Soundy Audio Playlist Plugin Short Codes:
You can copy and paste the following list in the content of any page or post:
Playlist title: [sdy_pl playlist_title]
Number of tracks: [sdy_pl number_of_tracks]
Playlist Status: [sdy_pl playlist_status]
Play/Pause Button: [sdy_pl button_play_pause]
Previous Button: [sdy_pl button_previous]
Next Button: [sdy_pl button_next]
Soundtrack Title: [sdy_pl title]
Soundtrack Artist: [sdy_pl artist]
Soundtrack Composer: [sdy_pl composer]
Soundtrack Volume: [sdy_pl volume]
Soundtrack Volume Slider: [sdy_pl volume_slider]
Soundtrack Duration: [sdy_pl duration]
Soundtrack Elapsed Time: [sdy_pl time]
Soundtrack Time Slider: [sdy_pl time_slider]
Soundtrack ID: [sdy_pl id]
Soundtrack Index: [sdy_pl index]
Soundtrack URL: [sdy_pl url]
Soundtrack Type: [sdy_pl type]
Speaker Icon: [sdy_pl speaker_icon]
[sdy_pl playlist]
You also have to enable Soundy for the page / post where you insert these short codes.