• Resolved jcarlosc



    On my website I have configured different ranks. To unlock these levels you have to get 3 achievements, but I see that the user unlocks it simply by completing 1 of the 3.

    How can I make it mandatory to complete all 3 before moving on to the next level?

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  • Plugin Contributor Paco González Pérez


    Hi @jcarlosc

    I would be more than happy to assist you today.

    Do you have the events defined with the “Required” option?
    If for example you have configured to unlock a rank when you achieve Achievement 1, Achievement 2 and Achievement 3, then you will have to define each event with the “Required” option.

    View post on imgur.com

    Hope it helps!

    Thread Starter jcarlosc


    Hi, @pacogon, thanks for your time.

    Yes, all the events are defined required, but if a user complete one, he automatically gets the achievement :/

    Plugin Contributor Paco González Pérez


    Hi @jcarlosc

    This happens because the user you are testing with already has the requirements, you have to take from his profile and user earnings, and revoke his rank and rank requirements.
    You can also test with a new user.
    In case it does not work this way, it is because at some point you have added the OR requirements script that we have in the snippets. https://gamipress.com/snippets/customizations/award-achievement-or-rank-if-user-meets-any-requirement-aka-or-requirements/

    You will have to delete that snippet if you have it so that it stops rewarding for following 1 requirement.
    Since GamiPress is specifically programmed to reward only when all of them are met, if it rewards only one it is because of the above mentioned.

    Thread Starter jcarlosc


    I have tested with a new users, and always when I add one of the three requeriments finished, the user level up.

    For example, I just add a requirement for this user, and automatically the user has obtain a new rank level:


    In the rank, I have configured 3 requeriments: https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/34397282?key=abffc6f49b85cdc13ef726887b595c08

    And I dont add any snippet :/

    Plugin Contributor Paco González Pérez


    Hi @jcarlosc

    I see you have your website in Spanish, our support team is Spanish.
    If you wish to receive support in Spanish just let us know.
    Referring to what happens to you, I can see in the screenshots you have sent that you have configured 3 times to unlock the achievement “Points Fan Elements”, that’s why when you unlock this achievement you earn them 3 times at once.
    In this case you would have to configure unlock 3 different achievements, for example:
    – Unlock Achievement 1
    – Unlock Achievement 2
    – Unlock Achievement 3
    This way if you unlock only Achievement 3, then you will not gain rank until you have unlocked Achievement 1 and then Achievement 2.

    Thread Starter jcarlosc


    Hola, prefiero soporte en castellano sí ??

    Esta última explicación no la termino de entender…

    Los puntos de elemento fan no son los rangos. Los rangos son cisne, cisne negro, águila, etc.

    Los puntos elemento fan son unos puntos que se a?aden al usuario al realizar diversas acciones (compartir en redes, facturar x cifras, organizar un evento…)

    Cuando un usuario desbloquea 3 acciones diferentes, se le sube de nivel, de cisne a cisne negro por ejemplo.

    Muchas gracias por su tiempo.

    Plugin Contributor Paco González Pérez


    Hola @jcarlosc

    Si te fijas en la captura de pantalla que me has enviado tienes configurado:
    – Desbloquear un logro especifico: Puntos Elemento Fan
    Prospectar a 50 personas en una semana
    – Desbloquear un logro especifico: Puntos Elemento Fan
    Compartir historia de marca
    – Desbloquear un logro especifico: Puntos Elemento Fan

    Esta configuración que tienes no otorga puntos ya que esos eventos los estas configurando dentro del rango.

    Entonces en la configuración del rango tendrás que definir:
    – Desbloquear un logro especifico: CISNE
    – Desbloquear un logro especifico: CISNE NEGRO
    – Desbloquear un logro especifico: AGUILA

    De esta forma cuando el usuario consiga estos 3 logros, entonces podrá conseguir el rango.

    Para otorgar puntos al usuario por completar eventos tendrás que definir esos eventos en los tipos de puntos GamiPress->Tipos de punto->Tu punto.

    View post on imgur.com

    De todas formas te adjunto la documentaación donde te explicamos como configurar los puntos, rangos y logros para que el usuario los pueda ganar.

    Cómo establecer puntos: https://gamipress.com/docs/tutorials/creating-a-points-type/
    Cómo establecer logros: https://gamipress.com/docs/tutorials/creating-an-achievement-type/
    Cómo establecer rangos: https://gamipress.com/docs/tutorials/creating-a-rank-type/

    Thread Starter jcarlosc


    Ok, ahora entiendo, eso es lo que me faltaba, a?adir nuevos tipos de logros para subir a cada nivel.

    Perfecto, así lo he hecho y funciona tal y como quería.

    Te agradezco muchísimo el tiempo que te has tomado para resolver mis dudas.

    Plugin Contributor Paco González Pérez


    De nada @jcarlosc, me alegro de ya lo tengas funcionando.

    Si tienes cualquier otra duda hazmelo saber por aquí o tambien puedes abrir un ticket a través de este enlace. https://gamipress.com/contact-us/



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