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  • Responsive images is a feature that’s in the process of making its way into core. You can help with testing this feature by installing and using this plugin:

    Thread Starter Tubaa


    Thank you I installed the plugin but no responsive.

    Did you test it by using your browser’s developer tools to emulate a smaller screened device? It looks decently responsive to me.

    Thread Starter Tubaa


    this is a orginal theme for images resize with timthumb

    but here remove timthumb but ricg responsive images no responsive. aq_resizer responsive doing, but I want big size image use, not to crop. Help mee plzz

    Thread Starter Tubaa


    with thimtumb: recent topics :

    remove timthumb recent topics :

    Please stop using timbthumb:
    It’s deprecated and no longer supported and has recently been an item of interest for hackers to exploit.

    Have you tried the Responsive Images plugin with a default WordPress setup and theme? Perhaps your custom theme does not support the functionality the responsive images plugin provides. Try it with a default WordPress theme and see what happens. All the plugin does is wrap your images tags with the emerging standard properties for responsive images and uses the different sizes of images that WordPress has for each of your images to provide the proper image source for the size or pixel density (or both) of the browser requesting the image. That’s really all it does (or is supposed to do). For most users, all they need to do is upload an image to media library and WordPress and then add that image to their content and WordPress and this plugin (eventually just WordPress) will do the rest.

    But back to your screen captures – this is an issue with the theme – it expects images at a certain aspect ratio in those containers. So you’ll have to make sure the images you upload and use in those containers match that aspect ratio. That has nothing to do with responsive images but it does have something to do with your theme and its CSS stylesheet. In your CSS do you have a style like this? img{width:100%;}

    That will make your images “fill” their container’s width and maintain the image aspect ratio even as the site design changes as it responds to the users browser window and viewport.

    Thread Starter Tubaa


    my style.css locked. ANd Style here.

    How do I add the img{width:100%;} code? I do not want to 150×150, 200×200 …. I want to use a full-size image. No crop help me plz.

    Take a look at this plugin (or do a search in the plugin repository for similar plugins):

    Once you have this (or another) custom CSS plugin installed, you can add that css I noted (again that is img{width:100%;} ) through the plugin and apply it to your site.

    Thread Starter Tubaa


    plugin installed.Where should they add codes? img{width:100%;}

    Go to Tools -> Scripts n Styles and in the Global tab, tab down to the 3rd text-area field (CSS Styles) and add the css. Then scroll down to the bottom and click Save Settings. And then test your site and see if images take up the full width of their containing element. You may need to go though your images in your content and make sure they don’t have width or height attributes applied though.

    Thread Starter Tubaa

    (@tubaa) and Save Settings. and ctrl+F5 but no I am sad ??

    Make sure the images don’t have width or height attributes (<img src=”path/to/image/file.jpg” width=”###” height=”###”/>) – that will impact whether the images can or will take up the full width of their parent container. Remember that they will take up 100% the width of their parent – height will be based on the image aspect ratio.

    Thread Starter Tubaa


    thank you bro. There are other websites thimtumb
    I want to remove every component but different codes
    help me.
    1. component
    $One_Cikarilan = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), ‘large’ );

    $One_Cikarilan_Gorsel = ‘<img src=”‘.$tema_url.’/fonk/timthumb.php?src=’.$One_Cikarilan[0].’&w=480&h=250&q=70″ data-original=”‘.$tema_url.’/fonk/timthumb.php?src=’.$One_Cikarilan[0].’&w=480&h=250″ width=”480″ height=”250″ class=”blog_rsm_1 eff” title=”‘.get_the_title().'” alt=”‘.get_the_title().'” />’;
    $One_Cikarilan_Gorsel = ‘<img src=”‘.$resim_yok_image.'” data-original=”‘.$resim_yok_image.'” class=”blog_rsm_1 eff” title=”‘.get_the_title().'” alt=”‘.get_the_title().'” />’;

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