• ResolvedPlugin Contributor responsivemenu


    Hi all,

    Thank you for your continued support of this project. I hope it has brought you as much joy as it has me along the way.

    I am currently working extremely hard on a Responsive Menu 3 release which will bring with it much more modern options such as button animations and Font Icon support.

    It is also a chance for me to rewrite the codebase as it has become quite stale over the last couple of years as I have grown as a developer and learned new techniques and ways to make the software more maintainable, flexible and expandable which I hope you will appreciate.

    As part of this update however some options will become paid only. I know this will come as bad news to some of you and you won’t be able to understand it or get irrate so I wanted to pre-warn you and offer up an explanation.

    I have given up almost 3 years to this project so far from it’s humble beginnings as a personal project in a single php file and put in multiple hours to free support, maintenance, feature requests, bug fixing, upgrades and now a full re-write.

    Currently the Pro Version provides enough for a few extra beers at the weekend but not enough to quit my day job and although I am not motivated by money of course it is nice to be rewarded in some part for all the lost evenings and weekends.

    Don’t worry though the free version will still be completely usable and only the following settings will be moving to paid only:

    – Accordion Animation for Sub-Menus
    – Push Animation for Menu

    There may be a few more that cross the threshold before release date but I will try to keep it as minimal as possible as I know how hard it is to part with cash un-necessarily!

    On a final note, I will be requiring beta testers to test the product in the next couple of months so please look out for the new 3.0 version appearing on the developer pages here shortly.

    If you could email your bugs to me at support [at] responsive [dot] menu that would be much appreciated!

    Again, thank you for your support and please remember that you can always continue using the current 2.x version of the plugin which I will fix bugs for as I find them for at least the next year moving forward.

    All the best


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