Sorry for the late reply. I never sign up for email notifications. Too busy. ??
You should be able to use just one install of ZBBlock for all of your sites as long as you have hooked the correct code in the correct files of all of your sites. I don’t do it like that because I like to have separate logs for each site. It makes it easier for me to diagnose the logs and see if there is any new signature I might want to add or share with the ZBBlock community.
If you need help, just create a post on forums there. I know people ask that same question from time to time, so you may get several replies.
In regards to plugins, you should not have an issue with the WanGuard plugin, but I’m not positive about that as I’ve never used it. But I’ve tested all kinds of plugins like that and I’ve never had anything to worry about.
In regards to the SRS plugin, I’m not sure what that is. Is it an ecommerce plugin? If so, ecommerce plugins usually need bypasses just because of their nature.
There’s always the chance of ZBBlock blocking something. Especially plugins. The reason for that is, most plugin authors just try to make things work without knowing general security implementations. The ZBBlock community can help you understand these and possibly provide you with a custom signature to bypass anything that ZBBlock is blocking. A prime example of things it blocks is the behavior of some plugins that do their own type of cron job or something similar.
Though some plugins, even if they are written securely, need bypasses for their behavior. I was testing Wordfence and had to write a bypass for it, for the scanner to work. But I guess this is understandable, be cause a scanner in it’s behavior could be considered not normal.