Reset Password creates Notice: Undefined variable: ReturnString
Notice: Undefined variable: ReturnString in /wp-content/plugins/front-end-only-users/Shortcodes/Insert_Reset_Password.php on line 11
Can be solved by moving line 20 to anywhere above line 10.
function Insert_Edit_Account_Form($atts) { global $wpdb, $user_message, $feup_success; global $ewd_feup_user_table_name; $Custom_CSS = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Custom_CSS"); // Get the attributes passed by the shortcode, and store them in new variables for processing extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'redirect_page' => '#', 'login_page' => '', 'submit_text' => __('Update Account', 'EWD_FEUP')), $atts ) ); $ReturnString = ""; $CheckCookie = CheckLoginCookie(); if ($CheckCookie['Username'] == "") { $ReturnString .= __('You must be logged in to access this page.', 'EWD_FEUP'); if ($login_page != "") {$ReturnString .= "<br />" . __('Please', 'EWD_FEUP') . " <a href='" . $login_page . "'>" . __('login', 'EWD_FEUP') . "</a> " . __('to continue.', 'EWD_FEUP');} return $ReturnString; } /*$Sql = "SELECT * FROM $ewd_feup_fields_table_name "; $Fields = $wpdb->get_results($Sql);*/ $User = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $ewd_feup_user_table_name WHERE Username='%s'", $CheckCookie['Username'])); $ReturnString .= "<style type='text/css'>"; $ReturnString .= $Custom_CSS; $ReturnString .= "</style>"; if ($feup_success and $redirect_page != '#') {FEUPRedirect($redirect_page);} $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-edit-profile-form-div'>"; if (isset($user_message['Message'])) {$ReturnString .= $user_message['Message'];} $ReturnString .= "<form action='#' method='post' id='ewd-feup-edit-profile-form' class='pure-form pure-form-aligned'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-check' value='" . sha1(md5($Time.$Salt)) . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-time' value='" . $Time . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-action' value='edit-account'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='Username' value='" . $User->Username . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-register-username-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Username', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": " . $User->Username . "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='User_Password' id='ewd-feup-edit-password' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Password', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='User_Password' class='ewd-feup-text-input pure-input-1-3' value='' />"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Confirm_User_Password' id='ewd-feup-edit-confirm-password' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Repeat Password', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Confirm_User_Password' class='ewd-feup-text-input pure-input-1-3' value='' />"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group'><label for='submit'></label><input type='submit' class='ewd-feup-submit pure-button pure-button-primary' name='Edit_Password_Submit' value='" . $submit_text . "'></div>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; return $ReturnString; } add_shortcode("account-details", "Insert_Edit_Account_Form");
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