Hi Will, thank you for your amazing feedback and bug report.
Straight to the point:
About widgets loading speeds, we are aware that is still an issue. So far we did a lot of improvement in our code to minimize these times. Prior version 2 we had something similar to other services that stream bookmarking tools from their servers (sharethis, addthis), like 10 predefined widget designs (bars & buttons) and loading times were quite good. With version 2 came extend-ability and because the widgets are now a lot more flexible and you can design some unique social widgets for your website, a lot more parameters are sent to our servers to process + now with each page loading we do 2 database queries to check your ID and to see what features you have enabled (ie short urls). So these things made the execution time increase. In terms of coding conduit and db optimization we did it the right way (there is always room for better). Now we are looking into turbo charging our servers to further decrease the execution times.
About Social Analytics:
1) The Social Analytics feature is actually an extensive platform built on our servers (you can also login to your Social Analytics account here: https://cunjo.com/social-analytics/platform/).
It would not be fit to integrate it in to our wp plugin because it’s complexity, so the Social Analytics page in your wp-admin is an iFrame with our website as source.
Second, because your analytics account holds information about your website social traffic, and because you have some settings management in your account we cannot make it so you only use your Cunjo ID to gain access since your Cunjo ID is present in your pages source code (anyone who can debug/inspect the page html source can view your Cunjo ID, similar to Google analytics embedding code).
2) We will do some thorough inquiries and testing into this matter tomorrow (3 AM here now, London time), as we received few other similar bug reports in the past 48hours. I personally am able to login to some test accounts but we will do a propper investigation. Meanwhile you can also try to login to your account on the above give link (point 1) and see if that works.
Again, thank you for your feedback and bug report, we appreciate it, we are a user driven service and we like to hear from you what we do wrong and right. I will notify you here about the outcome/fixes of the Social Analytics login functions.
Best regards and you have millions of social signals,
Cunjo team