• I have a rather oddly structured website (www.erasmatazz.com) that I am currently maintaining with RapidWeaver, with which I am much displeased. The problem is that my website doesn’t fit into any of the usual architectures. It’s not a blog, so none of the blog-based themes are appropriate for it. It’s not a commercial site, nor is it an image-dominated site. Instead, it’s more like a library of essays organized in a tree structure. The emphasis is on intellectual content, and so imagery is used only to illustrate important points.

    It doesn’t need impressive graphic design or snazzy layout; I don’t need multiple columns with archives, blogrolls, or other niceties. All I want is a very simple one-word header, then lots of text with the occasional illustration, dark blue text on a powder blue background, and a breadcrumb trail at the bottom. That’s all I need for most pages; a very few, such as the home page, are a bit more elaborate. Yes, it’s all quite Neanderthal; I started this site in 1996 and have steadily expanded it until now it comprises some 500 pages of content.

    I am strongly inclined to move to WordPress, I’ve downloaded the stuff and set up a site to use it, but I hit a snag with selecting a theme. I have browsed through several hundred themes now and there seem to be two broad classes of themes: blog-themes and picture-themes. I definitely don’t want either of these. It seems as if all the themes are overly complex for my needs.

    “So why not just do it all in HTML?” you ask. That’s the way I did it at first; later graduated to a very nice WYSIWYG HTML editor from Claris, then some more advanced HTML editors and, most recently, RapidWeaver {spit}. But I need a bit more than an HTML editor. First, I really hate inserting the basic HTML tags over and over. Second, I don’t want to keep track of all the links by hand; on a website this big, I absolutely must have automatic link generation.

    Can anybody suggest a theme that might be appropriate for my simple but unconventional needs?

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