• Resolved joeyacu


    Hi there
    I am using Booking Calendar Business Small for my Acupuncture website and I want to create some required (dropdown) steps before the client enter there details.

    This is the situation:
    I am available on Wednesday and Friday. Wednesday from 10:00-16:00, Fridays from 13:30-18:00. I want the clients to choose 2 required options before the enter there name and email;

    1. Treatment A (60min) or Treatment B (75min)
    2. Select times

    How do I integrate these 2 dropdown options above the agenda overview? And what kind of timeslots do I have to enter, so people can choose 60 minutes or 75 minutes treatments? And does the software block these minutes automatically in the agenda?

    Hope to hear from you. I can’t figuere it out and can’t find it in the forum. Thank you so much for your reply.

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  • Plugin Author wpdevelop


    Please contact with future questions about the paid versions of Booking Calendar here https://wpbookingcalendar.com/support/ or here https://wpbookingcalendar.com/contact/

    Please note, in your Booking Calendar Business Small version you can configure start time and duration of time selection fields (it’s in case, if you need to use the same availability calendar for booking Treatment A and Treatment B):

         <p>Start Time:<br />[select starttime "08:00" "08:30" "09:00" "09:30" "10:00" "10:30" "11:00" "11:30" "12:00" "12:30" "13:00" "13:30" "14:00" "14:30" "15:00" "15:30" "16:00" "16:30" "17:00" "17:30" "18:00" "18:30" "19:00" "19:30" "20:00" "20:30" "21:00"]</p> 
         <p>Treatment:<br />[select durationtime "Treatment A@@01:00" "Treatment B@@01:15"]</p> 

    As you can see in description of the each time duration
    [select durationtime "Treatment A@@01:00" "Treatment B@@01:15"]
    you can have as title the text of selection Treatment A or Treatment B.
    So visitors will see selection Treatment A or Treatment B, but in reality its will be selection of time duration for the booking.

    You can set as available only Wednesday and Friday days at the Booking > Settings General page in Availability section.

    But in case if you need to set the different start time of selection for the different week days, so then it’s possible only in the Booking Calendar Business Medium or higher versions. Please read more about this feature here

    Kind Regards.

    Thread Starter joeyacu


    Hi there,

    Many thanks for your detailed reply. I will contact support for further questions and communication.

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