• Resolved davidsteenkamp


    Hey folks,

    My client has asked (“begged” really… haha) that if it’s at all possible, in the future, to have this act so that a .zip file can be generated based off the images that ‘are’ selected ? Basically, to have it ‘function’ the same way that the NextGen Download Gallery (add-on) plugin functions. The big difference being that yours is much nicer and functionally more fun to use (with the select / deselect options available in both thumbnail and enlarged-view modes). My client actually asked me if I could write this myself, but unfortunately my skills just don’t exist in that area! haha. Anyways, just wanted to put in a request and if you could let me know if you think it’ll ever actually be an option that’d be fantastic. They’re even willing to pay for it if it were offered as a premium add-on / service.


    – David.


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  • Plugin Author Andrei Lupu


    Hi David!

    Thank you for your feedback, we are taking in consideration to implement this feature in a few weeks. ( Actually when I’ll get back from vacation with fresh forces I’ll get into this so hard, haha )

    If you like our plugin please give us a feedback https://www.ads-software.com/support/view/plugin-reviews/pixproof


    Thread Starter davidsteenkamp


    That’d be amazing, thanks so much!!!!


    Thread Starter davidsteenkamp


    Hey again Andrei,

    Just wondering if you guys had a chance to look into implementing the feature to have this act so that a .zip file can be generated based off the images that ‘are’ selected ? My client is again asking me about it as they LOVE the look of PixProof. I only wish there was some way I could help!? haha. Thanks so much, and if you could let me know, either way, I’d really appreciate it. Take care,

    – David.

    Plugin Author Andrei Lupu


    Hey David!

    I just got back from my vacation, and the job is done and working.

    I’ll let my colleagues to stress test the plugin to be sure is working on all kind of hosts and after that we gonna release an update.


    Thread Starter davidsteenkamp


    Hey Andrei,

    That is wonderful news! Thanks so much. Besides myself and my client, I’m sure loads of other people are going to love this new feature! Can’t wait to get the new version ?? Any idea when (approximately) it might be ready?

    Thanks so much again!

    – David.

    Plugin Author Andrei Lupu


    I must wait for all collaborators to check this out and because is weekend I guess we have to wait untill for monday, I’m the only freak around who works saturday :))

    Thread Starter davidsteenkamp


    Okay sounds good. My client is going to be thrilled ?? I work basically every single day as well… haha.

    Take care,
    – David.

    Plugin Author George Olaru


    Hey David!

    You should update to the version 1.1.0 and have fun with the new Automatically Images Download feature ??

    You can activate it by going to Settings – PixProof – General Settings and check “Enable Images Download” – Automatically.


    Thread Starter davidsteenkamp


    Hey George,

    Wow, this new version is awesome! The only issue I have while using it is that when the file downloads, there is no extension. So, for example, my file is just called “gallery” – instead of “gallery.zip” … of course, I can rename it myself and then of course it works exactly as it should. Any idea why this may be happening?

    Thanks SO much for getting this implemented!

    – David.

    Plugin Author Andrei Lupu


    I’m not sure, the title suppose to be like “gallery_{title}_{date}.zip and for us is working fine,

    Please give us some details about what browser are you using and operating system, but more important give us some details about the server you are hosting the website (php version, apache or nginx, etc).


    Thread Starter davidsteenkamp


    Hey Andrei,

    Sure, here are the info.php items for each site that we are trying it on. My clients’ site is currently using the Maintenance Mode plugin as she doesn’t want to go live until this is working with the .zip extension coming up on file download. Here is her info.php:


    I do not have maintenance mode running so I tried on my personal website, and the same issue occurred for me too:


    She is hosted with HostGator, and I am hosted through GoDaddy. Let me know if you need any other information.

    Thanks so much!
    – David.

    Plugin Author Andrei Lupu


    Sorry David, I can’t reproduce this isssue.

    For further assistance you will need to open a private ticket here https://help.pixelgrade.com/helpdesk so you can provide us some backend / ftp access.

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