REST api social login work flow
I’m trying to use the plugin to obtain user authentication through the use of the REST API, made available to the pluign.
endpoint: wp-json / nextend-social-login / v1
from what I understand from the code it would be enough to pass the provider es “google” and google access_tokenbut this returns “Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential.”
although I set the token in “The authorization data”,
what would be the exact work flow to get a social login via REST API?thanks!
Hi @picaland
The part of the registration that Nextend Social Login’s REST API can help you with is checking if there’s any user in your site who has already registered with the currently used social account. Everything else must be done with custom coding.
Before continuing please note that, we can not provide support for custom coding!
Let’s say someone tries to register/login via Google. This is the process you’ll need to achieve:
1) Communication between the user and your mobile app
You need to create a way for the user to communicate with Google API. (Basically a way to display the authentication and authorization window. So the user will be able to login and authorize your Google App. Once the user logged in and authorized your app, it will return an access token, which is used for the validation.2) “User validation”
Once you have the access token you can use this to communicate with Nextend Social Login (NSL) which will check whether there’s any user registered to your site with the given access token.
Nextend Social Login REST Api endpoints:
Method: POST
For example:
the file itself can be found here: wp-content/plugins/nextend-facebook-connectNSL/REST.php if you would like to check it.POST Args:
access_token > NSL needs the access token as a JSON, like these: I would suggest checking your OAuth 2 access token if it is correct or not. We also have a Test form code snippet, what you could use for this purpose. So you could try posting your access token via the test form:
Important: You need to replace the “” with your own domain.Once the Access Token is posted the endpoint it can return either:
Success -> status 200 -> json encoded WP user id, for example: “44”
Fail -> if the status code isn’t 200 then an error happened -> For example: {“code”:”error”,”message”:”The access token could not be decrypted”,”data”:null}3a) Access token found – Login process
If NSL returns the WordPress user ID you’ll need to log them in to your mobile app.3b) Access token not found – Registration process
If NSL did not find any user with the given access token, you need to create a new WordPress user using WordPress’ REST API. Then log them in and you can link the user with the social provider.These codes can be helpful at the 3rd step:
for linking the social account to the WordPress user.
line 1-11: will verify that the access token is valid, if it is valid it will retrieve the social user id ( this ISN’T the WordPress user id! )
line 13-16: will connect the social provider account with the WordPress user ID.Best regards,
Laszlo.Hi @radhakrishnaguttula @laszloszalvak
If it can be useful this is my approach to create a Social Login REST API using Nextend Social Login and JWT Auth.
I did it months ago but since the discussion continues I wanted to give my contribution
Hi @rshahboon1
If your problem is related to custom coding then I am sorry but we can’t really provide support for that.
As you see in my first reply in this topic, the part that Nextend Social Login’s REST API can give you help is checking if there’s any user in your site who has already registered with the currently used social account.But according to your error message, the issue is the same as @radhakrishnaguttula so your access_token is not valid or it is missing.
Here you can find an example for both Facebook and Google access tokens: @radhakrishnaguttula I suggest checking out the codes provided by @picaland , it may help you to create your own integration!
Thank you @picaland for sharing your solution with us!It ‘sa pleasure! ??
Thanks So much, @picaland for sharing that gist, I was searching for a couple of days, I’m glad that you already went there and found out a solution,
My question which may sound completely newbie, I’m trying to install that extended class that you provided to extend nextend API, do you know where I can start? (even tutorial would be good for me too)
JosephActually, just insert or include the two classes “RestApi and SocialUser” and the closure at the bottom of the file in the file functions of your theme.
add_action (‘rest_api_init’, function ($wpRestServer) {….}
but to work everything you also need to install and configure the JWT plugin correctly for requests are:
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
Alfio Piccione.
Thanks for your help,
I tried to get it working,
I faced many issues, first the snippet of code is referencing on of the classes in a plugin (NSL REST) but it was giving me exception that REST is not declared
I tried to include namespace before class name like this
new NSL\REST()
it gave me another exception of accessing jsonAuth static variable,[27-Jan-2020 22:26:21 UTC] PHP Fatal error Uncaught Error: Access to undeclared static property: RestApi::$jwtAuthPublic in /mnt/data/vhosts/ Stack trace: #0 /mnt/data/vhosts/ RestApi->__construct(Object(Jwt_Auth), Object(Jwt_Auth_Public))
it is hard for me to get it working, even after installation of JWT authentication for wp-rest api, still not working !
sorry to bother you,
but if you can make to a plugin I can buy it
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
I’m sorry I forgot to insert
“use NSL\REST;”if you see the file is now updated.
Just put “use NSL\REST;”everything should work now!
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
Alfio Piccione.
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
Alfio Piccione.
Also you have to add
/** * JWT Auth Public * * @since 1.0.0 * * @var object \Jwt_Auth_Public */ private static $jwtAuthPublic;
to the static variables
Thanks so much
You’re right I’m sorry, but I created that gist on the fly to be able to help you by taking the code from the project and I missed it ??
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
Alfio Piccione.
Did you find the answer ? i think i have the same request as you
Hi , i am using a plugin named (JWT Authentication for WP REST API) , my question is how can i login via REST API and get a valid token from the plugin using social tokens instead of username and password ?
here is my solution
have you solved?@alfio
I tried to solve it but I ran into many issuesfirst, my use case was to provide mobile users in native (android, ios) application to Login with Facebook, Google, and with regular user name and password,
I understand OAuth flows (authorization code) is the security standard for providing a signing-in mechanism for native apps, but I haven’t understood yet how nextend social login could possible provide that kind mechanism same as web through rest API,
Also, I wasn’t able to allow some routes to be anonymous which is a use case for my application.
also, I wasn’t able to find how to register user after social login through your gist,
So I’m a bit confused now, I want to understand if nextend social login will work with my scenarios, or if you know other solutions I will be glad (even if it is premium plugins)
JosephI understand,
If you give me some time I can create a working plugin that provides the social login “google, facebook”, and the native login with user and pass.
I will also give you directions on how to test it.
However, this requires a correct configuration of the JWT and NSL plugins -
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
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