Hello @marcinszatkowski
Sorry for the late response. It because of war in my country (Ukraine).
There is no serapate special reset button for the plugin. But you can get it via next trick.
To show the Reset button you can place chips widget or shortcode [fe_chips]
wherever you need and add next CSS on the page, where you use filtering. You can add it for example via Filters -> Settigs -> Experimental -> Custom CSS
If you use Elementor, you can find Chips widget wrapper with elementor CSS class and replace code with yours
.elementor-element-b4a0a35 .wpc-filter-chip:not(.wpc-chip-reset-all){
display: none;
Or if you use regular WordPress widget you can use next code, but replace it with your widget CSS ID
#wpc_chips_widget-2 .wpc-filter-chip:not(.wpc-chip-reset-all){
display: none;
In general this code hides all chips except the Reset button.
I hope this will help you.
This reply was modified 3 years ago by