reset password form
The default form has 2 inputs, a password and password text.How do you hide the password text?
How do you display the confirmation password?
Can you stop the password from preloading a password?Thanks
There should only be one input present. Make sure you’re not using an outdated custom
.Version Version 6.4.4
Downloaded the plugin from
Compared resetpass-form.php found in the template folder and found them identicalWhen I type in a password the second input reveals the password as text?
This is not the intended behaviour?No, it is not.
I am having the same issue, on password reset form there is a password (hidden chars) + password text (visible chars) but no password confirmation field.
I’m also experiencing something similar with the profile-form but with 3 inputs; password, password text and a third password which can only enter 1 character and displays directly affects the password field..
This is the pw code in my profile-form:
<h3><?php _e( 'Change Password', 'theme-my-login' ); ?></h3> <?php $show_password_fields = apply_filters( 'show_password_fields', true, $profileuser ); if ( $show_password_fields ) : ?> <tr id="password"> <th><label for="pass1"><?php _e( 'New Password', 'theme-my-login' ); ?></label></th> <td><input type="password" name="pass1" id="pass1" size="16" value="" autocomplete="off" /> <span class="description"><?php _e( 'If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise leave this blank.', 'theme-my-login' ); ?></span><br /> <input type="password" name="pass2" id="pass2" size="16" value="" autocomplete="off" /> <span class="description"><?php _e( 'Type your new password again.', 'theme-my-login' ); ?></span><br /> <div id="pass-strength-result"><?php _e( 'Strength indicator', 'theme-my-login' ); ?></div> <p class="description indicator-hint"><?php _e( 'Hint: The password should be at least seven characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).', 'theme-my-login' ); ?></p> </td> </tr> <?php endif; ?> </table>
The password reset in profile-form only works when the new pw is entered in the password text field, using any other field it displays “Please enter the same password…”
pass2 appears to be the broken pw field that I can only enter 1 character, removing it breaks the password change function resulting in the same error “Please enter the same…etc”
Not sure what’s going on!
The new password reset form requires some very specific HTML markup. As mentioned above, please make sure it is them same as in the plugin if you’re using a custom template.
I did the same as franckeg above, downloaded the plugin again and both resetpass-form.php are identical.
I’m also getting this error:
/wp-admin/js/password-strength-meter.min.js?ver=3557c55b6483aa6940c0b9b26d9da6ce:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: zxcvbn is not defined
hello i have same issue on reset password page please help. this is page url please help its urgent.
your problem is even worse…you can’t even reset passwords on your site without doing it manually.
I had the issue where it says “Invalid key” upon resetting password but it went away after the latest update for TML.
The three fields issue is still a problem tho
Hi, I’m experiencing the same issue (I think).
-I’m using the most recent version of TML (6.4.4.).
-I’m using the default resetpass-form.php template file (did not change anything or copy it to my theme folder).On the /resetpass page, in Chrome, this is what happens:
-I only see the ‘new password’ field, pre-filled with a strong password (in dots), with a field next to it displaying the password in readable characters.
-By default, the ‘confirm password’ field is hidden. The p tag with class “user-pass2-wrap” gets style=”display: none;”, can’t find out why.-When I force the confirm password field to show (by removing the “display: none” via the inspector, or remove the class via html etc.), it doesn’t work:
-As soon as I start typing in the confirm password field, no characters appear in the field. Also, the value of the new password field changes to 1 character/dot (which is every last character that I type, as I can see displayed in the field next to it).Any idea what might be going on?
By the way: the password reset does work, without the confirmation field showing! I just would like to show the field for usability reasons.
There is no confirmation field anymore. Please see WP core’s password reset process!
Hi Jeff,
Could you please be a bit more specific as to what you mean by that or provide a link to the documentation?
I can’t seem to find anything relevant on the wp core site.
Also had a go at running through wp-login.php to remove the code for the additional boxes/change them to appear as hidden which didn’t seem to do anything…
Visit and reset your password there too see the intended process.
Hey Jeff,
For reset password, is it possible we can make the input type be “password” instead of “text”?
So in the code, it’s actually got from console. You have two inputs. And the second one is the place where we type the password.
Is it possible to set the input type be ‘password’ instead?Cuz I do not see the code for the second input in the resetpass-form template.
Just wonder how can I change it.<div class="wp-pwd"> <span class="password-input-wrapper show-password"> <input type="password" data-reveal="1" data-pw="" name="pass1" id="pass1" class="input hide-if-no-js short" size="20" value="" autocomplete="off" aria-describedby="pass-strength-result"> <input type="text" id="pass1-text" name="pass1-text" autocomplete="off" class="input hide-if-no-js short"> </span> <div id="pass-strength-result" class="hide-if-no-js short" aria-live="polite">Very weak</div> </div>
Hey scanecode,
Change the data-reveal value to “0” as shown below:
<input type="password" data-reveal="0" data-pw="" name="pass1" id="pass1" class="input hide-if-no-js short" size="20" value="" autocomplete="off" aria-describedby="pass-strength-result">
That’s what I did in my own because I use the same theme. Doing that was able to mask it and besides, ensure you are changing this in the “templates” folder of theme-my-login plugin.
It worked for me. Goodluck!
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