function LYFDisplayFiles( $params, $mode ) { // Store the various options values in an array. $values = shortcode_atts( array( 'folder' => '', 'link' => '', 'sort' => '', 'filter' => '', 'wpaudio' => '', 'options' => '' ), $params ); // Get the folder and link options. // Here's a difference in modes...simply generates a different folder to // simplify the shortcode for the user. if ( LYF_ADMIN === $mode ) { // Read the folder as if it's constructed off the site's route. $folder = $values['folder']; } elseif ( LYF_USER === $mode ) { // First, get the full path to user's upload folder. Create it if it doesn't exist yet. $folder = LYFGetUserUploadFolder( TRUE ); // If the folder doesn't exist and user folders has been enabled in the // admin panel, then create the user folder. if ( !is_dir( $folder ) && 'on' === get_option( LYF_ENABLE_USER_FOLDERS ) ) { $result = LYFCreateUserFolder( $folder ); } // No "folder" argument needed for this one, just get the user's folder. // Relative path this time. $folder = LYFGetUserUploadFolder( FALSE ); } elseif ( LYF_USER_MP3S === $mode ) { // Allow the user to pass only the name of the subfolder they want to list. // $folder = LYF_USER_FOLDER . $values['folder']; $folder = LYFGetUserUploadFolder( FALSE ) . $values['folder']; } else { return '<p><em>'. __( SHORTCODE_ERROR, LYF_DOMAIN ) .'</em></p>'; } $link = $values['link']; $sort = $values['sort']; // Special mode for mp3s if ( LYF_USER_MP3S === $mode ) { $options = $values['options']; $options .= ',table,wpaudio'; $filter = $values['filter']; $filter .= ',mp3'; } else { $filter = $values['filter']; $options = $values['options']; } // Warn the user if there is no "folder" argument if ( empty( $folder ) ) { return '<p><em>' . __('Warning: There is no "folder" shortcode specified.', LYF_DOMAIN ) . '</em></p>'; } // "link" isn't currently exposed, so this is most likely just blank. So, set // it to $folder. if ( '' == $link ) { $link = $folder; } // The $filelist variable will hold a list of files. $filelist = LYFGenerateFileList( $folder, $link, $filter ); // if there are no items, this folder is empty. if( !count( $filelist ) ) { // Show the user that there are no files. return '<p><em>'. __( EMPTY_FOLDER, LYF_DOMAIN ) .'</em></p>'; } else { // Using the list of files, generate an HTML representation of the folder. $output = LYFListFiles( $filelist, $sort, $options ); return $output; } } // // LYFGenerateFileList() // // @param $path - the folder to list, relative the the WordPress installation. // @param $linkTarget - currently unused and requested to be the exact same // value as $path. With this relative path info, the function will loop // through each file matching the criteria and add resulting files to a list // which are returned. // @param $filter - Pass a filter ('*.txt', for example) to apply to the list // of files to display. // function LYFGenerateFileList( $path, $linkTarget, $filter ) { // array to build the list in $filelist = array(); // Convert to the absolute path $path = ABSPATH . $path; // Attempt to open the folder if ( ( $p = @opendir( $path ) ) !== FALSE ) { // Read the directory for items inside it. while ( ( $item = readDir( $p ) ) !== false ) { // Find the file's extension then determine if a filter is turned // on and this file type fits the filter. $ext = substr( strrchr( $item, '.' ), 1 ); $canView = true; if ( !empty( $filter ) ) { if ( FALSE === stripos( $filter, $ext ) ) $canView = false; } // Exclude dotfiles, current, and parent dirs. Also skip if the // filter doesn't yield a match. if ( $item[0] != '.' && $canView ) { // Set up the relative path to the item. // START: // Code suggested by Peter Liu on 7/1/2011 for encoding UTF-8 files. // I changed it slightly to use rawurlencode() instead of urlencode() // since this code fetches from the filesystem, not a URL. See // for more on spaces and "+" symbols. $newPath = $path . '/' . $item; $temparr = explode( '/' , $linkTarget ); // Have to assemble the path this way because we can't encode the "/" character! $assembledPath = ""; for( $i = 0; $i<count($temparr); ++$i ) { // Use rawurlencode() to properly encode spaces for the file system. $assembledPath .= rawurlencode( $temparr[$i] ) . '/'; } $newTarget = $assembledPath . rawurlencode( $item ); // END: Code suggested by Peter Liu. // If current item is a file, do more stuff. Otherwise, just skip it. if ( is_file( $newPath ) ) { // Special processing for links. Read the path to the link and store it. if ( function_exists( 'is_link' ) && is_link( $newPath ) ) $filelist[$item]['slTarget'] = readlink( $newPath ); // Save the paths. $filelist[$item]['path'] = $newPath; $filelist[$item]['link'] = $newTarget; $filelist[$item]['size'] = filesize( $newPath ); $filelist[$item]['date'] = filemtime( $newPath ); } } } closeDir($p); } return $filelist; } // // LYFListFiles() // // This function takes a list of files and generates an HTML table to show them inside. // function LYFListFiles( $filelist, $sort, $options ) { // Use this as a static variable global $fileListCounter; // Sort the items if ( 'reverse_alphabetic' == $sort ) { // Reverse alphabetically sort krsort( $filelist ); } elseif ( 'reverse_filesize' == $sort ) { uasort( $filelist, 'ReverseFileSizeSort' ); } elseif ( 'filesize' == $sort ) { uasort( $filelist, 'FileSizeSort' ); } elseif ( 'reverse_date' == $sort ) { uasort( $filelist, 'ReverseDateSort' ); } elseif ( 'date' == $sort ) { uasort( $filelist, 'DateSort' ); } else { // By default, alphabetically sort ksort( $filelist ); } // Convert options into booleans $files = ''; // Get the URL to the blog. The path to the files will be added to this. $wpurl = get_bloginfo( "wpurl" ); // Get the various options $isTable = ( FALSE !== stripos( $options, 'table' ) ); $isNewWindow = ( FALSE !== stripos( $options, 'new_window' ) ); $isHideExtension = ( FALSE !== stripos( $options, 'hide_extension' ) ); $isFilesize = ( FALSE !== stripos( $options, 'filesize' ) ); $isDate = ( FALSE !== stripos( $options, 'date' ) ); $isIcon = ( FALSE !== stripos( $options, 'icon' ) ); $isWPAudio = ( FALSE !== stripos( $options, 'wpaudio' ) ); $isWPAudioDownloadable = ( FALSE !== stripos( $options, 'wpaudiodownloadable' ) || FALSE !== stripos( $options, 'download' ) ); $isAudioPlayer = ( FALSE !== stripos( $options, 'audioplayer' ) ); // Start generating the HTML $retVal = "<div id='filelist$fileListCounter'>"; // Generate either a table or a list based on the user's options if ( $isTable ) { $retVal .= '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="7">'.PHP_EOL; foreach( $filelist as $itemName => $item ) { // Get file variables $size = LYFFormatFileSize( $item['size'] ); //$date = date( "F j, Y", $item['date'] ); $date = date( "n/j/Y g:i a", $item['date'] ); // <-suggested by user ("ListYoFiles v 1.02" Jan 2011 email) $link = $wpurl.'/'.$item['link']; // Generate list elements // Generate a column for icons if ( $isIcon ) { $ext = substr( strrchr( $item['link'], '.' ), 1 ); $ext = strtolower( $ext ); $pluginFolder = $wpurl . '/wp-content/plugins/' . dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/'; if ( file_exists( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/' . "icons/$ext.png" ) ) { $extensionFile = $pluginFolder . "icons/$ext.png"; } else { $extensionFile = $pluginFolder . "icons/generic.png"; } $retVal .= '<td class="lyf_td_icons" width="16"><img src="'.$extensionFile.'"></td>'.PHP_EOL; } // Strip extension if necessary if ( $isHideExtension ) { $ext = substr( strrchr( $itemName, '.' ), 0 ); $itemName = str_replace( $ext, '', $itemName ); } // This part is required. However, it can be altered by the "wpaudio" option if ( TRUE === $isWPAudio ) { $onOff = ($isWPAudioDownloadable) ? $link : "0"; $wpaudioProcessed = do_shortcode( '[' . "wpaudio url=\"$link\" text=\" $itemName\" dl=\"$onOff\"" . ']' ); $retVal .= '<td class="lyf_td_audio">' . $wpaudioProcessed . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } elseif ( TRUE === $isAudioPlayer ) { if ( class_exists('AudioPlayer') ) { // Hey, thanks for insert_audio_player()! I just don't want // it to echo the results. global $AudioPlayer; $apProcessed = $AudioPlayer->processContent( '[audio:' . $link . ']' ); $retVal .= '<td class="lyf_td_audio>' . $apProcessed . '</td>'; } } else // This is the primary element - the linked file. { // Show links in a new window or not? if ( $isNewWindow ) $retVal .= '<td class="lyf_td_filename"><a href="'.$link.'" target="_blank">'.$itemName.'</a></td>'.PHP_EOL; else $retVal .= '<td class="lyf_td_filename"><a href="'.$link.'">'.$itemName.'</a></td>'.PHP_EOL; } // Show the file size if ( $isFilesize ) $retVal .= '<td class="lyf_td_size">'.$size.'</td>'.PHP_EOL; // Show the date if ( $isDate ) $retVal .= '<td class="lyf_td_date">'.$date.'</td>'.PHP_EOL; $retVal .= '</tr>'; } $retVal .= '</table>'.PHP_EOL; } elseif ( TRUE === $isAudioPlayer ) { if ( class_exists('AudioPlayer') ) { global $AudioPlayer; // First, just generate a list of comma-separated links $links = ""; foreach( $filelist as $itemName => $item ) { $link = $wpurl.'/'.$item['link']; $links .= "$link,"; } $links = rtrim( $links, ',' ); $apProcessed = $AudioPlayer->processContent( '[audio:' . $links . ']' ); $retVal .= '<td>' . $apProcessed . '</td>'; } } else { foreach( $filelist as $itemName => $item ) { // Get file variables $size = LYFFormatFileSize( $item['size'] ); //$date = date( "F j, Y", $item['date'] ); $date = date( "n/j/Y g:i a", $item['date'] ); $link = $wpurl.'/'.$item['link']; // Strip extension if necessary if ( $isHideExtension ) { $ext = substr( strrchr( $itemName, '.' ), 0 ); $itemName = str_replace( $ext, '', $itemName ); } if ( $isNewWindow ) $files .= '<li><a href="'.$link.'" target="_blank">'.$itemName.'</a>'; else $files .= '<li><a href="'.$link.'">'.$itemName.'</a>'; if ( $isFilesize ) $files .= '<span class="size">' . __('Size: ', LYF_DOMAIN ) . $size . '</span>' . PHP_EOL; if ( $isDate ) $files .= '<span class="modified">' . __('Date: ', LYF_DOMAIN ) . $date . '</span>' . PHP_EOL; $files .='</li>'.PHP_EOL; } // Encase the ouput in class and ID $fileListCounter++; $retVal .= '<ul id="listyofiles">'.PHP_EOL.$files.'</ul>'.PHP_EOL; } // Close out the div $retVal .= '</div>'.PHP_EOL; // return the HTML return $retVal; } // // LYFAddSettingsPage() // // This function is called by WordPress to add settings menus to the Dashboard. It adds two menus: // one for uploading files and one for deleting files. // function LYFAddSettingsPage() { // The master menu text is dynamic. $menuText = get_option( LYF_MENU_TEXT ); if ( 0 == strlen( $menuText ) ) $menuText = LYF_LIST_YO_FILES; // Set the page title $pageText = $menuText . ' Options'; // Get the minimum role for uploading and deleting $minimumRole = get_option( LYF_MINIMUM_ROLE ); if ( 0 == strlen( $minimumRole ) ) $minimumRole = ADMINISTRATOR; // Get the master list of roles and capabilities for comparing; $roles = LYFGetRolesAndCapabilities(); $pluginFolder = get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/' . dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/'; add_menu_page( $pageText, $menuText, $roles[$minimumRole], basename(__FILE__), LYFHandleAboutPage, $pluginFolder . 'dn-up-2.png' ); add_submenu_page( basename(__FILE__), __('Usage', LYF_DOMAIN ), __('Usage', LYF_DOMAIN ), $roles[$minimumRole], basename(__FILE__), LYFHandleAboutPage ); add_submenu_page( basename(__FILE__), __('Upload Files', LYF_DOMAIN ), __('Upload Files', LYF_DOMAIN ), $roles[$minimumRole], 'Upload', LYFHandleUploadFilesPage ); add_submenu_page( basename(__FILE__), __('Delete Files', LYF_DOMAIN ), __('Delete Files', LYF_DOMAIN ), $roles[$minimumRole], 'Delete', LYFHandleDeleteFilesPage ); add_submenu_page( basename(__FILE__), __('Administer', LYF_DOMAIN ) . ' List Yo\' Files', __('Administer', LYF_DOMAIN ), $roles[ADMINISTRATOR] , 'Administer', LYFHandleAdminPage ); } // // LYFHandleAdminPage() // // This function handles the all-important admin page. // function LYFHandleAdminPage() { $menuText = get_option( LYF_MENU_TEXT ); $useTableStyles = get_option( LYF_USE_TABLE_STYLES ); $restrictTypes = get_option( LYF_ENABLE_ALLOWED_FILE_TYPES ); $allowedFileTypes = get_option( LYF_ALLOWED_FILE_TYPES ); $enableUserFolders = get_option( LYF_ENABLE_USER_FOLDERS ); $enableSimpleHelp = get_option( LYF_ENABLE_SIMPLE_HELP ); $minimumRole = get_option( LYF_MINIMUM_ROLE ); if ( 0 == strlen( $minimumRole ) ) $minimumRole = ADMINISTRATOR; $subfolderCount = get_option( LYF_USER_SUBFOLDER_LIMIT ); $folderSize = get_option( LYF_USER_USER_FOLDER_SIZE ); $notificationEmails = get_option( LYF_NOTIFICATION_EMAILS ); $emailNotifications = get_option( LYF_ENABLE_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS ); // The user must be an admin to see this page, no matter what is selected // in the admin page. $roles = LYFGetRolesAndCapabilities(); if ( !current_user_can( $roles[ADMINISTRATOR] ) ) { wp_die( __( PERMISSIONS_MESAGE, LYF_DOMAIN ) ); } if ( isset( $_POST['save_admin_settings'] ) ) { // Security check check_admin_referer( 'filez-nonce' ); // Save the menu text $menuText = $_POST['menu_name']; update_option( LYF_MENU_TEXT, $menuText ); // CSS $useTableStyles = $_POST['on_use_table_styles']; update_option( LYF_USE_TABLE_STYLES, $useTableStyles ); // File types $restrictTypes = $_POST['on_restrict_types']; update_option( LYF_ENABLE_ALLOWED_FILE_TYPES, $restrictTypes ); $allowedFileTypes = $_POST['file_types']; update_option( LYF_ALLOWED_FILE_TYPES, $allowedFileTypes ); // Save various user folder options $enableUserFolders = $_POST['on_enable_folders']; update_option( LYF_ENABLE_USER_FOLDERS, $enableUserFolders ); if ( "on" === $enableUserFolders ) { $enableSimpleHelp = $_POST['on_enable_simple_help']; update_option( LYF_ENABLE_SIMPLE_HELP, $enableSimpleHelp ); $minimumRole = $_POST['minimum_role']; update_option( LYF_MINIMUM_ROLE, $minimumRole ); $subfolderCount = $_POST['num_folders']; update_option( LYF_USER_SUBFOLDER_LIMIT, $subfolderCount ); $folderSize = $_POST['folder_size']; update_option( LYF_USER_USER_FOLDER_SIZE, $folderSize ); } // Email notifications $emailNotifications = $_POST['email_notifications']; update_option( LYF_ENABLE_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS, $emailNotifications ); $notificationEmails = $_POST['notification_emails']; update_option( LYF_NOTIFICATION_EMAILS, $notificationEmails ); echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade">' . __('Successfully saved your settings.', LYF_DOMAIN ) . '</div>'; } // Include the settings page here. include('88-files-admin.php'); } // // LYFHandleAboutPage() // // This function handles the very simple "about" page. // function LYFHandleAboutPage() { // Get variables for checking access $minimumRole = get_option( LYF_MINIMUM_ROLE ); if ( 0 == strlen( $minimumRole ) ) $minimumRole = ADMINISTRATOR; $roles = LYFGetRolesAndCapabilities(); // Stop the user if they don't have permission if ( !current_user_can( $roles[$minimumRole] ) ) { wp_die( __( PERMISSIONS_MESAGE, LYF_DOMAIN ) ); } // Include the settings page here. include('88-files-about.php'); } // // LYFHandleUploadFilesPage() // // This function handles the page that manages uploading files and occasionally // creating folders. // function LYFHandleUploadFilesPage() { // Get variables for checking access $minimumRole = get_option( LYF_MINIMUM_ROLE ); if ( 0 == strlen( $minimumRole ) ) $minimumRole = ADMINISTRATOR; $roles = LYFGetRolesAndCapabilities(); // Stop the user if they don't have permission if ( !current_user_can( $roles[$minimumRole] ) ) { wp_die( __( PERMISSIONS_MESAGE, LYF_DOMAIN ) ); } // If the upload_files POST option is set, then files are being uploaded if ( isset( $_POST['upload_files'] ) ) { // Security check check_admin_referer( 'filez-nonce' ); $uploadFolder = ABSPATH . $_POST['upload_folder']; $output = LYFUploadFiles( $uploadFolder ); echo $output; } // This is the handler for the users other than admins if ( isset($_POST['upload_user_files'] ) ) { // Security check check_admin_referer( 'filez-nonce' ); // Little hack $canUpload = TRUE; // Save the selected folder $selectedUploadFolder = $_POST['upload_folder']; // Get the users's base upload folder $uploadFolder = LYFGetUserUploadFolder( TRUE ); // Check that the user is not trying to upload a file when there's no user // folder. if ( 0 === strlen( $selectedUploadFolder ) ) { echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade">' . __('<strong>Failed</strong> to upload. You need to create and choose a subfolder to upload to.', LYF_DOMAIN ) . '</div>'; $canUpload = FALSE; } // Any folder size restrictions? $maxFolderSize = get_option( LYF_USER_USER_FOLDER_SIZE ); if ( 0 !== strlen( $maxFolderSize ) && $canUpload ) { $filesSize = LYFGetFolderSize( $uploadFolder ); $sizeInKB = $maxFolderSize * 1024 * 1024; if ( $sizeInKB < $filesSize ) { echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade">' . __('<strong>Failed</strong> to upload. You have already uploaded your size quota.', LYF_DOMAIN ) . '</div>'; $canUpload = FALSE; } } if ( $canUpload ) { // Now, tack on the folder they want to upload to. $uploadFolder .= $selectedUploadFolder; $output = LYFUploadFiles( $uploadFolder ); echo $output; } } // If a folder is being created if ( isset( $_POST['create_folder'] ) ) { check_admin_referer( 'filez-nonce' ); // Get these variables. Needed to determine if there are restrictions // on the number of subfolders $userFoldersEnabled = get_option( LYF_ENABLE_USER_FOLDERS ); $folderLimit = get_option( LYF_USER_SUBFOLDER_LIMIT ); // Little hack $allowCreate = TRUE; // Get the user's folder $createFolder = LYFGetUserUploadFolder( TRUE ); // Is the folder count restriction turned on and set? if ( "on" === $userFoldersEnabled && !empty( $folderLimit ) ) { // Count the number of subfolders $userSubFolders = LYFGenerateFolderList( $createFolder ); $folderCount = count( $userSubFolders ); // If the folder count is equal or greater, don't allow any // more folders to be created. if ( $folderCount >= $folderLimit ) { $message = '<div id="message" class="updated fade">' . __('<strong>Failed</strong> to create the subfolder. You have already reached your subfolder limit.', LYF_DOMAIN ) . '</div>'; $allowCreate = FALSE; } } if ( $allowCreate ) { $createFolder .= $_POST['folder']; // Check here to see if the user is trying to trick the system into // creating folders in different locations. Basically, check for a // few illegal characters. $result = LYFIsValidFolderName( $_POST['folder'] ); if ( $result > 0 ) { // If the folder name is legit, then try to create the folder. $result = LYFCreateUserFolder( $createFolder ); } $message = '<div id="message" class="updated fade">'; $message .= LYFConvertError( $result, $_POST['folder'] ); $message .= '</div>'; } echo $message; } // The file that will handle uploads is this one (see the "if"s above) $action_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // Include the settings page here. include('88-files-upload.php'); } // // LYFHandleDeleteFilesPage() // // This functions handles the delete files page. It manages both displaying the page and deleting the // files. // function LYFHandleDeleteFilesPage() { // Get variables for checking access $minimumRole = get_option( LYF_MINIMUM_ROLE ); if ( 0 == strlen( $minimumRole ) ) $minimumRole = ADMINISTRATOR; $roles = LYFGetRolesAndCapabilities(); // Stop the user if they don't have permission if ( !current_user_can( $roles[$minimumRole] ) ) { wp_die( __( PERMISSIONS_MESAGE, LYF_DOMAIN ) ); } // This file will handle the deleting when "Delete" is pressed. $action_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // If the "list_files" POST option is set, then the user has requested to see the files in a folder. if ( isset( $_POST['list_files'] ) ) { // Security check check_admin_referer( 'filez-nonce' ); // Here's the source file which displays the page. This is shown first because delete options are // shown at the bottom. include( '88-files-delete.php' ); // This function will generate an array of any file in the folder to be deleted. $filelist = LYFGenerateFileList( $_POST['folder'], $_POST['folder'], '' ); // if there are no items, this folder is empty. if( !count( $filelist ) ) { // Show the user an empty folder message. echo '<p><em>' . __( EMPTY_FOLDER, LYF_DOMAIN ) . '</em></p>'; } else { // List files to be deleted. echo LYFListFilesToDelete( $filelist, $_POST['folder'] ); } } // This if block handles non-admin deletes else if ( isset( $_POST['list_user_files'] ) ) { // Security check check_admin_referer( 'filez-nonce' ); // Save this folder (also used in the delete admin page) $selectedListFolder = $_POST['folder']; // Here's the source file which displays the page. This is shown first because delete options are // shown at the bottom. include( '88-files-delete.php' ); // Generate the folder to list $listFolder = LYFGetUserUploadFolder( FALSE ); $listFolder .= $selectedListFolder; // This function will generate an array of any file in the folder to be deleted. $filelist = LYFGenerateFileList( $listFolder, $listFolder, '' ); // if there are no items, this folder is empty. if( !count( $filelist ) ) { // Show the user an empty folder message. echo '<p><em>' . __( EMPTY_FOLDER, LYF_DOMAIN ) . '</em></p>'; } else { // List files to be deleted. echo LYFListFilesToDelete( $filelist, $listFolder ); } } // This if block let's non-admins delete their folders else if ( isset( $_POST['delete_folder'] ) ) { // Security check check_admin_referer( 'filez-nonce' ); $selectedListFolder = $_POST['folder_to_delete']; // Generate the folder to list $deleteFolder = LYFGetUserUploadFolder( TRUE ); $deleteFolder .= $selectedListFolder; $deleteResult = LYFRemoveDirectory( $deleteFolder ); if ( !$deleteResult ) { $failedMessage = sprintf( __( "<strong>Failed</strong> to delete the folder %s", LYF_DOMAIN ), $selectedListFolder ); echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . $failedMessage . '</p></div>'; } else { $deletedMessage = sprintf( __( "The folder %s has been deleted.", LYF_DOMAIN ), $selectedListFolder ); echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . $deletedMessage . '</p></div>'; } // Here's the source file which displays the page. This is shown first because delete options are // shown at the bottom. include( '88-files-delete.php' ); } // If a GET value was passed, then the user wants to delete a file. else if ( isset( $_GET['id'] ) ) { // Security check check_admin_referer( 'filez-nonce' ); // Here's the source file which displays the page. This is shown first because delete options are // shown at the bottom. include( '88-files-delete.php' ); // Both the file and folder were passed, so save these off. $file = $_GET['id']; // Strip out C-style escaping to allow for filenames with words like "You've" $file =stripcslashes( $file ); $folder = $_GET['folder']; // This is the PHP DeleteFile() function...nice name, huh? $result = unlink( ABSPATH . $folder . '/' . $file ); // The "updated fade" class is that cool faded text area. if ( $result ) echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . $file . ' has been deleted.</p></div>'; else echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . $file . ' could not be deleted.</p></div>'; // Regenerate the list of files now that one of them has been deleted. $filelist = LYFGenerateFileList( $folder, $folder, "" ); // if there are no items, this folder is empty. if( !count( $filelist ) ) { // Show the empty message. echo '<p><em>' . __( EMPTY_FOLDER, LYF_DOMAIN ) . '</em></p>'; } else { // Show the files to delete again. echo LYFListFilesToDelete( $filelist, $folder ); } } else // This gets displayed when someone just visits the page. { // Here's the source file which displays the page. This is shown first because delete options are // shown at the bottom. include( '88-files-delete.php' ); } ?> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?>
OK, I got this working.
There are 6 edits to make in 88-files.php
This edit inserts a space, which is probably what you want, if you want all of your MP3s to look the same. The first 3 in your list have spaces in their names.
In function
function LYFListFiles
which begins on line 310:In the if (is_Table) section, on line 375, add this file variable:
$prettyname = str_replace( '_', ' ', $itemName );
On line 397:
if ( $isHideExtension ) { $ext = substr( strrchr( $prettyname, '.' ), 0 ); $prettyname = str_replace( $ext, '', $prettyname ); }
Then, anywhere you need to display the name (not link creation!) you make this change. Starting on line 421:
else // This is the primary element - the linked file. { // Show links in a new window or not? if ( $isNewWindow ) $retVal .= '<td class="lyf_td_filename"><a href="'.$link.'" target="_blank">'.$prettyname.'</a></td>'.PHP_EOL; else $retVal .= '<td class="lyf_td_filename"><a href="'.$link.'">'.$prettyname.'</a></td>'.PHP_EOL; }
See how I substituted the value $prettyname instead of $itemname every place it is displayed.
You do the same thing in the final
section:foreach( $filelist as $itemName => $item )
starting at line 458foreach( $filelist as $itemName => $item ) { // Get file variables $size = LYFFormatFileSize( $item['size'] ); //$date = date( "F j, Y", $item['date'] ); $date = date( "n/j/Y g:i a", $item['date'] ); $link = $wpurl.'/'.$item['link']; <strong>$prettyname = str_replace( '_', ' ', $itemName );</strong> // Strip extension if necessary if ( $isHideExtension ) { $ext = substr( strrchr( $prettyname, '.' ), 0 ); $prettyname = str_replace( $ext, '', $prettyname ); } if ( $isNewWindow ) $files .= '<li><a href="'.$link.'" target="_blank">'.$prettyname.'</a>'; else $files .= '<li><a href="'.$link.'">'.$prettyname.'</a>';
I am very interested in this as well! Does the solution you provided work in any situation using List Yo’ File Pro? Or is it specific to the user that you’ve been helping? I’m using the plugin to display a bunch of text documents from different directories. I’m hoping to remove the “_” in the file names with a ” ” (space). Also, to replace any instances of “-” would also be really nice since a lot of my files have dashes as well.
I tried to edit my 88-file.php the way you explained but something I did broke the theme. Could you just paste the entire edited php file including the changes you suggested?
Thank you so much!!!
I see that I failed to edit out the
HTML markup that I inadvisedly inserted into the code samples above. TAKE IT OUT if you are copy-pasting!!!! Alas, it’s too late for me to edit my comment.The entire 88-files.php code is too large to post here. I always advise people who are unfamiliar with PHP not to do their own edits, especially mildly complex edits on several lines. The instructions I gave should be clear for a PHP programmer.
If you want my version of the 88-files.php, send me a private message specifying the replacements you seek, and I’ll privately send you a zip file. I will try to do that with the private messaging for this board, but if I can’t send you a file that way, you might want to give me your email address.
I hope that the plugin developer reads my comments, and adds a configurable name prettification option that the user can apply to uploaded files. I’m not going to do that amount of work without being paid, but I think it’s a nice idea.
Remember in programming you must use a text editor or code editor, NOT a word processor. There must be no extraneous character encoding pasted into your PHP file.
You can otherwise follow the same procedure as above, except change the two instances of
$prettyname = str_replace( '_', ' ', $itemName );
$prettyname = str_replace( array('_','-'), ' ', $itemName );
If you need to replace more than one character string with more than one associated string:
$prettyname = str_replace( array('_','o'), array(' ', 'ooo'), $itemName );
What we are doing is associating a variable called “$prettyname” to each element in the $filelist, and defining it by processing the existing file name, $itemName. Then, when we call the file options for display, we replace %itemName with %prettyname. One needs to understand the code sufficiently to recognize where to add this variable, and where it needs to go for display (clue: there’s HTML markup around it.)
You do NOT want to replace characters in the file name itself, because that will break your link.
I just visited your personal site and sent you a private message through with my email requesting the changes. Really appreciate any help that you can give me with this.
Thanks so much! Look forward to hearing from you soon.
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