You will need to access the PHP files in the Mad-Mimi plugin
add this to line 357 of the mad-mimi.php file:
if(!isset($post['name']) || empty($post['name'])) {
$errors['name'] = __('Please enter your Name.', 'mad-mimi');
if(!isset($post['phone']) || empty($post['phone'])) {
$errors['phone'] = __('Please enter your Phone Number.', 'mad-mimi');
if(!isset($post['address']) || empty($post['address'])) {
$errors['address'] = __('Please enter your Street Address.', 'mad-mimi');
if(!isset($post['city']) || empty($post['city'])) {
$errors['city'] = __('Please enter your City.', 'mad-mimi');
if(!isset($post['state']) || empty($post['state'])) {
$errors['state'] = __('Please enter your State.', 'mad-mimi');
if(!isset($post['zip']) || empty($post['zip'])) {
$errors['zip'] = __('Please enter your Zip Code.', 'mad-mimi');
Also the madmimi-widget.php file will need to be modified. Starting around line 115 is all the ‘signup’ code. compare them to the email signup code. you will need to add the
<span class='required' title='This field is required'>*</span>
to the other submit codes.
hope this helps.