• heath18


    What is the best comment system to use to get readers to easily leave a comment? I have issues with readers just not leaving any comments.

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  • Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    What makes you think a plugin will solve it?

    Do you ask for comments and feedback in your posts?

    Thread Starter heath18


    It may not solve it. I always ask for comments and feedback. I get shares but no one ever comments. I don’t know if I’ve got something set up wrong or not. Seems to work when I test it. Maybe the content isn’t that good.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    I have a client who uses the standard, core comment feature. He gets LOTS of comments. Maybe it’s his content — he seems to have a following.



    As far as the easiest.. don’t require users to register in order to comment. I never comment on a site that requires to me to register. A forum I understand, but not a blog. Use something like Anti-spam | www.ads-software.com instead of any kind of Captcha, which can be a pain.

    Depending on a user’s browser settings, social media commenting systems may not even load (anti-tracking) so don’t rely on those 100%.

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