// add custom fields to the class post type
add_action( 'admin_init', 'add_attendance_fields' );
function add_attendance_fields() {
// add_meta_box( id, title, callback, screen, context, priority, $args );
$args = array();
add_meta_box( 'attendance_meta_box', __( 'Attendance data', 'academy' ), 'attendance_meta_box', 'attendance', 'normal', 'default', $args );
} // end function
For your question, id and callback would have to be obtained from the WooCommerce code, and will be different for each metabox that you want. screen is your custom post type’s screen name. context is normal, side or advanced and relates to the position of the metabox on the page. $args can be an empty array.
The chances of it working are slim because the metaboxes may be relying on other variables that should already have been setup be in a normal WooCommerce page. You may need to take the WooCommerce callback functions, copy them and recode them to suit.
This would be a non-trivial development.