Thanks for the feedback. There’s 3 solutions to hide fields in ACF Extended: Forms.
– 1st Solution: Override Form Render
Use “Override Form render” and display the fields you want using {field:my_field}
– 2nd Solution: Advanced Fields Settings
Enable the “Advanced Settings” setting in the field group. Once saved, you’ll have access to the “Advanced Settings” UI inside each fields.
Inside that UI, you can specify that you want to hide the field, when the screen is on the front-end (for example). Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/1F8YNTJ
– 3rd Solution: Create a field group specifically for the form
You can duplicate the field group you’re using, and simply delete the fields you don’t want to use in the new field group.
In your form, you can use that field group. As field names will be same as the original field group, all loading/saving mechanics will work as usual.
Note: Adding a new settings allowing to disable the render of specific fields inside the ACF Extended: Forms UI will add an additional layer of complexity, as people will still be able to override the Form Render.
So should the field be displayed if they still use {field:my_field}
, but disable it in the new “Hide fields” settings? Should advanced fields settings stack over that new setting? It will be hard to explain it to users and find the perfect balance.