• I have read that the admins of this site are opposed to different support board software, but the search feature of this forum is not very good.

    For example, I have been keeping an eye on a couple of the threads related to Coppermine, and would like to see other items related to Coppermine and other ways users have integrated or used Coppermine to compliment their WordPress installation.

    However, the search only brings up a limited number of thread matches (only 15 and in some cases only 5 if they are the same in all 3 post categories shown in the search), not every thread that deals with Coppermine. While this isn’t a big deal for what I am searching for, it can be really frustrating when trying to find a solution to a particular problem and error when the 15 links that “match” your search criteria are almost related, but don’t quite help solve your problem.

    I have read the arguments against using other software, but I strongly encourage the admins of this site to reconsider, at a minimum, the way the search results are returned if they will not consider other forum software for this support forum.

    Also, I know you can use Google to seach this site, but why not just offer a helpful search tool here? Why rely on Google to crawl this site when the posts are all stored in a searchable database anyways? Then you don’t need to wait on Google to index a new post that might help solve your problem or improve your site?

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  • Although I think the search engine could improve, as has already been stated, I don’t believe it is inadequate or feeble in anyway. As it is, it does a pretty good job as far as I am concerned as, I assume, it provides the most relevant links for the question that has been asked?

    For example, if the question of “how to cut a cucumber” was searchd for, then those threads which have the word cucumber and are the most accessed would be displayed in relevance/rank?

    The very first thing I try to do is use the search whenever I have or think of a problem, then I make a post. As has been stated, I’ve seen VBB, phBB and forums of every other type and I have never seen a forum which has not had a third fo duplicate posts. You simply cannot eliminate these because 30% (picking figures out of the air) will probably never, ever use the search and will rely on others to do the search for them and post a link. The way of the world I’m afraid – some will listen, learn and follow – most will just listen and forget

    why not use https://www.phpbb.com/ instead of wast the time trying to improve bbpress ?

    Last stable version: phpBB 2.0.11

    A lot of MODs

    [Moderated: phpBB feature list available at above-posted URL]

    * All this is supported by an increasingly large, thriving and friendly community of members from all over the world ready to help with any problems, suggestions or just for general discussion!

    Isn’t that like someone saying “Hey, let’s use XXX to blog with instead of trying to improve WordPress !!” ?

    bbPress is being developed by Matt, just the same as WP. One day in the distant future, Matt may have a free weekend and be able to make it better ??

    Just a thought partially related to the search feature – but what if, by through some clever magic, the posts were all linked by keywords?

    For example, someone does a search for baked potato – he clicks on the post “How to bake a potato” and somewhere on that page is a relevancy list stating:

    “You may also try these related links

    1. How to sell a baked potato (date)
    2. What to do should a potato become stuck (date)
    3. Potatoes can be a fire hazard (date)”

    @podz: I think is not the same on the case of WP because there is nothing like this over the web (open source/quality) but PHPBB have both (open source/quality) so it will be better to make a bridge between WP and PHPBB and concentrate the efforts on WP.
    To be more clear on my point of view why waste our time trying to remake the bike (design) if you can concentrate your efforts taking the original design and improve it (small changes, tweaks and new materials). But is just my point of view ??

    This seems more like a fight, than someone taking advice. Anyways, https://weblogtoolscollection.com/search-beta.php?q=advanced+search&submit=Search
    here is a good page related to searching in wordpress

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