Would that be possible without so much efforts ?
Thanks a lot for answering anyway ! ??
What you’re asking is also not quite so “quick and easy”. While it’s not that complicated, it is too much to go into on a suppor tthread like this. You’d be best off trying ot od some things and asking questions when you get stuck.
For a general idea of what you’ll need to do, have a look at the add_meta_box() function and the save_post action to set up the various option areas for your post types.
]]>Well, if what I am askink is not so “quick and easy” then, would it be much easier to, at least, make the first one ? (“Give an option on the WP admin article posting page (for example a tick box) saying if YES or NO you want to display the hand-written excerpt (when it’s written) on category/tag/archive/search pages. This option could be on the “edit category” page instead of the article posting page (which means it could be applicable to all the articles of a category).”)
Actually I will need to display the hand-written excerpt on category/tag/archive/search pages for one category only… Maybe I could even precise which one in the code directly, without having any tick boxes or options, and that could reduce the amount of work ?
]]>This is one of those times when you will really need ot either roll up your sleeves and do some work yourself, or considering hiring someone to do it for you.
]]>Do you think that would be easier ?