• SERVER: IIS 7.5, WordPress MU 3.6.1, SQL-SERVER

    When I used permalinks into WordPress with sqlserver or WordPress MU with sqlserver, if we change the permalinks and set it to custom permalinks using %hour%, %second% or %minute%, we will get 404 error when we access to the post, we must to change these lines into “sqlsrv/translations.php” because the sqlServer do not have implemented the functions: HOUR(), SECOND() and MINUTE().

    Replace these lines:
    // REPLACE dayofmonth which doesn’t exist in T-SQL
    $check = $query;
    $query = preg_replace(‘/dayofmonth\((.*?)\)/i’, ‘DATEPART(DD,\1)’,$query);

    to these lines:
    // REPLACE dayofmonth which doesn’t exist in T-SQL
    $check = $query;
    $query = preg_replace(‘/dayofmonth\((.*?)\)/i’, ‘DATEPART(DD,\1)’,$query);
    $query = preg_replace(‘/HOUR\((.*?)\)/i’, ‘DATEPART(hh,\1)’,$query);
    $query = preg_replace(‘/MINUTE\((.*?)\)/i’, ‘DATEPART(mi,\1)’,$query);
    $query = preg_replace(‘/SECOND\((.*?)\)/i’, ‘DATEPART(ss,\1)’,$query);

    Best regards


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