• Hey everyone, I’m making a wordpress on my server, just to put out my thoughts online. Just for me to come home and just type my thoughts, and it’s a LOT easier then keeping a diary! Problem is, I want to password protect it COMPLETELY. As in if you go to my website, a box or something will pop up, and if you don’t input the right password it doesn’t let you into the site. Is that possible at all? That’d be great! I’ve been trying to google, but a lot of the password is for protecting like the wp-admin folder and things like that

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  • Thread Starter soccerdude21490


    anyone have any idea?

    You could use a .htpasswd approach rather than a wordpress plugin.

    some web hosts do not allow access to the server’s root which prevents customers from making/using .htpasswd . That’s why I think a plugin approach is better for the general.

    It’s not the server root you would have .htpasswd – it’s the folder in which wordpress is uploaded.

    Never had that problem myself, not being able to have both .htaccess and .htpasswd files on webhosting. I would have thought that if a .htaccess file can be placed on the server, which happens with wordpress, then a .htpasswd file shouldn’t be a problem?

    Having this approach I mention also takes it away from wordpress, meaning when the plugin is disabled for example (i.e. upgrading wordpress or plugin) there is still the user/pass protection, and this approach also doesn’t rely on cookies.

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