Hi @dgtalgoodies
This requires customization on your end. You can try the following code snippet:
add_filter("gettext_ultimate-member","um_021522_change_reset_password_labels", 10, 3);
function um_021522_change_reset_password_labels( $translation, $text, $domain ){
if( "To reset your password, please enter your email address or username below." == $text ){
$translation = "To reset your password, please enter your email address below.";
}else if( "Enter your username or email" == $text ){
$translation = "Enter your email address";
}else if( "Please provide your username or email" == $text ){
$translation = "Please provide your email address";
return $translation;
add_action( 'um_reset_password_errors_hook', "um_021522_reset_password_error" );
function um_021522_reset_password_error( $args ){
foreach ( $args as $key => $val ) {
if ( strstr( $key, 'username_b' ) ) {
$user = trim( sanitize_text_field( $val ) );
if ( username_exists( $user ) ) {
UM()->form()->add_error( 'username_b', __( 'Please provide your email address', 'ultimate-member' ) );
The above code will reject the username in the Reset Password form. You can add the code to your theme/child-theme’s functions.php file or use the Code Snippet plugin to run the code.