Reposition Menu To Under Hero Slider
Can anyone help me reposition, center, and change the color of my nav menu?
I have already created a child theme but cannot figure out how to make these changes….
This is the contents of my header.php
<?php /** * The header for our theme. * * Displays all of the <head> section and everything up till <div id="content"> * * @package handyman */ ?><!DOCTYPE html> <!--[if IE]> <html <?php language_attributes(); ?> class="ie"><![endif]--> <!--[if !IE]><!--> <html <?php language_attributes(); ?> class="not-ie"> <!--<![endif]--> <head> <meta charset="<?php bloginfo( 'charset' ); ?>"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="profile" href=""> <link rel="pingback" href="<?php bloginfo( 'pingback_url' ); ?>"> <?php $handyman_data = get_option('handyman_data'); ?> <?php wp_head(); ?> </head> <body <?php body_class(); ?>> <div class="site-wrapper"> <!-- Header --> <header class="header header-menu-fullw"> <?php if( ! isset($handyman_data['handyman__header-top-bar']) || $handyman_data['handyman__header-top-bar'] == 1 ): ?> <!-- Header Top --> <div class="header-top"> <div class="container"> <div class="header-top-left"> <?php // Header Social Links $social_media_toggle = $handyman_data['handyman__opt-social-media-in-header']; $social_media = $handyman_data['handyman__opt-social-media']; if( isset($handyman_data['handyman__opt-social-media']) && $handyman_data['handyman__opt-social-media-in-header'] == 1): ?> <button class="btn btn-sm btn-default menu-link menu-link__secondary"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i></button> <div class="menu-container"> <ul class="header-top-nav header-top-nav__secondary social-navigation"> <?php foreach( $handyman_data['handyman__opt-social-media'] as $key => $value){ echo '<li><a href="' . esc_url( $value ) . '"></a></li>'; } ?> </ul> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div> <div class="header-top-right"> <?php // Login navigation if ( has_nav_menu( 'account_menu') ) { wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'account_menu', 'container' => 'div', 'menu_class' => 'header-top-nav header-top-nav__tertiary', 'echo' => true, 'items_wrap' => '<button class="btn btn-sm btn-default menu-link menu-link__tertiary"><i class="fa fa-user"></i></button><ul id="%1$s" class="%2$s"><li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type"> '.do_shortcode('[checkout_cart_link]').'</li>%3$s</ul>', 'depth' => 0 ) ); } //echo do_shortcode('[checkout_cart_link]'); ?> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Header Top / End --> <?php endif; ?> <!-- Header Main --> <div class="header-main"> <div class="container"> <div class="header-main-inner"> <div class="header-main-logo"> <!-- Site Branding --> <div class="site-branding"> <?php if ( function_exists( 'the_custom_logo' ) ) { the_custom_logo(); } ?> <?php if ( is_front_page() && is_home() ) : ?> <h1 class="site-title"><a href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>" rel="home"><?php bloginfo( 'name' ); ?></a></h1> <?php else : ?> <p class="site-title"><a href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>" rel="home"><?php bloginfo( 'name' ); ?></a></p> <?php endif; $description = get_bloginfo( 'description', 'display' ); if ( $description || is_customize_preview() ) : ?> <p class="site-description"><?php echo esc_html( $description ); ?></p> <?php endif; ?> </div> <!-- Site Branding / End --> </div> <div class="header-main-nav"> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle"> <i class="fa fa-bars"></i> </button> <?php // Primary navigation if ( has_nav_menu('primary') ) { wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'primary', 'container' => 'div', 'menu_class' => 'flexnav', 'echo' => true, 'fallback_cb' => 'wp_page_menu', 'items_wrap' => '<ul data-breakpoint="992" id="%1$s" class="%2$s">%3$s</ul>', 'depth' => 0 ) ); } ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Header Main / End --> </header> <!-- Header / End --> <main id="site-content" class="site-content">
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