Require notification when sharing address
I would like to suggest that any plugin that shares the e-mail address of a user with a third party web site must have a mechanism that specifically notifies the user before action is taken.
e-mail address is so sacred to me (and many others) that in my own web apps, e-mail address (and pass hash) are in a completely different database from everything else to further reduce of the odds of a bug exposing them. I don’t expect WordPress core to do that (though would be nice) but I’m not the only one who sees the e-mail address of users as sacred.
Many websites have a written privacy policies specifically stating they never share e-mail address with a third party. Good policy to have, none of us like spam. Plugins that share the e-mail address with a third party violate that policy, and may do so without the blogmaster thinking about it at the time of plugin activation.
As such I believe it should be a strictly enforced policy that no WordPress plugin in the repository be allowed to share an e-mail address with a third party website without first getting the explicit permission of the user the e-mail belongs to before the address is shared with that third party website.
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