you can do that either with the Custom Fields extension (https://wpadverts.com/extensions/custom-fields/) or using the Forms API.
With the Forms API, you can add the code below in your theme functions.php file or even better create a new blank plugin (https://wpadverts.com/blog/how-to-use-code-snippets-in-wordpress/) and paste the code there, it will require users to upload at least one file to the gallery
add_filter( "adverts_form_load", "limit_file_uploads" );
function limit_file_uploads( $form ) {
if( $form['name'] != "advert" ) {
return $form;
foreach( $form["field"] as $key => $field ) {
if( $field["name"] != "gallery" ) {
$form["field"][$key]["validator"] = array();
$form["field"][$key]["validator"][] = array(
"name" => "upload_limit",
"params" => array(
"min" => 1, // minimum files to upload
"max" => 20 // maximum file uploads
return $form;