• Resolved nisaza


    I’ve been trying to restore a 450mb site and it gets stuck everytime, I really don’t know how to proceed so I’m pasting the log.

    This is the log

    [STEP] [2022-05-15 21:58:22] Iniciando proceso de restauración
    [WARN] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] PHP CLI está desactivado manualmente, el plugin omitirá todos los pasos de PHP CLI.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Respuesta del proceso de restauración
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Bloqueando proceso de migración
    [STEP] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Iniciando proceso de restauración
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Versión de Backup & Migration: 1.2.1
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Inicializando el gestor de errores personalizado
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Sitio que será restaurado: ***site_url***
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Versión de PHP: 7.4.29
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] WP Version: 5.9.3
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] MySQL Version: 5.7.32
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] MySQL Max Length: 33554432
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Servidor web: Apache
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Tiempo máximo de ejecución (en segundos): 259200
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Proceso de restauración iniciado correctamente.
    [STEP] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Comprobando espacio libre...
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Comprobando si existe espacio libre suficiente
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Necesita, al menos, 326903150 bytes. [311.76 MB]
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] La función de espacio libre en el disco no está desactivada - usándola...
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Comprobando esta ruta o partición: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Hay 572,324.27 MB libres. [558.91 GB]
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] ?Genial! Tenemos espacio suficiente.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Confirmed, there is enough space on the device, checked: 326903150 bytes.
    [STEP] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Creando una nueva clave secreta para el proceso de restauración actual.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Clave secreta generada, se te devolverá (ping).
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] ?Clave secreta detectada correctamente (pong)!
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Creando un directorio temporal
    [STEP] [2022-05-15 21:58:24] Explorando el archivo...
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:25] La exploración ha encontrado 19371 archivos dentro de la copia de seguridad.
    [STEP] [2022-05-15 21:58:25] Preparando la técnica de lotes para la extracción...
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:25] Archivos exportados por lote: 4000
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:25] Utilizando ZipArchive, omitiendo los cálculos de límite de memoria...
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:26] Meta de extracción: 4001/19372 (20.65%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:28] Meta de extracción: 8001/19372 (41.30%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:32] Meta de extracción: 12001/19372 (61.95%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:37] Meta de extracción: 16001/19372 (82.60%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:42] Meta de extracción: 19372/19372 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:42] Archivos extraídos...
    [STEP] [2022-05-15 21:58:42] Guardando el archivo wp-config...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:42] Guardado el archivo wp-config
    [STEP] [2022-05-15 21:58:43] Obteniendo el manifiesto de la copia de seguridad...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:43] Manifiesto cargado
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:43] Backup Migration version used for that backup: 1.2.1
    [STEP] [2022-05-15 21:58:43] Restaurando los archivos (este proceso puede tardar un poco)...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:47] Todos los archivos restaurados correctamente.
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:47] Splitting process is disabled because v3 restore engine is enabled.
    [STEP] [2022-05-15 21:58:48] Comprobando la estructura de la base de datos...
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:48] Se detectó correctamente la copia de seguridad creada con motor V2, importando...
    [STEP] [2022-05-15 21:58:48] Restoring database (using V3 engine)...
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:48] Started restoration of qxb_actionscheduler_actions 1/133 (0.75%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:48] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_actions: 45/83 (54.22%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:48] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_actions: 81/83 (97.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:48] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_actions: 83/83 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:48] Table qxb_actionscheduler_actions restoration took 0.91593 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:49] Started restoration of qxb_actionscheduler_claims 2/133 (1.50%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:49] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_claims: 28/30 (93.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:49] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_claims: 30/30 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:49] Table qxb_actionscheduler_claims restoration took 0.50571 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:49] Started restoration of qxb_actionscheduler_groups 3/133 (2.26%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:49] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_groups: 28/39 (71.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:50] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_groups: 37/39 (94.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:50] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_groups: 39/39 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:50] Table qxb_actionscheduler_groups restoration took 1.81147 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:51] Started restoration of qxb_actionscheduler_logs 4/133 (3.01%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:51] Cleaning up contents of qxb_actionscheduler_logs table.
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:51] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_logs: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:51] Table qxb_actionscheduler_logs restoration took 0.13879 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:51] Started restoration of qxb_commentmeta 5/133 (3.76%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:51] Progress of qxb_commentmeta: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:51] Progress of qxb_commentmeta: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:51] Table qxb_commentmeta restoration took 0.76433 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:52] Started restoration of qxb_comments 6/133 (4.51%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:52] Progress of qxb_comments: 46/70 (65.71%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:52] Progress of qxb_comments: 68/70 (97.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:52] Progress of qxb_comments: 70/70 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:52] Table qxb_comments restoration took 0.73067 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:53] Started restoration of qxb_links 7/133 (5.26%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:53] Progress of qxb_links: 39/41 (95.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:53] Progress of qxb_links: 41/41 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:53] Table qxb_links restoration took 0.34873 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:53] Started restoration of qxb_options 8/133 (6.02%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:53] Progress of qxb_options: 31/2365 (1.31%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:54] Progress of qxb_options: 2135/2365 (90.27%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:54] Progress of qxb_options: 2363/2365 (99.92%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:54] Progress of qxb_options: 2365/2365 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:54] Table qxb_options restoration took 1.77960 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:55] Started restoration of qxb_postmeta 9/133 (6.77%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:55] Progress of qxb_postmeta: 31/93 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:55] Progress of qxb_postmeta: 91/93 (97.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:55] Progress of qxb_postmeta: 93/93 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:55] Table qxb_postmeta restoration took 0.70716 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:56] Started restoration of qxb_posts 10/133 (7.52%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:56] Progress of qxb_posts: 52/188 (27.66%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:56] Progress of qxb_posts: 186/188 (98.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:56] Progress of qxb_posts: 188/188 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:56] Table qxb_posts restoration took 0.64150 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:56] Started restoration of qxb_term_relationships 11/133 (8.27%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:56] Progress of qxb_term_relationships: 29/41 (70.73%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:57] Progress of qxb_term_relationships: 39/41 (95.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:57] Progress of qxb_term_relationships: 41/41 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:57] Table qxb_term_relationships restoration took 1.57778 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:57] Started restoration of qxb_term_taxonomy 12/133 (9.02%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:57] Progress of qxb_term_taxonomy: 33/174 (18.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:58] Progress of qxb_term_taxonomy: 172/174 (98.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:58] Progress of qxb_term_taxonomy: 174/174 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:58] Table qxb_term_taxonomy restoration took 1.50506 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:58] Started restoration of qxb_termmeta 13/133 (9.77%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:58] Progress of qxb_termmeta: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:59] Progress of qxb_termmeta: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:58:59] Table qxb_termmeta restoration took 1.14189 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:59] Started restoration of qxb_terms 14/133 (10.53%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:59] Progress of qxb_terms: 31/142 (21.83%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:58:59] Progress of qxb_terms: 140/142 (98.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:00] Progress of qxb_terms: 142/142 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:00] Table qxb_terms restoration took 1.08607 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:00] Started restoration of qxb_usermeta 15/133 (11.28%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:00] Progress of qxb_usermeta: 31/163 (19.02%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:00] Progress of qxb_usermeta: 161/163 (98.77%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:01] Progress of qxb_usermeta: 163/163 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:01] Table qxb_usermeta restoration took 1.03092 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:01] Started restoration of qxb_users 16/133 (12.03%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:01] Progress of qxb_users: 38/57 (66.67%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:01] Progress of qxb_users: 55/57 (96.49%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:02] Progress of qxb_users: 57/57 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:02] Table qxb_users restoration took 1.00257 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:02] Started restoration of qxb_wc_admin_note_actions 17/133 (12.78%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:02] Progress of qxb_wc_admin_note_actions: 33/69 (47.83%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:02] Progress of qxb_wc_admin_note_actions: 67/69 (97.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:02] Progress of qxb_wc_admin_note_actions: 69/69 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:02] Table qxb_wc_admin_note_actions restoration took 0.95234 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:03] Started restoration of qxb_wc_admin_notes 18/133 (13.53%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:03] Progress of qxb_wc_admin_notes: 41/104 (39.42%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:03] Progress of qxb_wc_admin_notes: 102/104 (98.08%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:03] Progress of qxb_wc_admin_notes: 104/104 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:03] Table qxb_wc_admin_notes restoration took 0.91470 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:04] Started restoration of qxb_wc_category_lookup 19/133 (14.29%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:04] Progress of qxb_wc_category_lookup: 27/38 (71.05%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:04] Progress of qxb_wc_category_lookup: 36/38 (94.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:04] Progress of qxb_wc_category_lookup: 38/38 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:04] Table qxb_wc_category_lookup restoration took 0.92891 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:05] Started restoration of qxb_wc_customer_lookup 20/133 (15.04%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:05] Progress of qxb_wc_customer_lookup: 39/41 (95.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:05] Progress of qxb_wc_customer_lookup: 41/41 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:05] Table qxb_wc_customer_lookup restoration took 0.60795 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:05] Started restoration of qxb_wc_download_log 21/133 (15.79%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:05] Progress of qxb_wc_download_log: 33/35 (94.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:06] Progress of qxb_wc_download_log: 35/35 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:06] Table qxb_wc_download_log restoration took 1.32376 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:07] Started restoration of qxb_wc_order_coupon_lookup 22/133 (16.54%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:07] Progress of qxb_wc_order_coupon_lookup: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:07] Progress of qxb_wc_order_coupon_lookup: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:07] Table qxb_wc_order_coupon_lookup restoration took 0.33991 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:07] Started restoration of qxb_wc_order_product_lookup 23/133 (17.29%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:07] Progress of qxb_wc_order_product_lookup: 42/44 (95.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:07] Progress of qxb_wc_order_product_lookup: 44/44 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:07] Table qxb_wc_order_product_lookup restoration took 0.97707 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:08] Started restoration of qxb_wc_order_stats 24/133 (18.05%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:08] Progress of qxb_wc_order_stats: 40/42 (95.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:08] Progress of qxb_wc_order_stats: 42/42 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:08] Table qxb_wc_order_stats restoration took 0.59454 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:08] Started restoration of qxb_wc_order_tax_lookup 25/133 (18.80%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:08] Progress of qxb_wc_order_tax_lookup: 33/35 (94.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:09] Progress of qxb_wc_order_tax_lookup: 35/35 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:09] Table qxb_wc_order_tax_lookup restoration took 1.21733 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:09] Started restoration of qxb_wc_product_meta_lookup 26/133 (19.55%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:09] Progress of qxb_wc_product_meta_lookup: 45/47 (95.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:09] Progress of qxb_wc_product_meta_lookup: 47/47 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:09] Table qxb_wc_product_meta_lookup restoration took 0.84559 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:10] Started restoration of qxb_wc_reserved_stock 27/133 (20.30%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:10] Progress of qxb_wc_reserved_stock: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:10] Progress of qxb_wc_reserved_stock: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:10] Table qxb_wc_reserved_stock restoration took 0.46739 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:10] Started restoration of qxb_wc_tax_rate_classes 28/133 (21.05%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:10] Progress of qxb_wc_tax_rate_classes: 29/47 (61.70%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:11] Progress of qxb_wc_tax_rate_classes: 45/47 (95.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:11] Progress of qxb_wc_tax_rate_classes: 47/47 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:11] Table qxb_wc_tax_rate_classes restoration took 1.43401 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:11] Started restoration of qxb_wc_webhooks 29/133 (21.80%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:11] Progress of qxb_wc_webhooks: 40/42 (95.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:12] Progress of qxb_wc_webhooks: 42/42 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:12] Table qxb_wc_webhooks restoration took 1.10580 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:12] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_api_keys 30/133 (22.56%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:12] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_api_keys: 36/38 (94.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:12] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_api_keys: 38/38 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:12] Table qxb_woocommerce_api_keys restoration took 0.75418 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:13] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies 31/133 (23.31%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:13] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies: 32/34 (94.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:13] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies: 34/34 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:13] Table qxb_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies restoration took 0.39873 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:13] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions 32/133 (24.06%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:13] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions: 40/42 (95.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:14] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions: 42/42 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:14] Table qxb_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions restoration took 1.02688 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:14] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_log 33/133 (24.81%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:14] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_log: 32/34 (94.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:14] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_log: 34/34 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:14] Table qxb_woocommerce_log restoration took 0.66478 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:15] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_order_itemmeta 34/133 (25.56%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:15] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_order_itemmeta: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:15] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_order_itemmeta: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:15] Table qxb_woocommerce_order_itemmeta restoration took 0.86278 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:16] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_order_items 35/133 (26.32%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:16] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_order_items: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:16] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_order_items: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:16] Table qxb_woocommerce_order_items restoration took 0.49743 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:16] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta 36/133 (27.07%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:16] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:17] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:17] Table qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta restoration took 1.12690 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:17] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokens 37/133 (27.82%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:17] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokens: 32/34 (94.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:17] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokens: 34/34 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:17] Table qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokens restoration took 0.77440 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:18] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_sessions 38/133 (28.57%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:18] Cleaning up contents of qxb_woocommerce_sessions table.
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:18] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_sessions: 30/30 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:18] Table qxb_woocommerce_sessions restoration took 0.09390 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:18] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations 39/133 (29.32%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:18] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:18] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:18] Table qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations restoration took 0.76127 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:19] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods 40/133 (30.08%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:19] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:19] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:19] Table qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods restoration took 0.38982 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:19] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zones 41/133 (30.83%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:19] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zones: 28/30 (93.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:20] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zones: 30/30 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:20] Table qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zones restoration took 1.04123 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:20] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations 42/133 (31.58%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:20] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:20] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:20] Table qxb_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations restoration took 0.76529 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:21] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_tax_rates 43/133 (32.33%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:21] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_tax_rates: 39/41 (95.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:21] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_tax_rates: 41/41 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 21:59:21] Table qxb_woocommerce_tax_rates restoration took 0.45752 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:21] Started restoration of wmf_actionscheduler_actions 44/133 (33.08%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:21] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 46/147916 (0.03%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:22] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 4850/147916 (3.28%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:24] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 9654/147916 (6.53%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:28] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 14458/147916 (9.77%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:32] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 19262/147916 (13.02%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:38] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 24066/147916 (16.27%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:45] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 28870/147916 (19.52%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 21:59:53] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 33674/147916 (22.77%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:00:02] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 38478/147916 (26.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:00:15] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 43282/147916 (29.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:00:27] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 48086/147916 (32.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:00:40] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 52890/147916 (35.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:00:54] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 57694/147916 (39.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:01:10] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 62498/147916 (42.25%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:01:27] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 67302/147916 (45.50%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:01:45] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 72106/147916 (48.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:02:04] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 76910/147916 (52.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:02:24] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 81714/147916 (55.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:02:46] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 86518/147916 (58.49%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:03:08] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 91322/147916 (61.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:03:33] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 96126/147916 (64.99%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:03:58] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 100930/147916 (68.23%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:04:24] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 105734/147916 (71.48%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:04:53] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 110538/147916 (74.73%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:05:23] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 115342/147916 (77.98%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:05:54] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 120146/147916 (81.23%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:06:26] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 124950/147916 (84.47%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:06:59] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 129754/147916 (87.72%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:07:34] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 134558/147916 (90.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:08:10] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 139362/147916 (94.22%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:08:48] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 144166/147916 (97.46%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:19] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 147914/147916 (100.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:19] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 147916/147916 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:09:19] Table wmf_actionscheduler_actions restoration took 598.65897 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:19] Started restoration of wmf_actionscheduler_claims 45/133 (33.83%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:20] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_claims: 28/39 (71.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:20] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_claims: 37/39 (94.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:20] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_claims: 39/39 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:09:20] Table wmf_actionscheduler_claims restoration took 1.74638 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:21] Started restoration of wmf_actionscheduler_groups 46/133 (34.59%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:21] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_groups: 28/54 (51.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:21] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_groups: 52/54 (96.30%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:22] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_groups: 54/54 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:09:22] Table wmf_actionscheduler_groups restoration took 1.18939 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:22] Started restoration of wmf_actionscheduler_logs 47/133 (35.34%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:22] Cleaning up contents of wmf_actionscheduler_logs table.
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:22] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_logs: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:09:22] Table wmf_actionscheduler_logs restoration took 0.61335 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:22] Started restoration of wmf_adtribes_my_conversions 48/133 (36.09%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:22] Progress of wmf_adtribes_my_conversions: 35/37 (94.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:23] Progress of wmf_adtribes_my_conversions: 37/37 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:09:23] Table wmf_adtribes_my_conversions restoration took 1.32306 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:23] Started restoration of wmf_aepc_custom_audiences 49/133 (36.84%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:23] Progress of wmf_aepc_custom_audiences: 36/38 (94.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:23] Progress of wmf_aepc_custom_audiences: 38/38 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:09:23] Table wmf_aepc_custom_audiences restoration took 0.97236 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:24] Started restoration of wmf_aepc_logs 50/133 (37.59%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:24] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 30/61520 (0.05%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:25] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 2434/61520 (3.96%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:25] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 4838/61520 (7.86%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:27] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 7242/61520 (11.77%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:28] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 9646/61520 (15.68%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:30] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 12050/61520 (19.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:32] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 14454/61520 (23.49%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:35] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 16858/61520 (27.40%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:38] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 19262/61520 (31.31%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:41] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 21666/61520 (35.22%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:44] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 24070/61520 (39.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:48] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 26474/61520 (43.03%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:51] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 28878/61520 (46.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:09:56] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 31282/61520 (50.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:10:00] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 33686/61520 (54.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:10:05] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 36090/61520 (58.66%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:10:10] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 38494/61520 (62.57%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:10:16] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 40898/61520 (66.48%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:10:22] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 43302/61520 (70.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:10:28] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 45706/61520 (74.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:10:35] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 48110/61520 (78.20%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:10:42] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 50514/61520 (82.11%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:10:49] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 52918/61520 (86.02%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:10:57] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 55322/61520 (89.93%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:04] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 57726/61520 (93.83%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:13] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 60130/61520 (97.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:18] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 61518/61520 (100.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:18] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 61520/61520 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:11:18] Table wmf_aepc_logs restoration took 114.84836 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:19] Started restoration of wmf_barcode_v3_dimension 51/133 (38.35%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:19] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_dimension: 30/60 (50.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:19] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_dimension: 58/60 (96.67%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:19] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_dimension: 60/60 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:11:19] Table wmf_barcode_v3_dimension restoration took 0.89763 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:20] Started restoration of wmf_barcode_v3_fields_matching 52/133 (39.10%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:20] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_fields_matching: 30/44 (68.18%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:20] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_fields_matching: 42/44 (95.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:20] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_fields_matching: 44/44 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:11:20] Table wmf_barcode_v3_fields_matching restoration took 0.86150 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:21] Started restoration of wmf_barcode_v3_label_sheets 53/133 (39.85%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:21] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_label_sheets: 41/997 (4.11%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:21] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_label_sheets: 995/997 (99.80%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:21] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_label_sheets: 997/997 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:11:21] Table wmf_barcode_v3_label_sheets restoration took 0.92989 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:22] Started restoration of wmf_barcode_v3_paper_formats 54/133 (40.60%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:22] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_paper_formats: 34/148 (22.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:22] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_paper_formats: 146/148 (98.65%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:22] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_paper_formats: 148/148 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:11:22] Table wmf_barcode_v3_paper_formats restoration took 0.96134 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:23] Started restoration of wmf_barcode_v3_profiles 55/133 (41.35%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:23] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_profiles: 42/68 (61.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:23] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_profiles: 66/68 (97.06%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:23] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_profiles: 68/68 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:11:23] Table wmf_barcode_v3_profiles restoration took 0.99735 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:24] Started restoration of wmf_barcode_v3_template_to_user 56/133 (42.11%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:24] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_template_to_user: 29/42 (69.05%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:24] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_template_to_user: 40/42 (95.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:24] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_template_to_user: 42/42 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:11:24] Table wmf_barcode_v3_template_to_user restoration took 0.91157 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:25] Started restoration of wmf_barcode_v3_templates 57/133 (42.86%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:25] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_templates: 51/521 (9.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:25] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_templates: 519/521 (99.62%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:25] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_templates: 521/521 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:11:25] Table wmf_barcode_v3_templates restoration took 0.96255 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:26] Started restoration of wmf_barcode_v3_user_settings 58/133 (43.61%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:26] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_user_settings: 30/84 (35.71%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:26] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_user_settings: 82/84 (97.62%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:27] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_user_settings: 84/84 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:11:27] Table wmf_barcode_v3_user_settings restoration took 1.06693 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:27] Started restoration of wmf_cf_form_entries 59/133 (44.36%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:27] Progress of wmf_cf_form_entries: 34/36 (94.44%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:27] Progress of wmf_cf_form_entries: 36/36 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:11:27] Table wmf_cf_form_entries restoration took 0.74945 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:28] Started restoration of wmf_cf_form_entry_meta 60/133 (45.11%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:28] Progress of wmf_cf_form_entry_meta: 32/34 (94.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:28] Progress of wmf_cf_form_entry_meta: 34/34 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:11:28] Table wmf_cf_form_entry_meta restoration took 0.52304 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:28] Started restoration of wmf_cf_form_entry_values 61/133 (45.86%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:28] Progress of wmf_cf_form_entry_values: 33/35 (94.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:29] Progress of wmf_cf_form_entry_values: 35/35 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:11:29] Table wmf_cf_form_entry_values restoration took 1.25643 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:29] Started restoration of wmf_cf_forms 62/133 (46.62%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:29] Progress of wmf_cf_forms: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:29] Progress of wmf_cf_forms: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:11:29] Table wmf_cf_forms restoration took 0.86245 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:30] Started restoration of wmf_cf_pro_messages 63/133 (47.37%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:30] Progress of wmf_cf_pro_messages: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:30] Progress of wmf_cf_pro_messages: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:11:30] Table wmf_cf_pro_messages restoration took 0.49621 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:30] Started restoration of wmf_cf_queue_failures 64/133 (48.12%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:30] Progress of wmf_cf_queue_failures: 29/31 (93.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:31] Progress of wmf_cf_queue_failures: 31/31 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:11:31] Table wmf_cf_queue_failures restoration took 1.09229 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:31] Started restoration of wmf_cf_queue_jobs 65/133 (48.87%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:31] Progress of wmf_cf_queue_jobs: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:31] Progress of wmf_cf_queue_jobs: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:11:31] Table wmf_cf_queue_jobs restoration took 0.70755 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:32] Started restoration of wmf_commentmeta 66/133 (49.62%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:32] Progress of wmf_commentmeta: 31/107 (28.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:32] Progress of wmf_commentmeta: 105/107 (98.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:32] Progress of wmf_commentmeta: 107/107 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:11:32] Table wmf_commentmeta restoration took 0.72826 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:33] Started restoration of wmf_comments 67/133 (50.38%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:33] Progress of wmf_comments: 46/286208 (0.02%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:34] Progress of wmf_comments: 5450/286208 (1.90%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:36] Progress of wmf_comments: 10854/286208 (3.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:40] Progress of wmf_comments: 16258/286208 (5.68%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:46] Progress of wmf_comments: 21662/286208 (7.57%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:11:53] Progress of wmf_comments: 27066/286208 (9.46%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:12:02] Progress of wmf_comments: 32470/286208 (11.34%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:12:11] Progress of wmf_comments: 37874/286208 (13.23%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:12:23] Progress of wmf_comments: 43278/286208 (15.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:12:36] Progress of wmf_comments: 48682/286208 (17.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:12:50] Progress of wmf_comments: 54086/286208 (18.90%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:13:06] Progress of wmf_comments: 59490/286208 (20.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:13:24] Progress of wmf_comments: 64894/286208 (22.67%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:13:43] Progress of wmf_comments: 70298/286208 (24.56%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:14:03] Progress of wmf_comments: 75702/286208 (26.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:14:25] Progress of wmf_comments: 81106/286208 (28.34%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:14:49] Progress of wmf_comments: 86510/286208 (30.23%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:15:14] Progress of wmf_comments: 91914/286208 (32.11%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:15:41] Progress of wmf_comments: 97318/286208 (34.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:16:09] Progress of wmf_comments: 102722/286208 (35.89%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:16:38] Progress of wmf_comments: 108126/286208 (37.78%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:17:10] Progress of wmf_comments: 113530/286208 (39.67%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:17:42] Progress of wmf_comments: 118934/286208 (41.56%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:18:17] Progress of wmf_comments: 124338/286208 (43.44%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:18:52] Progress of wmf_comments: 129742/286208 (45.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:19:30] Progress of wmf_comments: 135146/286208 (47.22%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:20:09] Progress of wmf_comments: 140550/286208 (49.11%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:20:50] Progress of wmf_comments: 145954/286208 (51.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:21:34] Progress of wmf_comments: 151358/286208 (52.88%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:22:18] Progress of wmf_comments: 156762/286208 (54.77%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:23:03] Progress of wmf_comments: 162166/286208 (56.66%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:23:50] Progress of wmf_comments: 167570/286208 (58.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:24:40] Progress of wmf_comments: 172974/286208 (60.44%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:25:30] Progress of wmf_comments: 178378/286208 (62.32%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:26:22] Progress of wmf_comments: 183782/286208 (64.21%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:27:15] Progress of wmf_comments: 189186/286208 (66.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:28:10] Progress of wmf_comments: 194590/286208 (67.99%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:29:07] Progress of wmf_comments: 199994/286208 (69.88%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:30:04] Progress of wmf_comments: 205398/286208 (71.77%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:31:04] Progress of wmf_comments: 210802/286208 (73.65%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:32:05] Progress of wmf_comments: 216206/286208 (75.54%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:33:09] Progress of wmf_comments: 221610/286208 (77.43%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:34:13] Progress of wmf_comments: 227014/286208 (79.32%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:35:19] Progress of wmf_comments: 232418/286208 (81.21%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:36:29] Progress of wmf_comments: 237822/286208 (83.09%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:37:38] Progress of wmf_comments: 243226/286208 (84.98%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:38:50] Progress of wmf_comments: 248630/286208 (86.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:40:02] Progress of wmf_comments: 254034/286208 (88.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:41:17] Progress of wmf_comments: 259438/286208 (90.65%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:42:33] Progress of wmf_comments: 264842/286208 (92.53%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:43:52] Progress of wmf_comments: 270246/286208 (94.42%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:45:11] Progress of wmf_comments: 275650/286208 (96.31%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:46:31] Progress of wmf_comments: 281054/286208 (98.20%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:47:53] Progress of wmf_comments: 286206/286208 (100.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:47:53] Progress of wmf_comments: 286208/286208 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:47:53] Table wmf_comments restoration took 2,180.61808 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:47:54] Started restoration of wmf_e_events 68/133 (51.13%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:47:54] Progress of wmf_e_events: 29/31 (93.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:47:54] Progress of wmf_e_events: 31/31 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 22:47:54] Table wmf_e_events restoration took 0.46659 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:47:54] Started restoration of wmf_ewwwio_images 69/133 (51.88%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:47:54] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 42/218656 (0.02%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:47:55] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 5446/218656 (2.49%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:47:58] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 10850/218656 (4.96%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:48:02] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 16254/218656 (7.43%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:48:07] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 21658/218656 (9.91%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:48:14] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 27062/218656 (12.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:48:22] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 32466/218656 (14.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:48:31] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 37870/218656 (17.32%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:48:42] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 43274/218656 (19.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:48:54] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 48678/218656 (22.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:49:08] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 54082/218656 (24.73%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:49:23] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 59486/218656 (27.21%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:49:39] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 64890/218656 (29.68%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:49:57] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 70294/218656 (32.15%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:50:17] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 75698/218656 (34.62%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:50:38] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 81102/218656 (37.09%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:51:00] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 86506/218656 (39.56%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:51:23] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 91910/218656 (42.03%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:51:48] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 97314/218656 (44.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:52:14] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 102718/218656 (46.98%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:52:41] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 108122/218656 (49.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:53:10] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 113526/218656 (51.92%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:53:40] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 118930/218656 (54.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:54:11] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 124334/218656 (56.86%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:54:45] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 129738/218656 (59.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:55:20] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 135142/218656 (61.81%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:55:56] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 140546/218656 (64.28%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:56:34] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 145950/218656 (66.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:57:13] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 151354/218656 (69.22%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:57:54] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 156758/218656 (71.69%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:58:36] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 162162/218656 (74.16%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 22:59:19] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 167566/218656 (76.63%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:00:04] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 172970/218656 (79.11%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:00:51] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 178374/218656 (81.58%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:01:39] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 183778/218656 (84.05%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:02:29] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 189182/218656 (86.52%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:03:20] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 194586/218656 (88.99%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:04:13] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 199990/218656 (91.46%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:05:07] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 205394/218656 (93.93%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:06:03] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 210798/218656 (96.41%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:06:59] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 216202/218656 (98.88%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:26] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 218654/218656 (100.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:26] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 218656/218656 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 23:07:26] Table wmf_ewwwio_images restoration took 1,172.79088 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:27] Started restoration of wmf_ewwwio_queue 70/133 (52.63%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:27] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 31/16173 (0.19%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:27] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 2435/16173 (15.06%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:28] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 4839/16173 (29.92%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:29] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 7243/16173 (44.78%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:30] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 9647/16173 (59.65%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:32] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 12051/16173 (74.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:34] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 14455/16173 (89.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:35] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 16171/16173 (99.99%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:36] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 16173/16173 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 23:07:36] Table wmf_ewwwio_queue restoration took 9.16470 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:36] Started restoration of wmf_links 71/133 (53.38%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:36] Progress of wmf_links: 39/41 (95.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:36] Progress of wmf_links: 41/41 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 23:07:36] Table wmf_links restoration took 0.97977 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:37] Started restoration of wmf_oliver_pos_bridge_sync_log 72/133 (54.14%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:37] Progress of wmf_oliver_pos_bridge_sync_log: 32/34 (94.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:37] Progress of wmf_oliver_pos_bridge_sync_log: 34/34 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 23:07:37] Table wmf_oliver_pos_bridge_sync_log restoration took 0.67487 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:38] Started restoration of wmf_options 73/133 (54.89%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:38] Progress of wmf_options: 31/50263 (0.06%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:38] Progress of wmf_options: 2135/50263 (4.25%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:40] Progress of wmf_options: 4239/50263 (8.43%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:44] Progress of wmf_options: 6343/50263 (12.62%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:07:54] Progress of wmf_options: 8447/50263 (16.81%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:08:05] Progress of wmf_options: 10551/50263 (20.99%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:08:17] Progress of wmf_options: 12655/50263 (25.18%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:08:28] Progress of wmf_options: 14759/50263 (29.36%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:08:39] Progress of wmf_options: 16863/50263 (33.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:08:50] Progress of wmf_options: 18967/50263 (37.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:09:02] Progress of wmf_options: 21071/50263 (41.92%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:09:13] Progress of wmf_options: 23175/50263 (46.11%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:09:25] Progress of wmf_options: 25279/50263 (50.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:09:37] Progress of wmf_options: 27383/50263 (54.48%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:09:49] Progress of wmf_options: 29487/50263 (58.67%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:10:02] Progress of wmf_options: 31591/50263 (62.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:10:17] Progress of wmf_options: 33695/50263 (67.04%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:10:30] Progress of wmf_options: 35799/50263 (71.22%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:10:44] Progress of wmf_options: 37903/50263 (75.41%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:10:59] Progress of wmf_options: 40007/50263 (79.60%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:11:14] Progress of wmf_options: 42111/50263 (83.78%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:11:30] Progress of wmf_options: 44215/50263 (87.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:11:45] Progress of wmf_options: 46319/50263 (92.15%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:01] Progress of wmf_options: 48423/50263 (96.34%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:16] Progress of wmf_options: 50261/50263 (100.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:16] Progress of wmf_options: 50263/50263 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-15 23:12:16] Table wmf_options restoration took 278.64985 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:17] Started restoration of wmf_postmeta 74/133 (55.64%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:17] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 31/1797707 (0.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:17] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 2135/1797707 (0.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:18] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 4239/1797707 (0.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:20] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 6343/1797707 (0.35%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:22] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 8447/1797707 (0.47%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:24] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 10551/1797707 (0.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:26] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 12655/1797707 (0.70%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:29] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 14759/1797707 (0.82%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:31] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 16863/1797707 (0.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:34] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 18967/1797707 (1.06%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:37] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 21071/1797707 (1.17%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:40] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 23175/1797707 (1.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:44] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 25279/1797707 (1.41%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:47] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 27383/1797707 (1.52%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:51] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 29487/1797707 (1.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:12:55] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 31591/1797707 (1.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:13:00] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 33695/1797707 (1.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:13:04] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 35799/1797707 (1.99%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:13:09] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 37903/1797707 (2.11%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:13:14] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 40007/1797707 (2.23%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:13:19] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 42111/1797707 (2.34%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:13:25] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 44215/1797707 (2.46%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:13:31] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 46319/1797707 (2.58%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:13:36] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 48423/1797707 (2.69%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:13:43] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 50527/1797707 (2.81%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:13:50] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 52631/1797707 (2.93%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:13:56] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 54735/1797707 (3.04%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:14:03] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 56839/1797707 (3.16%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:14:10] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 58943/1797707 (3.28%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:14:17] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 61047/1797707 (3.40%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:14:25] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 63151/1797707 (3.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:14:33] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 65255/1797707 (3.63%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:14:41] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 67359/1797707 (3.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:14:50] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 69463/1797707 (3.86%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:14:58] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 71567/1797707 (3.98%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:15:08] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 73671/1797707 (4.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:15:17] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 75775/1797707 (4.22%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:15:27] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 77879/1797707 (4.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:15:37] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 79983/1797707 (4.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:15:48] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 82087/1797707 (4.57%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:15:58] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 84191/1797707 (4.68%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:16:09] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 86295/1797707 (4.80%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:16:20] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 88399/1797707 (4.92%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:16:32] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 90503/1797707 (5.03%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:16:44] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 92607/1797707 (5.15%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:16:56] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 94711/1797707 (5.27%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:17:08] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 96815/1797707 (5.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:17:20] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 98919/1797707 (5.50%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:17:32] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 101023/1797707 (5.62%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:17:45] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 103127/1797707 (5.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:17:58] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 105231/1797707 (5.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:18:11] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 107335/1797707 (5.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:18:25] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 109439/1797707 (6.09%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:18:39] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 111543/1797707 (6.20%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:18:52] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 113647/1797707 (6.32%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:19:07] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 115751/1797707 (6.44%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:19:21] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 117855/1797707 (6.56%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:19:36] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 119959/1797707 (6.67%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:19:51] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 122063/1797707 (6.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:20:06] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 124167/1797707 (6.91%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:20:22] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 126271/1797707 (7.02%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:20:38] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 128375/1797707 (7.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:20:54] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 130479/1797707 (7.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:21:10] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 132583/1797707 (7.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:21:26] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 134687/1797707 (7.49%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:21:43] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 136791/1797707 (7.61%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:22:00] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 138895/1797707 (7.73%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:22:17] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 140999/1797707 (7.84%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:22:35] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 143103/1797707 (7.96%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:22:52] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 145207/1797707 (8.08%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:23:10] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 147311/1797707 (8.19%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:23:28] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 149415/1797707 (8.31%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:23:46] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 151519/1797707 (8.43%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:24:05] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 153623/1797707 (8.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:24:24] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 155727/1797707 (8.66%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:24:43] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 157831/1797707 (8.78%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:25:03] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 159935/1797707 (8.90%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:25:22] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 162039/1797707 (9.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:25:42] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 164143/1797707 (9.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:26:02] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 166247/1797707 (9.25%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:26:23] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 168351/1797707 (9.36%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:26:43] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 170455/1797707 (9.48%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:27:04] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 172559/1797707 (9.60%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:27:25] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 174663/1797707 (9.72%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:27:47] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 176767/1797707 (9.83%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:28:08] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 178871/1797707 (9.95%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:28:30] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 180975/1797707 (10.07%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-15 23:28:53] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 183079/1797707 (10.18%)
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    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:12:04] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 622815/1797707 (34.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:13:14] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 624919/1797707 (34.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:14:23] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 627023/1797707 (34.88%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:15:34] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 629127/1797707 (35.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:16:44] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 631231/1797707 (35.11%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:17:55] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 633335/1797707 (35.23%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:19:05] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 635439/1797707 (35.35%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:20:15] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 637543/1797707 (35.46%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:21:29] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 639647/1797707 (35.58%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:22:40] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 641751/1797707 (35.70%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:23:51] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 643855/1797707 (35.82%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:25:02] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 645959/1797707 (35.93%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:26:14] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 648063/1797707 (36.05%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:27:26] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 650167/1797707 (36.17%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:28:38] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 652271/1797707 (36.28%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:29:50] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 654375/1797707 (36.40%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:31:06] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 656479/1797707 (36.52%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:32:21] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 658583/1797707 (36.63%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:33:34] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 660687/1797707 (36.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:34:48] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 662791/1797707 (36.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:36:06] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 664895/1797707 (36.99%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:37:20] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 666999/1797707 (37.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:38:34] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 669103/1797707 (37.22%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:39:51] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 671207/1797707 (37.34%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:41:05] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 673311/1797707 (37.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:42:21] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 675415/1797707 (37.57%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:43:36] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 677519/1797707 (37.69%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:44:51] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 679623/1797707 (37.80%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:46:07] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 681727/1797707 (37.92%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:47:23] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 683831/1797707 (38.04%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:48:39] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 685935/1797707 (38.16%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:49:56] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 688039/1797707 (38.27%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:51:13] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 690143/1797707 (38.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:52:33] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 692247/1797707 (38.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:53:51] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 694351/1797707 (38.62%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:55:09] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 696455/1797707 (38.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:56:31] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 698559/1797707 (38.86%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:57:50] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 700663/1797707 (38.98%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 02:59:10] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 702767/1797707 (39.09%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:00:32] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 704871/1797707 (39.21%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:01:53] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 706975/1797707 (39.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:03:15] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 709079/1797707 (39.44%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:04:33] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 711183/1797707 (39.56%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:05:51] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 713287/1797707 (39.68%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:07:11] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 715391/1797707 (39.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:08:33] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 717495/1797707 (39.91%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:09:55] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 719599/1797707 (40.03%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:11:18] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 721703/1797707 (40.15%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:12:37] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 723807/1797707 (40.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:13:57] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 725911/1797707 (40.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:15:21] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 728015/1797707 (40.50%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:16:41] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 730119/1797707 (40.61%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:18:03] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 732223/1797707 (40.73%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:19:24] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 734327/1797707 (40.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:20:45] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 736431/1797707 (40.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:22:06] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 738535/1797707 (41.08%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:23:27] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 740639/1797707 (41.20%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-16 03:24:52] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 742743/1797707 (41.32%)
    [DESCARGA GENERADA] Archivo descargado el (hora del servidor):2022-05-16 04:21:34
    [DESCARGA GENERADA] última actualización hace (segundos):18557 segundos
    [DESCARGA GENERADA] última actualización (fecha): 2022-05-15 23:12:17
Viewing 13 replies - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
  • Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @nisaza

    You have over 1,7 million records of post meta which is really huge amount.
    It may be possible to cleanup the database and shrink the size up to 80%.
    – Most of these records should be unused revisions and junk data.

    PHP may not be able to import it quickly enough before, that’s why your process gets stuck.

    My recommendation would be to make new backup file, but before process with full cleanup and optimization of your database.

    On the site where you made your backup file:
    1. Go to “Other options” section
    2. Change backup method: https://prnt.sc/1s1ofpa
    3. Disable PHP CLI checking: https://prnt.sc/1sljr31
    4. Modify query output: https://prnt.sc/1trxucl (set this value to 100)
    5. Save “Other options” section
    6. Download “Advanced DB Cleanup” plugin
    7. Do full Cleanup and optimize all tables using Advanced DB Cleanup plugin
    8. Make new backup

    On the site where you want to restore your new backup:
    9. Enter “Other options” section too
    10. Disable PHP CLI checking as well: https://prnt.sc/1sljr31
    11. Save “Other options” section
    12. Force stop both processes: https://prnt.sc/1trv1tm
    13. Try to run the restoration once again ??

    You can also try to restore your backup on our sandbox platform: https://tastewp.com

    If you don’t have access to your source website, you don’t have to worry, we can recover and clean-up everything using your current backup as well.

    Let me know if that worked for you ??
    Thank you!

    Thread Starter nisaza


    thank you for your answer, I’ll be trying these options today! I’ll be back to comment the results

    Thread Starter nisaza


    Hello, it did not work with the changes provided.

    The recover takes too much time also, mora than 24 hours, there must be something wrong with it. Here’s the log, I think it stopped but I haven’t close the window yet

    [STEP] [2022-05-19 00:53:15] Iniciando proceso de restauración
    [WARN] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] PHP CLI está desactivado manualmente, el plugin omitirá todos los pasos de PHP CLI.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Respuesta del proceso de restauración
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Bloqueando proceso de migración
    [STEP] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Iniciando proceso de restauración
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Versión de Backup & Migration: 1.2.1
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Inicializando el gestor de errores personalizado
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Sitio que será restaurado: ***site_url***
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Versión de PHP: 7.4.29
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] WP Version: 5.9.3
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] MySQL Version: 5.7.32
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] MySQL Max Length: 33554432
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Servidor web: Apache
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Tiempo máximo de ejecución (en segundos): 259200
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Proceso de restauración iniciado correctamente.
    [STEP] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Comprobando espacio libre...
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Comprobando si existe espacio libre suficiente
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Necesita, al menos, 327700552 bytes. [312.52 MB]
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] La función de espacio libre en el disco no está desactivada - usándola...
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Comprobando esta ruta o partición: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Hay 565,403.13 MB libres. [552.15 GB]
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] ?Genial! Tenemos espacio suficiente.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Confirmed, there is enough space on the device, checked: 327700552 bytes.
    [STEP] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Creando una nueva clave secreta para el proceso de restauración actual.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Clave secreta generada, se te devolverá (ping).
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] ?Clave secreta detectada correctamente (pong)!
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Creando un directorio temporal
    [STEP] [2022-05-19 00:53:17] Explorando el archivo...
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:18] La exploración ha encontrado 19438 archivos dentro de la copia de seguridad.
    [STEP] [2022-05-19 00:53:18] Preparando la técnica de lotes para la extracción...
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:18] Archivos exportados por lote: 4000
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:19] Utilizando ZipArchive, omitiendo los cálculos de límite de memoria...
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:19] Meta de extracción: 4001/19439 (20.58%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:22] Meta de extracción: 8001/19439 (41.16%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:25] Meta de extracción: 12001/19439 (61.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:30] Meta de extracción: 16001/19439 (82.31%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:37] Meta de extracción: 19439/19439 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:37] Archivos extraídos...
    [STEP] [2022-05-19 00:53:37] Guardando el archivo wp-config...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:37] Guardado el archivo wp-config
    [STEP] [2022-05-19 00:53:38] Obteniendo el manifiesto de la copia de seguridad...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:38] Manifiesto cargado
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:38] Backup Migration version used for that backup: 1.2.1
    [STEP] [2022-05-19 00:53:38] Restaurando los archivos (este proceso puede tardar un poco)...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:42] Todos los archivos restaurados correctamente.
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:43] Splitting process is disabled because v3 restore engine is enabled.
    [STEP] [2022-05-19 00:53:43] Comprobando la estructura de la base de datos...
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:43] Se detectó correctamente la copia de seguridad creada con motor V2, importando...
    [STEP] [2022-05-19 00:53:43] Restoring database (using V3 engine)...
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:43] Started restoration of qxb_actionscheduler_actions 1/133 (0.75%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:43] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_actions: 45/83 (54.22%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:44] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_actions: 81/83 (97.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:44] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_actions: 83/83 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:44] Table qxb_actionscheduler_actions restoration took 1.41389 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:44] Started restoration of qxb_actionscheduler_claims 2/133 (1.50%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:44] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_claims: 28/30 (93.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:45] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_claims: 30/30 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:45] Table qxb_actionscheduler_claims restoration took 1.15140 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:45] Started restoration of qxb_actionscheduler_groups 3/133 (2.26%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:45] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_groups: 28/39 (71.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:45] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_groups: 37/39 (94.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:46] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_groups: 39/39 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:46] Table qxb_actionscheduler_groups restoration took 1.35198 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:46] Started restoration of qxb_actionscheduler_logs 4/133 (3.01%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:46] Cleaning up contents of qxb_actionscheduler_logs table.
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:46] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_logs: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:46] Table qxb_actionscheduler_logs restoration took 0.71680 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:47] Started restoration of qxb_commentmeta 5/133 (3.76%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:47] Progress of qxb_commentmeta: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:47] Progress of qxb_commentmeta: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:47] Table qxb_commentmeta restoration took 0.38649 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:47] Started restoration of qxb_comments 6/133 (4.51%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:47] Progress of qxb_comments: 46/70 (65.71%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:48] Progress of qxb_comments: 68/70 (97.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:48] Progress of qxb_comments: 70/70 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:48] Table qxb_comments restoration took 1.37714 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:48] Started restoration of qxb_links 7/133 (5.26%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:48] Progress of qxb_links: 39/41 (95.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:49] Progress of qxb_links: 41/41 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:49] Table qxb_links restoration took 1.10748 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:49] Started restoration of qxb_options 8/133 (6.02%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:49] Progress of qxb_options: 31/2373 (1.31%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:49] Progress of qxb_options: 735/2373 (30.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:50] Progress of qxb_options: 1439/2373 (60.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:50] Progress of qxb_options: 2143/2373 (90.31%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:51] Progress of qxb_options: 2371/2373 (99.92%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:51] Progress of qxb_options: 2373/2373 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:51] Table qxb_options restoration took 2.68374 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:52] Started restoration of qxb_postmeta 9/133 (6.77%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:52] Progress of qxb_postmeta: 31/93 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:52] Progress of qxb_postmeta: 91/93 (97.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:53] Progress of qxb_postmeta: 93/93 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:53] Table qxb_postmeta restoration took 1.02059 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:53] Started restoration of qxb_posts 10/133 (7.52%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:53] Progress of qxb_posts: 52/188 (27.66%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:53] Progress of qxb_posts: 186/188 (98.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:54] Progress of qxb_posts: 188/188 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:54] Table qxb_posts restoration took 1.03145 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:54] Started restoration of qxb_term_relationships 11/133 (8.27%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:54] Progress of qxb_term_relationships: 29/41 (70.73%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:54] Progress of qxb_term_relationships: 39/41 (95.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:55] Progress of qxb_term_relationships: 41/41 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:55] Table qxb_term_relationships restoration took 1.07601 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:55] Started restoration of qxb_term_taxonomy 12/133 (9.02%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:55] Progress of qxb_term_taxonomy: 33/174 (18.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:55] Progress of qxb_term_taxonomy: 172/174 (98.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:56] Progress of qxb_term_taxonomy: 174/174 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:56] Table qxb_term_taxonomy restoration took 1.20338 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:56] Started restoration of qxb_termmeta 13/133 (9.77%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:56] Progress of qxb_termmeta: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:56] Progress of qxb_termmeta: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:56] Table qxb_termmeta restoration took 0.99715 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:57] Started restoration of qxb_terms 14/133 (10.53%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:57] Progress of qxb_terms: 31/142 (21.83%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:57] Progress of qxb_terms: 140/142 (98.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:58] Progress of qxb_terms: 142/142 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:58] Table qxb_terms restoration took 1.02539 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:58] Started restoration of qxb_usermeta 15/133 (11.28%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:58] Progress of qxb_usermeta: 31/163 (19.02%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:58] Progress of qxb_usermeta: 161/163 (98.77%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:59] Progress of qxb_usermeta: 163/163 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:53:59] Table qxb_usermeta restoration took 1.14324 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:59] Started restoration of qxb_users 16/133 (12.03%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:59] Progress of qxb_users: 38/57 (66.67%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:53:59] Progress of qxb_users: 55/57 (96.49%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:00] Progress of qxb_users: 57/57 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:00] Table qxb_users restoration took 1.29278 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:00] Started restoration of qxb_wc_admin_note_actions 17/133 (12.78%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:00] Progress of qxb_wc_admin_note_actions: 33/69 (47.83%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:01] Progress of qxb_wc_admin_note_actions: 67/69 (97.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:01] Progress of qxb_wc_admin_note_actions: 69/69 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:01] Table qxb_wc_admin_note_actions restoration took 1.39683 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:01] Started restoration of qxb_wc_admin_notes 18/133 (13.53%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:01] Progress of qxb_wc_admin_notes: 41/104 (39.42%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:02] Progress of qxb_wc_admin_notes: 102/104 (98.08%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:02] Progress of qxb_wc_admin_notes: 104/104 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:02] Table qxb_wc_admin_notes restoration took 1.54636 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:02] Started restoration of qxb_wc_category_lookup 19/133 (14.29%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:02] Progress of qxb_wc_category_lookup: 27/38 (71.05%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:03] Progress of qxb_wc_category_lookup: 36/38 (94.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:03] Progress of qxb_wc_category_lookup: 38/38 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:03] Table qxb_wc_category_lookup restoration took 1.78712 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:04] Started restoration of qxb_wc_customer_lookup 20/133 (15.04%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:04] Progress of qxb_wc_customer_lookup: 39/41 (95.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:04] Progress of qxb_wc_customer_lookup: 41/41 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:04] Table qxb_wc_customer_lookup restoration took 0.52380 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:04] Started restoration of qxb_wc_download_log 21/133 (15.79%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:04] Progress of qxb_wc_download_log: 33/35 (94.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:05] Progress of qxb_wc_download_log: 35/35 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:05] Table qxb_wc_download_log restoration took 1.31054 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:05] Started restoration of qxb_wc_order_coupon_lookup 22/133 (16.54%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:05] Progress of qxb_wc_order_coupon_lookup: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:06] Progress of qxb_wc_order_coupon_lookup: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:06] Table qxb_wc_order_coupon_lookup restoration took 1.06482 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:06] Started restoration of qxb_wc_order_product_lookup 23/133 (17.29%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:06] Progress of qxb_wc_order_product_lookup: 42/44 (95.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:06] Progress of qxb_wc_order_product_lookup: 44/44 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:06] Table qxb_wc_order_product_lookup restoration took 0.82269 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:07] Started restoration of qxb_wc_order_stats 24/133 (18.05%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:07] Progress of qxb_wc_order_stats: 40/42 (95.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:07] Progress of qxb_wc_order_stats: 42/42 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:07] Table qxb_wc_order_stats restoration took 0.64486 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:07] Started restoration of qxb_wc_order_tax_lookup 25/133 (18.80%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:08] Progress of qxb_wc_order_tax_lookup: 33/35 (94.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:08] Progress of qxb_wc_order_tax_lookup: 35/35 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:08] Table qxb_wc_order_tax_lookup restoration took 1.36682 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:09] Started restoration of qxb_wc_product_meta_lookup 26/133 (19.55%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:09] Progress of qxb_wc_product_meta_lookup: 45/47 (95.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:09] Progress of qxb_wc_product_meta_lookup: 47/47 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:09] Table qxb_wc_product_meta_lookup restoration took 0.61120 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:09] Started restoration of qxb_wc_reserved_stock 27/133 (20.30%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:09] Progress of qxb_wc_reserved_stock: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:10] Progress of qxb_wc_reserved_stock: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:10] Table qxb_wc_reserved_stock restoration took 1.34150 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:10] Started restoration of qxb_wc_tax_rate_classes 28/133 (21.05%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:10] Progress of qxb_wc_tax_rate_classes: 29/47 (61.70%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:11] Progress of qxb_wc_tax_rate_classes: 45/47 (95.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:11] Progress of qxb_wc_tax_rate_classes: 47/47 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:11] Table qxb_wc_tax_rate_classes restoration took 1.49858 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:11] Started restoration of qxb_wc_webhooks 29/133 (21.80%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:11] Progress of qxb_wc_webhooks: 40/42 (95.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:12] Progress of qxb_wc_webhooks: 42/42 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:12] Table qxb_wc_webhooks restoration took 1.20760 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:12] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_api_keys 30/133 (22.56%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:12] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_api_keys: 36/38 (94.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:12] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_api_keys: 38/38 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:12] Table qxb_woocommerce_api_keys restoration took 0.94234 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:13] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies 31/133 (23.31%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:13] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies: 32/34 (94.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:13] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies: 34/34 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:13] Table qxb_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies restoration took 0.82292 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:14] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions 32/133 (24.06%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:14] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions: 40/42 (95.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:14] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions: 42/42 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:14] Table qxb_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions restoration took 0.65370 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:15] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_log 33/133 (24.81%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:15] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_log: 32/34 (94.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:15] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_log: 34/34 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:15] Table qxb_woocommerce_log restoration took 0.44972 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:15] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_order_itemmeta 34/133 (25.56%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:15] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_order_itemmeta: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:16] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_order_itemmeta: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:16] Table qxb_woocommerce_order_itemmeta restoration took 1.26115 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:16] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_order_items 35/133 (26.32%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:16] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_order_items: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:17] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_order_items: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:17] Table qxb_woocommerce_order_items restoration took 1.09162 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:17] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta 36/133 (27.07%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:17] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:17] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:17] Table qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta restoration took 0.79375 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:18] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokens 37/133 (27.82%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:18] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokens: 32/34 (94.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:18] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokens: 34/34 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:18] Table qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokens restoration took 0.60621 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:19] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_sessions 38/133 (28.57%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:19] Cleaning up contents of qxb_woocommerce_sessions table.
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:19] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_sessions: 30/30 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:19] Table qxb_woocommerce_sessions restoration took 0.26904 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:19] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations 39/133 (29.32%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:19] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:19] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:19] Table qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations restoration took 0.95431 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:20] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods 40/133 (30.08%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:20] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:20] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:20] Table qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods restoration took 0.59592 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:20] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zones 41/133 (30.83%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:20] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zones: 28/30 (93.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:21] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zones: 30/30 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:21] Table qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zones restoration took 1.82710 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:22] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations 42/133 (31.58%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:22] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:22] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:22] Table qxb_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations restoration took 0.60249 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:22] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_tax_rates 43/133 (32.33%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:22] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_tax_rates: 39/41 (95.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:23] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_tax_rates: 41/41 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 00:54:23] Table qxb_woocommerce_tax_rates restoration took 1.33403 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:23] Started restoration of wmf_actionscheduler_actions 44/133 (33.08%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:23] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 46/147876 (0.03%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:24] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 1650/147876 (1.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:24] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 3254/147876 (2.20%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:25] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 4858/147876 (3.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:26] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 6462/147876 (4.37%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:27] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 8066/147876 (5.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:28] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 9670/147876 (6.54%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:30] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 11274/147876 (7.62%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:31] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 12878/147876 (8.71%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:33] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 14482/147876 (9.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:34] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 16086/147876 (10.88%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:36] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 17690/147876 (11.96%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:38] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 19294/147876 (13.05%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:40] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 20898/147876 (14.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:43] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 22502/147876 (15.22%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:45] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 24106/147876 (16.30%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:47] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 25710/147876 (17.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:50] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 27314/147876 (18.47%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:53] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 28918/147876 (19.56%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:56] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 30522/147876 (20.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:54:59] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 32126/147876 (21.72%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:55:02] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 33730/147876 (22.81%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:55:05] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 35334/147876 (23.89%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:55:08] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 36938/147876 (24.98%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:55:12] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 38542/147876 (26.06%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:55:16] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 40146/147876 (27.15%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:55:19] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 41750/147876 (28.23%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:55:23] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 43354/147876 (29.32%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:55:28] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 44958/147876 (30.40%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:55:32] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 46562/147876 (31.49%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:55:36] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 48166/147876 (32.57%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:55:41] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 49770/147876 (33.66%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:55:45] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 51374/147876 (34.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:55:50] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 52978/147876 (35.83%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:55:55] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 54582/147876 (36.91%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:56:00] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 56186/147876 (38.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:56:05] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 57790/147876 (39.08%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:56:10] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 59394/147876 (40.16%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:56:16] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 60998/147876 (41.25%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:56:21] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 62602/147876 (42.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:56:27] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 64206/147876 (43.42%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:56:33] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 65810/147876 (44.50%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:56:38] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 67414/147876 (45.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:56:44] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 69018/147876 (46.67%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:56:51] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 70622/147876 (47.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:56:57] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 72226/147876 (48.84%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:57:04] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 73830/147876 (49.93%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:57:10] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 75434/147876 (51.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:57:17] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 77038/147876 (52.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:57:24] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 78642/147876 (53.18%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:57:32] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 80246/147876 (54.27%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:57:39] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 81850/147876 (55.35%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:57:46] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 83454/147876 (56.44%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:57:54] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 85058/147876 (57.52%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:58:01] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 86662/147876 (58.60%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:58:09] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 88266/147876 (59.69%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:58:17] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 89870/147876 (60.77%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:58:25] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 91474/147876 (61.86%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:58:33] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 93078/147876 (62.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:58:42] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 94682/147876 (64.03%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:58:50] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 96286/147876 (65.11%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:58:59] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 97890/147876 (66.20%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:59:08] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 99494/147876 (67.28%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:59:17] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 101098/147876 (68.37%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:59:26] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 102702/147876 (69.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:59:36] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 104306/147876 (70.54%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:59:45] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 105910/147876 (71.62%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 00:59:55] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 107514/147876 (72.71%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:00:04] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 109118/147876 (73.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:00:14] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 110722/147876 (74.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:00:24] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 112326/147876 (75.96%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:00:35] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 113930/147876 (77.04%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:00:45] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 115534/147876 (78.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:00:56] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 117138/147876 (79.21%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:01:06] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 118742/147876 (80.30%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:01:17] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 120346/147876 (81.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:01:28] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 121950/147876 (82.47%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:01:39] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 123554/147876 (83.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:01:50] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 125158/147876 (84.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:02:02] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 126762/147876 (85.72%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:02:13] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 128366/147876 (86.81%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:02:25] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 129970/147876 (87.89%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:02:37] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 131574/147876 (88.98%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:02:48] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 133178/147876 (90.06%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:03:00] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 134782/147876 (91.15%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:03:12] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 136386/147876 (92.23%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:03:25] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 137990/147876 (93.31%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:03:37] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 139594/147876 (94.40%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:03:50] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 141198/147876 (95.48%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:03] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 142802/147876 (96.57%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:16] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 144406/147876 (97.65%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:29] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 146010/147876 (98.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:42] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 147614/147876 (99.82%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:45] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 147874/147876 (100.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:45] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 147876/147876 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:04:45] Table wmf_actionscheduler_actions restoration took 622.55483 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:45] Started restoration of wmf_actionscheduler_claims 45/133 (33.83%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:45] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_claims: 28/39 (71.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:46] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_claims: 37/39 (94.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:46] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_claims: 39/39 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:04:46] Table wmf_actionscheduler_claims restoration took 1.66064 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:46] Started restoration of wmf_actionscheduler_groups 46/133 (34.59%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:47] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_groups: 28/54 (51.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:47] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_groups: 52/54 (96.30%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:47] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_groups: 54/54 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:04:47] Table wmf_actionscheduler_groups restoration took 1.65154 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:48] Started restoration of wmf_actionscheduler_logs 47/133 (35.34%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:48] Cleaning up contents of wmf_actionscheduler_logs table.
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:48] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_logs: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:04:48] Table wmf_actionscheduler_logs restoration took 0.12398 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:48] Started restoration of wmf_adtribes_my_conversions 48/133 (36.09%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:48] Progress of wmf_adtribes_my_conversions: 35/37 (94.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:48] Progress of wmf_adtribes_my_conversions: 37/37 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:04:48] Table wmf_adtribes_my_conversions restoration took 0.89347 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:49] Started restoration of wmf_aepc_custom_audiences 49/133 (36.84%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:49] Progress of wmf_aepc_custom_audiences: 36/38 (94.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:49] Progress of wmf_aepc_custom_audiences: 38/38 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:04:49] Table wmf_aepc_custom_audiences restoration took 0.64118 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:50] Started restoration of wmf_aepc_logs 50/133 (37.59%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:50] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 30/62344 (0.05%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:50] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 834/62344 (1.34%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:50] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 1638/62344 (2.63%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:51] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 2442/62344 (3.92%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:51] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 3246/62344 (5.21%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:52] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 4050/62344 (6.50%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:52] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 4854/62344 (7.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:53] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 5658/62344 (9.08%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:54] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 6462/62344 (10.37%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:54] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 7266/62344 (11.65%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:55] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 8070/62344 (12.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:56] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 8874/62344 (14.23%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:57] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 9678/62344 (15.52%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:57] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 10482/62344 (16.81%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:58] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 11286/62344 (18.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:04:59] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 12090/62344 (19.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:00] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 12894/62344 (20.68%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:01] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 13698/62344 (21.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:02] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 14502/62344 (23.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:03] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 15306/62344 (24.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:05] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 16110/62344 (25.84%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:06] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 16914/62344 (27.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:07] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 17718/62344 (28.42%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:08] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 18522/62344 (29.71%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:09] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 19326/62344 (31.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:11] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 20130/62344 (32.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:12] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 20934/62344 (33.58%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:14] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 21738/62344 (34.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:15] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 22542/62344 (36.16%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:16] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 23346/62344 (37.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:18] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 24150/62344 (38.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:19] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 24954/62344 (40.03%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:21] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 25758/62344 (41.32%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:22] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 26562/62344 (42.61%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:24] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 27366/62344 (43.90%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:25] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 28170/62344 (45.18%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:27] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 28974/62344 (46.47%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:29] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 29778/62344 (47.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:30] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 30582/62344 (49.05%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:32] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 31386/62344 (50.34%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:34] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 32190/62344 (51.63%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:36] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 32994/62344 (52.92%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:38] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 33798/62344 (54.21%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:40] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 34602/62344 (55.50%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:42] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 35406/62344 (56.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:44] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 36210/62344 (58.08%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:46] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 37014/62344 (59.37%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:48] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 37818/62344 (60.66%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:50] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 38622/62344 (61.95%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:52] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 39426/62344 (63.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:54] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 40230/62344 (64.53%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:56] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 41034/62344 (65.82%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:05:58] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 41838/62344 (67.11%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:01] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 42642/62344 (68.40%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:03] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 43446/62344 (69.69%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:05] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 44250/62344 (70.98%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:08] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 45054/62344 (72.27%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:10] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 45858/62344 (73.56%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:13] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 46662/62344 (74.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:15] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 47466/62344 (76.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:18] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 48270/62344 (77.43%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:20] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 49074/62344 (78.71%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:23] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 49878/62344 (80.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:25] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 50682/62344 (81.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:28] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 51486/62344 (82.58%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:31] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 52290/62344 (83.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:34] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 53094/62344 (85.16%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:36] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 53898/62344 (86.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:39] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 54702/62344 (87.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:42] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 55506/62344 (89.03%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:45] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 56310/62344 (90.32%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:48] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 57114/62344 (91.61%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:51] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 57918/62344 (92.90%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:54] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 58722/62344 (94.19%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:06:57] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 59526/62344 (95.48%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:01] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 60330/62344 (96.77%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:04] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 61134/62344 (98.06%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:07] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 61938/62344 (99.35%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:09] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 62342/62344 (100.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:10] Progress of wmf_aepc_logs: 62344/62344 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:07:10] Table wmf_aepc_logs restoration took 141.24272 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:10] Started restoration of wmf_barcode_v3_dimension 51/133 (38.35%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:10] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_dimension: 30/60 (50.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:11] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_dimension: 58/60 (96.67%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:11] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_dimension: 60/60 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:07:11] Table wmf_barcode_v3_dimension restoration took 1.44060 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:11] Started restoration of wmf_barcode_v3_fields_matching 52/133 (39.10%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:11] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_fields_matching: 30/44 (68.18%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:12] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_fields_matching: 42/44 (95.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:12] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_fields_matching: 44/44 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:07:12] Table wmf_barcode_v3_fields_matching restoration took 1.46042 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:12] Started restoration of wmf_barcode_v3_label_sheets 53/133 (39.85%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:12] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_label_sheets: 41/997 (4.11%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:13] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_label_sheets: 995/997 (99.80%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:13] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_label_sheets: 997/997 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:07:13] Table wmf_barcode_v3_label_sheets restoration took 1.47519 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:13] Started restoration of wmf_barcode_v3_paper_formats 54/133 (40.60%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:13] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_paper_formats: 34/148 (22.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:15] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_paper_formats: 146/148 (98.65%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:15] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_paper_formats: 148/148 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:07:15] Table wmf_barcode_v3_paper_formats restoration took 2.94521 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:16] Started restoration of wmf_barcode_v3_profiles 55/133 (41.35%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:16] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_profiles: 42/68 (61.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:16] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_profiles: 66/68 (97.06%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:17] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_profiles: 68/68 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:07:17] Table wmf_barcode_v3_profiles restoration took 1.04505 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:17] Started restoration of wmf_barcode_v3_template_to_user 56/133 (42.11%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:17] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_template_to_user: 29/42 (69.05%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:17] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_template_to_user: 40/42 (95.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:18] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_template_to_user: 42/42 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:07:18] Table wmf_barcode_v3_template_to_user restoration took 1.09042 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:18] Started restoration of wmf_barcode_v3_templates 57/133 (42.86%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:18] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_templates: 51/521 (9.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:18] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_templates: 519/521 (99.62%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:19] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_templates: 521/521 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:07:19] Table wmf_barcode_v3_templates restoration took 1.12971 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:19] Started restoration of wmf_barcode_v3_user_settings 58/133 (43.61%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:19] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_user_settings: 30/84 (35.71%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:19] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_user_settings: 82/84 (97.62%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:20] Progress of wmf_barcode_v3_user_settings: 84/84 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:07:20] Table wmf_barcode_v3_user_settings restoration took 1.25574 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:20] Started restoration of wmf_cf_form_entries 59/133 (44.36%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:20] Progress of wmf_cf_form_entries: 34/36 (94.44%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:20] Progress of wmf_cf_form_entries: 36/36 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:07:20] Table wmf_cf_form_entries restoration took 0.96679 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:21] Started restoration of wmf_cf_form_entry_meta 60/133 (45.11%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:21] Progress of wmf_cf_form_entry_meta: 32/34 (94.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:21] Progress of wmf_cf_form_entry_meta: 34/34 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:07:21] Table wmf_cf_form_entry_meta restoration took 0.80426 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:22] Started restoration of wmf_cf_form_entry_values 61/133 (45.86%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:22] Progress of wmf_cf_form_entry_values: 33/35 (94.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:22] Progress of wmf_cf_form_entry_values: 35/35 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:07:22] Table wmf_cf_form_entry_values restoration took 0.59820 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:23] Started restoration of wmf_cf_forms 62/133 (46.62%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:23] Progress of wmf_cf_forms: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:23] Progress of wmf_cf_forms: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:07:23] Table wmf_cf_forms restoration took 0.39949 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:23] Started restoration of wmf_cf_pro_messages 63/133 (47.37%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:23] Progress of wmf_cf_pro_messages: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:24] Progress of wmf_cf_pro_messages: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:07:24] Table wmf_cf_pro_messages restoration took 1.14198 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:24] Started restoration of wmf_cf_queue_failures 64/133 (48.12%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:24] Progress of wmf_cf_queue_failures: 29/31 (93.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:24] Progress of wmf_cf_queue_failures: 31/31 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:07:24] Table wmf_cf_queue_failures restoration took 0.84516 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:25] Started restoration of wmf_cf_queue_jobs 65/133 (48.87%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:25] Progress of wmf_cf_queue_jobs: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:25] Progress of wmf_cf_queue_jobs: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:07:25] Table wmf_cf_queue_jobs restoration took 0.49713 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:25] Started restoration of wmf_commentmeta 66/133 (49.62%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:25] Progress of wmf_commentmeta: 31/107 (28.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:26] Progress of wmf_commentmeta: 105/107 (98.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:26] Progress of wmf_commentmeta: 107/107 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:07:26] Table wmf_commentmeta restoration took 1.48589 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:26] Started restoration of wmf_comments 67/133 (50.38%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:26] Progress of wmf_comments: 46/288670 (0.02%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:27] Progress of wmf_comments: 1850/288670 (0.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:27] Progress of wmf_comments: 3654/288670 (1.27%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:28] Progress of wmf_comments: 5458/288670 (1.89%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:29] Progress of wmf_comments: 7262/288670 (2.52%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:30] Progress of wmf_comments: 9066/288670 (3.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:32] Progress of wmf_comments: 10870/288670 (3.77%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:33] Progress of wmf_comments: 12674/288670 (4.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:35] Progress of wmf_comments: 14478/288670 (5.02%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:37] Progress of wmf_comments: 16282/288670 (5.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:39] Progress of wmf_comments: 18086/288670 (6.27%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:41] Progress of wmf_comments: 19890/288670 (6.89%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:43] Progress of wmf_comments: 21694/288670 (7.52%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:46] Progress of wmf_comments: 23498/288670 (8.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:49] Progress of wmf_comments: 25302/288670 (8.77%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:51] Progress of wmf_comments: 27106/288670 (9.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:54] Progress of wmf_comments: 28910/288670 (10.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:07:58] Progress of wmf_comments: 30714/288670 (10.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:08:01] Progress of wmf_comments: 32518/288670 (11.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:08:04] Progress of wmf_comments: 34322/288670 (11.89%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:08:08] Progress of wmf_comments: 36126/288670 (12.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:08:12] Progress of wmf_comments: 37930/288670 (13.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:08:16] Progress of wmf_comments: 39734/288670 (13.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:08:20] Progress of wmf_comments: 41538/288670 (14.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:08:24] Progress of wmf_comments: 43342/288670 (15.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:08:29] Progress of wmf_comments: 45146/288670 (15.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:08:34] Progress of wmf_comments: 46950/288670 (16.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:08:39] Progress of wmf_comments: 48754/288670 (16.89%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:08:44] Progress of wmf_comments: 50558/288670 (17.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:08:49] Progress of wmf_comments: 52362/288670 (18.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:08:54] Progress of wmf_comments: 54166/288670 (18.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:08:59] Progress of wmf_comments: 55970/288670 (19.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:09:05] Progress of wmf_comments: 57774/288670 (20.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:09:11] Progress of wmf_comments: 59578/288670 (20.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:09:17] Progress of wmf_comments: 61382/288670 (21.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:09:23] Progress of wmf_comments: 63186/288670 (21.89%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:09:29] Progress of wmf_comments: 64990/288670 (22.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:09:36] Progress of wmf_comments: 66794/288670 (23.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:09:43] Progress of wmf_comments: 68598/288670 (23.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:09:50] Progress of wmf_comments: 70402/288670 (24.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:09:57] Progress of wmf_comments: 72206/288670 (25.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:10:04] Progress of wmf_comments: 74010/288670 (25.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:10:12] Progress of wmf_comments: 75814/288670 (26.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:10:19] Progress of wmf_comments: 77618/288670 (26.89%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:10:27] Progress of wmf_comments: 79422/288670 (27.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:10:35] Progress of wmf_comments: 81226/288670 (28.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:10:43] Progress of wmf_comments: 83030/288670 (28.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:10:51] Progress of wmf_comments: 84834/288670 (29.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:10:59] Progress of wmf_comments: 86638/288670 (30.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:11:07] Progress of wmf_comments: 88442/288670 (30.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:11:16] Progress of wmf_comments: 90246/288670 (31.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:11:25] Progress of wmf_comments: 92050/288670 (31.89%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:11:34] Progress of wmf_comments: 93854/288670 (32.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:11:43] Progress of wmf_comments: 95658/288670 (33.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:11:53] Progress of wmf_comments: 97462/288670 (33.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:12:03] Progress of wmf_comments: 99266/288670 (34.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:12:13] Progress of wmf_comments: 101070/288670 (35.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:12:23] Progress of wmf_comments: 102874/288670 (35.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:12:33] Progress of wmf_comments: 104678/288670 (36.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:12:44] Progress of wmf_comments: 106482/288670 (36.89%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:12:54] Progress of wmf_comments: 108286/288670 (37.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:13:05] Progress of wmf_comments: 110090/288670 (38.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:13:16] Progress of wmf_comments: 111894/288670 (38.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:13:27] Progress of wmf_comments: 113698/288670 (39.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:13:39] Progress of wmf_comments: 115502/288670 (40.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:13:50] Progress of wmf_comments: 117306/288670 (40.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:14:02] Progress of wmf_comments: 119110/288670 (41.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:14:14] Progress of wmf_comments: 120914/288670 (41.89%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:14:26] Progress of wmf_comments: 122718/288670 (42.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:14:37] Progress of wmf_comments: 124522/288670 (43.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:14:50] Progress of wmf_comments: 126326/288670 (43.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:15:03] Progress of wmf_comments: 128130/288670 (44.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:15:15] Progress of wmf_comments: 129934/288670 (45.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:15:28] Progress of wmf_comments: 131738/288670 (45.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:15:42] Progress of wmf_comments: 133542/288670 (46.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:15:55] Progress of wmf_comments: 135346/288670 (46.89%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:16:08] Progress of wmf_comments: 137150/288670 (47.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:16:23] Progress of wmf_comments: 138954/288670 (48.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:16:36] Progress of wmf_comments: 140758/288670 (48.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:16:50] Progress of wmf_comments: 142562/288670 (49.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:17:04] Progress of wmf_comments: 144366/288670 (50.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:17:18] Progress of wmf_comments: 146170/288670 (50.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:17:33] Progress of wmf_comments: 147974/288670 (51.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:17:48] Progress of wmf_comments: 149778/288670 (51.89%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:18:03] Progress of wmf_comments: 151582/288670 (52.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:18:18] Progress of wmf_comments: 153386/288670 (53.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:18:33] Progress of wmf_comments: 155190/288670 (53.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:18:48] Progress of wmf_comments: 156994/288670 (54.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:19:03] Progress of wmf_comments: 158798/288670 (55.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:19:19] Progress of wmf_comments: 160602/288670 (55.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:19:36] Progress of wmf_comments: 162406/288670 (56.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:19:53] Progress of wmf_comments: 164210/288670 (56.89%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:20:09] Progress of wmf_comments: 166014/288670 (57.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:20:25] Progress of wmf_comments: 167818/288670 (58.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:20:42] Progress of wmf_comments: 169622/288670 (58.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:20:58] Progress of wmf_comments: 171426/288670 (59.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:21:15] Progress of wmf_comments: 173230/288670 (60.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:21:32] Progress of wmf_comments: 175034/288670 (60.63%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:21:50] Progress of wmf_comments: 176838/288670 (61.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:22:07] Progress of wmf_comments: 178642/288670 (61.88%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:22:25] Progress of wmf_comments: 180446/288670 (62.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:22:42] Progress of wmf_comments: 182250/288670 (63.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:23:01] Progress of wmf_comments: 184054/288670 (63.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:23:19] Progress of wmf_comments: 185858/288670 (64.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:23:38] Progress of wmf_comments: 187662/288670 (65.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:23:56] Progress of wmf_comments: 189466/288670 (65.63%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:24:15] Progress of wmf_comments: 191270/288670 (66.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:24:33] Progress of wmf_comments: 193074/288670 (66.88%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:24:52] Progress of wmf_comments: 194878/288670 (67.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:25:11] Progress of wmf_comments: 196682/288670 (68.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:25:30] Progress of wmf_comments: 198486/288670 (68.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:25:50] Progress of wmf_comments: 200290/288670 (69.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:26:09] Progress of wmf_comments: 202094/288670 (70.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:26:29] Progress of wmf_comments: 203898/288670 (70.63%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:26:49] Progress of wmf_comments: 205702/288670 (71.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:27:09] Progress of wmf_comments: 207506/288670 (71.88%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:27:29] Progress of wmf_comments: 209310/288670 (72.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:27:50] Progress of wmf_comments: 211114/288670 (73.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:28:11] Progress of wmf_comments: 212918/288670 (73.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:28:31] Progress of wmf_comments: 214722/288670 (74.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:28:52] Progress of wmf_comments: 216526/288670 (75.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:29:13] Progress of wmf_comments: 218330/288670 (75.63%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:29:35] Progress of wmf_comments: 220134/288670 (76.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:29:56] Progress of wmf_comments: 221938/288670 (76.88%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:30:18] Progress of wmf_comments: 223742/288670 (77.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:30:40] Progress of wmf_comments: 225546/288670 (78.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:31:02] Progress of wmf_comments: 227350/288670 (78.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:31:24] Progress of wmf_comments: 229154/288670 (79.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:31:47] Progress of wmf_comments: 230958/288670 (80.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:32:10] Progress of wmf_comments: 232762/288670 (80.63%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:32:33] Progress of wmf_comments: 234566/288670 (81.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:32:56] Progress of wmf_comments: 236370/288670 (81.88%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:33:19] Progress of wmf_comments: 238174/288670 (82.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:33:43] Progress of wmf_comments: 239978/288670 (83.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:34:06] Progress of wmf_comments: 241782/288670 (83.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:34:30] Progress of wmf_comments: 243586/288670 (84.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:34:54] Progress of wmf_comments: 245390/288670 (85.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:35:18] Progress of wmf_comments: 247194/288670 (85.63%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:35:43] Progress of wmf_comments: 248998/288670 (86.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:36:08] Progress of wmf_comments: 250802/288670 (86.88%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:36:34] Progress of wmf_comments: 252606/288670 (87.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:37:00] Progress of wmf_comments: 254410/288670 (88.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:37:26] Progress of wmf_comments: 256214/288670 (88.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:37:51] Progress of wmf_comments: 258018/288670 (89.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:38:17] Progress of wmf_comments: 259822/288670 (90.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:38:43] Progress of wmf_comments: 261626/288670 (90.63%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:39:08] Progress of wmf_comments: 263430/288670 (91.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:39:34] Progress of wmf_comments: 265234/288670 (91.88%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:40:00] Progress of wmf_comments: 267038/288670 (92.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:40:27] Progress of wmf_comments: 268842/288670 (93.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:40:55] Progress of wmf_comments: 270646/288670 (93.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:41:22] Progress of wmf_comments: 272450/288670 (94.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:41:48] Progress of wmf_comments: 274254/288670 (95.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:42:16] Progress of wmf_comments: 276058/288670 (95.63%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:42:44] Progress of wmf_comments: 277862/288670 (96.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:43:11] Progress of wmf_comments: 279666/288670 (96.88%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:43:38] Progress of wmf_comments: 281470/288670 (97.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:44:07] Progress of wmf_comments: 283274/288670 (98.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:44:34] Progress of wmf_comments: 285078/288670 (98.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:03] Progress of wmf_comments: 286882/288670 (99.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:31] Progress of wmf_comments: 288668/288670 (100.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:31] Progress of wmf_comments: 288670/288670 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:45:31] Table wmf_comments restoration took 2,285.39922 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:31] Started restoration of wmf_e_events 68/133 (51.13%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:31] Progress of wmf_e_events: 29/31 (93.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:32] Progress of wmf_e_events: 31/31 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 01:45:32] Table wmf_e_events restoration took 1.06133 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:32] Started restoration of wmf_ewwwio_images 69/133 (51.88%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:32] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 42/218980 (0.02%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:32] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 1846/218980 (0.84%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:33] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 3650/218980 (1.67%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:34] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 5454/218980 (2.49%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:35] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 7258/218980 (3.31%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:36] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 9062/218980 (4.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:37] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 10866/218980 (4.96%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:38] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 12670/218980 (5.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:40] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 14474/218980 (6.61%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:41] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 16278/218980 (7.43%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:44] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 18082/218980 (8.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:45] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 19886/218980 (9.08%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:48] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 21690/218980 (9.91%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:50] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 23494/218980 (10.73%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:52] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 25298/218980 (11.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:55] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 27102/218980 (12.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:45:58] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 28906/218980 (13.20%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:46:00] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 30710/218980 (14.02%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:46:04] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 32514/218980 (14.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:46:07] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 34318/218980 (15.67%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:46:10] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 36122/218980 (16.50%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:46:14] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 37926/218980 (17.32%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:46:18] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 39730/218980 (18.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:46:21] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 41534/218980 (18.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:46:26] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 43338/218980 (19.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:46:30] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 45142/218980 (20.61%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:46:35] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 46946/218980 (21.44%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:46:39] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 48750/218980 (22.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:46:44] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 50554/218980 (23.09%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:46:49] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 52358/218980 (23.91%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:46:55] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 54162/218980 (24.73%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:47:00] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 55966/218980 (25.56%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:47:06] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 57770/218980 (26.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:47:11] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 59574/218980 (27.21%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:47:17] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 61378/218980 (28.03%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:47:23] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 63182/218980 (28.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:47:29] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 64986/218980 (29.68%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:47:35] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 66790/218980 (30.50%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:47:41] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 68594/218980 (31.32%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:47:47] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 70398/218980 (32.15%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:47:54] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 72202/218980 (32.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:48:00] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 74006/218980 (33.80%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:48:07] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 75810/218980 (34.62%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:48:14] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 77614/218980 (35.44%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:48:21] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 79418/218980 (36.27%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:48:28] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 81222/218980 (37.09%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:48:36] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 83026/218980 (37.91%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:48:43] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 84830/218980 (38.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:48:51] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 86634/218980 (39.56%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:48:59] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 88438/218980 (40.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:49:07] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 90242/218980 (41.21%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:49:15] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 92046/218980 (42.03%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:49:23] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 93850/218980 (42.86%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:49:32] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 95654/218980 (43.68%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:49:41] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 97458/218980 (44.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:49:50] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 99262/218980 (45.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:49:59] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 101066/218980 (46.15%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:50:08] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 102870/218980 (46.98%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:50:18] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 104674/218980 (47.80%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:50:27] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 106478/218980 (48.62%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:50:37] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 108282/218980 (49.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:50:46] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 110086/218980 (50.27%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:50:56] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 111890/218980 (51.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:51:06] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 113694/218980 (51.92%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:51:16] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 115498/218980 (52.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:51:27] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 117302/218980 (53.57%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:51:38] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 119106/218980 (54.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:51:49] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 120910/218980 (55.22%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:51:59] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 122714/218980 (56.04%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:52:10] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 124518/218980 (56.86%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:52:22] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 126322/218980 (57.69%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:52:33] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 128126/218980 (58.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:52:44] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 129930/218980 (59.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:52:56] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 131734/218980 (60.16%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:53:08] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 133538/218980 (60.98%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:53:20] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 135342/218980 (61.81%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:53:32] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 137146/218980 (62.63%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:53:46] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 138950/218980 (63.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:53:58] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 140754/218980 (64.28%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:54:11] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 142558/218980 (65.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:54:24] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 144362/218980 (65.92%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:54:38] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 146166/218980 (66.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:54:51] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 147970/218980 (67.57%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:55:04] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 149774/218980 (68.40%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:55:18] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 151578/218980 (69.22%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:55:31] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 153382/218980 (70.04%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:55:46] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 155186/218980 (70.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:55:59] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 156990/218980 (71.69%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:56:14] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 158794/218980 (72.52%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:56:28] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 160598/218980 (73.34%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:56:43] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 162402/218980 (74.16%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:56:57] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 164206/218980 (74.99%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:57:12] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 166010/218980 (75.81%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:57:27] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 167814/218980 (76.63%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:57:42] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 169618/218980 (77.46%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:57:57] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 171422/218980 (78.28%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:58:13] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 173226/218980 (79.11%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:58:28] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 175030/218980 (79.93%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:58:44] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 176834/218980 (80.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:59:00] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 178638/218980 (81.58%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:59:16] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 180442/218980 (82.40%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:59:33] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 182246/218980 (83.22%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 01:59:49] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 184050/218980 (84.05%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:00:05] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 185854/218980 (84.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:00:22] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 187658/218980 (85.70%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:00:40] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 189462/218980 (86.52%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:00:57] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 191266/218980 (87.34%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:01:15] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 193070/218980 (88.17%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:01:32] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 194874/218980 (88.99%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:01:50] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 196678/218980 (89.82%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:02:08] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 198482/218980 (90.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:02:25] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 200286/218980 (91.46%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:02:44] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 202090/218980 (92.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:03:02] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 203894/218980 (93.11%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:03:21] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 205698/218980 (93.93%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:03:40] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 207502/218980 (94.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:03:58] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 209306/218980 (95.58%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:04:17] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 211110/218980 (96.41%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:04:37] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 212914/218980 (97.23%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:04:56] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 214718/218980 (98.05%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:16] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 216522/218980 (98.88%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:35] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 218326/218980 (99.70%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:43] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 218978/218980 (100.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:43] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_images: 218980/218980 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 02:05:43] Table wmf_ewwwio_images restoration took 1,211.61992 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:43] Started restoration of wmf_ewwwio_queue 70/133 (52.63%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:43] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 31/16229 (0.19%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:44] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 835/16229 (5.15%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:44] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 1639/16229 (10.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:45] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 2443/16229 (15.05%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:45] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 3247/16229 (20.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:45] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 4051/16229 (24.96%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:46] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 4855/16229 (29.92%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:46] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 5659/16229 (34.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:47] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 6463/16229 (39.82%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:48] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 7267/16229 (44.78%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:48] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 8071/16229 (49.73%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:49] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 8875/16229 (54.69%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:49] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 9679/16229 (59.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:50] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 10483/16229 (64.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:51] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 11287/16229 (69.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:52] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 12091/16229 (74.50%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:52] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 12895/16229 (79.46%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:53] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 13699/16229 (84.41%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:54] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 14503/16229 (89.36%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:55] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 15307/16229 (94.32%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:56] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 16111/16229 (99.27%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:56] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 16227/16229 (99.99%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:56] Progress of wmf_ewwwio_queue: 16229/16229 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 02:05:56] Table wmf_ewwwio_queue restoration took 13.96172 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:57] Started restoration of wmf_links 71/133 (53.38%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:57] Progress of wmf_links: 39/41 (95.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:57] Progress of wmf_links: 41/41 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 02:05:57] Table wmf_links restoration took 0.64919 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:57] Started restoration of wmf_oliver_pos_bridge_sync_log 72/133 (54.14%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:57] Progress of wmf_oliver_pos_bridge_sync_log: 32/34 (94.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:58] Progress of wmf_oliver_pos_bridge_sync_log: 34/34 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 02:05:58] Table wmf_oliver_pos_bridge_sync_log restoration took 1.30137 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:58] Started restoration of wmf_options 73/133 (54.89%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:58] Progress of wmf_options: 31/51555 (0.06%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:59] Progress of wmf_options: 735/51555 (1.43%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:59] Progress of wmf_options: 1439/51555 (2.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:05:59] Progress of wmf_options: 2143/51555 (4.16%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:06:00] Progress of wmf_options: 2847/51555 (5.52%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:06:01] Progress of wmf_options: 3551/51555 (6.89%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:06:01] Progress of wmf_options: 4255/51555 (8.25%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:06:02] Progress of wmf_options: 4959/51555 (9.62%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:06:04] Progress of wmf_options: 5663/51555 (10.98%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:06:08] Progress of wmf_options: 6367/51555 (12.35%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:06:12] Progress of wmf_options: 7071/51555 (13.72%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:06:17] Progress of wmf_options: 7775/51555 (15.08%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:06:22] Progress of wmf_options: 8479/51555 (16.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:06:26] Progress of wmf_options: 9183/51555 (17.81%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:06:31] Progress of wmf_options: 9887/51555 (19.18%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:06:36] Progress of wmf_options: 10591/51555 (20.54%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:06:41] Progress of wmf_options: 11295/51555 (21.91%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:06:46] Progress of wmf_options: 11999/51555 (23.27%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:06:50] Progress of wmf_options: 12703/51555 (24.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:06:56] Progress of wmf_options: 13407/51555 (26.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:07:00] Progress of wmf_options: 14111/51555 (27.37%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:07:05] Progress of wmf_options: 14815/51555 (28.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:07:10] Progress of wmf_options: 15519/51555 (30.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:07:15] Progress of wmf_options: 16223/51555 (31.47%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:07:20] Progress of wmf_options: 16927/51555 (32.83%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:07:24] Progress of wmf_options: 17631/51555 (34.20%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:07:29] Progress of wmf_options: 18335/51555 (35.56%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:07:34] Progress of wmf_options: 19039/51555 (36.93%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:07:39] Progress of wmf_options: 19743/51555 (38.30%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:07:44] Progress of wmf_options: 20447/51555 (39.66%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:07:49] Progress of wmf_options: 21151/51555 (41.03%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:07:54] Progress of wmf_options: 21855/51555 (42.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:07:59] Progress of wmf_options: 22559/51555 (43.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:08:04] Progress of wmf_options: 23263/51555 (45.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:08:09] Progress of wmf_options: 23967/51555 (46.49%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:08:14] Progress of wmf_options: 24671/51555 (47.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:08:19] Progress of wmf_options: 25375/51555 (49.22%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:08:25] Progress of wmf_options: 26079/51555 (50.58%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:08:31] Progress of wmf_options: 26783/51555 (51.95%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:08:36] Progress of wmf_options: 27487/51555 (53.32%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:08:42] Progress of wmf_options: 28191/51555 (54.68%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:08:48] Progress of wmf_options: 28895/51555 (56.05%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:08:53] Progress of wmf_options: 29599/51555 (57.41%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:08:59] Progress of wmf_options: 30303/51555 (58.78%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:09:05] Progress of wmf_options: 31007/51555 (60.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:09:10] Progress of wmf_options: 31711/51555 (61.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:09:16] Progress of wmf_options: 32415/51555 (62.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:09:22] Progress of wmf_options: 33119/51555 (64.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:09:27] Progress of wmf_options: 33823/51555 (65.61%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:09:34] Progress of wmf_options: 34527/51555 (66.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:09:40] Progress of wmf_options: 35231/51555 (68.34%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:09:47] Progress of wmf_options: 35935/51555 (69.70%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:09:53] Progress of wmf_options: 36639/51555 (71.07%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:10:00] Progress of wmf_options: 37343/51555 (72.43%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:10:07] Progress of wmf_options: 38047/51555 (73.80%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:10:12] Progress of wmf_options: 38751/51555 (75.16%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:10:19] Progress of wmf_options: 39455/51555 (76.53%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:10:25] Progress of wmf_options: 40159/51555 (77.90%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:10:32] Progress of wmf_options: 40863/51555 (79.26%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:10:38] Progress of wmf_options: 41567/51555 (80.63%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:10:44] Progress of wmf_options: 42271/51555 (81.99%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:10:52] Progress of wmf_options: 42975/51555 (83.36%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:10:58] Progress of wmf_options: 43679/51555 (84.72%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:11:04] Progress of wmf_options: 44383/51555 (86.09%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:11:11] Progress of wmf_options: 45087/51555 (87.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:11:16] Progress of wmf_options: 45791/51555 (88.82%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:11:23] Progress of wmf_options: 46495/51555 (90.19%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:11:29] Progress of wmf_options: 47199/51555 (91.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:11:36] Progress of wmf_options: 47903/51555 (92.92%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:11:43] Progress of wmf_options: 48607/51555 (94.28%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:11:49] Progress of wmf_options: 49311/51555 (95.65%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:11:57] Progress of wmf_options: 50015/51555 (97.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:03] Progress of wmf_options: 50719/51555 (98.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:11] Progress of wmf_options: 51423/51555 (99.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:12] Progress of wmf_options: 51553/51555 (100.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:13] Progress of wmf_options: 51555/51555 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-05-19 02:12:13] Table wmf_options restoration took 375.31160 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:13] Started restoration of wmf_postmeta 74/133 (55.64%) table
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:13] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 31/1802147 (0.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:14] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 735/1802147 (0.04%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:14] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 1439/1802147 (0.08%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:15] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 2143/1802147 (0.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:15] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 2847/1802147 (0.16%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:16] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 3551/1802147 (0.20%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:16] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 4255/1802147 (0.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:17] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 4959/1802147 (0.28%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:18] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 5663/1802147 (0.31%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:18] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 6367/1802147 (0.35%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:19] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 7071/1802147 (0.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:20] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 7775/1802147 (0.43%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:20] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 8479/1802147 (0.47%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:21] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 9183/1802147 (0.51%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:22] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 9887/1802147 (0.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:23] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 10591/1802147 (0.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:24] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 11295/1802147 (0.63%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:25] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 11999/1802147 (0.67%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:25] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 12703/1802147 (0.70%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:26] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 13407/1802147 (0.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:27] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 14111/1802147 (0.78%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:28] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 14815/1802147 (0.82%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:29] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 15519/1802147 (0.86%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:30] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 16223/1802147 (0.90%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:31] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 16927/1802147 (0.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:32] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 17631/1802147 (0.98%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:33] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 18335/1802147 (1.02%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:35] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 19039/1802147 (1.06%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:36] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 19743/1802147 (1.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:37] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 20447/1802147 (1.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:38] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 21151/1802147 (1.17%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:39] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 21855/1802147 (1.21%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:40] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 22559/1802147 (1.25%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:41] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 23263/1802147 (1.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:43] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 23967/1802147 (1.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:44] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 24671/1802147 (1.37%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:46] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 25375/1802147 (1.41%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:47] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 26079/1802147 (1.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:49] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 26783/1802147 (1.49%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:50] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 27487/1802147 (1.53%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:51] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 28191/1802147 (1.56%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:53] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 28895/1802147 (1.60%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:54] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 29599/1802147 (1.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:56] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 30303/1802147 (1.68%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:57] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 31007/1802147 (1.72%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:12:59] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 31711/1802147 (1.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:13:00] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 32415/1802147 (1.80%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:13:02] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 33119/1802147 (1.84%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:13:03] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 33823/1802147 (1.88%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:13:05] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 34527/1802147 (1.92%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:13:07] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 35231/1802147 (1.95%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:13:08] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 35935/1802147 (1.99%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:13:10] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 36639/1802147 (2.03%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:13:12] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 37343/1802147 (2.07%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:13:14] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 38047/1802147 (2.11%)
    [INFO] [2022-05-19 02:13:15] Progress of wmf_postmeta: 38751/1802147 (2.15%)
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    [DESCARGA GENERADA] Archivo descargado el (hora del servidor):2022-05-19 12:54:44
    [DESCARGA GENERADA] última actualización hace (segundos):38551 segundos
    [DESCARGA GENERADA] última actualización (fecha): 2022-05-19 02:12:13
    Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @nisaza

    My apologies for delayed reply, we’re usually not available during weekends.

    It’s difficult to say that there is no issue at all.
    The reason why it fails is caused mostly by the size of the database.

    Due to the size, your new website can’t fully handle import process.
    There is one more thing that we can try.

    Could you please share with me URL to the backup you use for restore?
    I’ll check if I can optimize it and prepare smaller version, that your server should handle without issues – without losing any data of course.

    Please send me the URL via e-mail: [ support (at) backupbliss dot com ]
    You should never share it publicly.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter nisaza


    Ok, I just send it. Let me know if you don’t get it

    Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @nisaza

    Yes, I received the e-mail will reply to it directly once I finish tests.
    Let’s continue in one way of communication.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter nisaza


    Have you got any luck with it?

    Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @nisaza

    Yes I was able to restore your backup but couldn’t prepare new backup file yet.
    Currently looking for suitable solution as I really want it to work for you.

    The issue is mainly related to your image database, seems like your website have a lot of duplicates for single image for resolution compatibility which seems like huge overkill. They consume most of the database.

    As they are in use and required, I can’t clean them up to make it smaller.

    Plan B would be to split singular table into multiple SQL files.
    Our plugin already have such function, but in this case PHP would require a lot of memory to read them at first.

    Also the backup you shared does not include Uploads but I guess that was intended.
    I’ll take another try at this Tuesday as on Monday I won’t be around.

    Thank you for your patience!

    Thread Starter nisaza


    The media library is big and that’s why I excluded it from the restoration file. I guess I made a mistake when I tried to install a plugin to convert images to a smaller size but it never erased the old ones. I guess I have a problem there and I’ll be looking to fix it for the website.

    Original size with the media folder was 5gb and without it was 500 mb

    Thread Starter nisaza


    I’m back, I finally managed to erase the duplicated and unlinked images. Gallery is still big (5GB still)

    I tried to make the backup migration again and I’m still getting the same error (restoration gets frozen at some point)

    I see that there’s a lot of new messages in the forum pointing restoration failures. Maybe is a problem from the plugin? Any help would be gratly appreciated. I’m pasting the restoration log below:

    [STEP] [2022-07-18 03:54:20] Initializing restore process
    [STEP] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] Looking for PHP CLI executable file.
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] PHP CLI Filename: php
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] PHP CLI Version: 7.4.30 (cli)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] PHP CLI Memory limit: 768M/512M
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] PHP CLI Execution limit: 0/0
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] We properly detected PHP CLI executable file.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] PHP CLI: Restore process initialized, restoring...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] Restore process responded
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] Locking migration process
    [STEP] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] Initializing restore process
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] Backup & Migration version: 1.2.1
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] Initializing custom error handler
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] Site which will be restored: ***site_url***
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] PHP Version: 7.4.30
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] WP Version: 6.0
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] MySQL Version: 5.7.38
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] MySQL Max Length: 33554432
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] Web server: Not available
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] Max execution time (in seconds): 259200
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:21] Restore process initialized successfully.
    [STEP] [2022-07-18 03:54:22] Free space checking...
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:22] Checking if there is enough amount of free space
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:22] Requires at least 327700552 bytes. [312.52 MB]
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:22] Disk free space function is not disabled - using it...
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:22] Checking this path/partition: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:22] There is 444,117.37 MB free. [433.71 GB]
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:22] Great! We have enough space.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:22] Confirmed, there is enough space on the device, checked: 327700552 bytes.
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:22] Making temporary directory
    [STEP] [2022-07-18 03:54:22] Scanning archive...
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:22] Scan found 19438 files inside the backup.
    [STEP] [2022-07-18 03:54:22] Smart memory calculation...
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:22] There is 768 MBs of memory to use
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:22] Setting the safe limit to 83 MB
    [STEP] [2022-07-18 03:54:22] Extracting files into temporary directory (this process can take some time)...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:27] Files extracted...
    [STEP] [2022-07-18 03:54:27] Saving wp-config file...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:27] File wp-config saved
    [STEP] [2022-07-18 03:54:27] Getting backup manifest...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:27] Manifest loaded
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:27] Backup Migration version used for that backup: 1.2.1
    [STEP] [2022-07-18 03:54:27] Restoring files (this process may take a while)...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] All files restored successfully.
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Splitting process is disabled because v3 restore engine is enabled.
    [STEP] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Checking the database structure...
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Successfully detected backup created with V2 engine, importing...
    [STEP] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Restoring database (using V3 engine)...
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_actionscheduler_actions 1/133 (0.75%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_actions: 45/83 (54.22%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_actions: 81/83 (97.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_actions: 83/83 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_actionscheduler_actions restoration took 0.17009 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_actionscheduler_claims 2/133 (1.50%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_claims: 28/30 (93.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_claims: 30/30 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_actionscheduler_claims restoration took 0.18866 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_actionscheduler_groups 3/133 (2.26%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_groups: 28/39 (71.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_groups: 37/39 (94.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_groups: 39/39 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_actionscheduler_groups restoration took 0.21194 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_actionscheduler_logs 4/133 (3.01%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Cleaning up contents of qxb_actionscheduler_logs table.
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_actionscheduler_logs: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_actionscheduler_logs restoration took 0.23015 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_commentmeta 5/133 (3.76%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_commentmeta: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_commentmeta: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_commentmeta restoration took 0.24881 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_comments 6/133 (4.51%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_comments: 46/70 (65.71%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_comments: 68/70 (97.14%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_comments: 70/70 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_comments restoration took 0.27841 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_links 7/133 (5.26%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_links: 39/41 (95.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_links: 41/41 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_links restoration took 0.29526 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_options 8/133 (6.02%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_options: 31/2373 (1.31%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_options: 735/2373 (30.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_options: 1439/2373 (60.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_options: 2143/2373 (90.31%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_options: 2371/2373 (99.92%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_options: 2373/2373 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_options restoration took 0.53629 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_postmeta 9/133 (6.77%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_postmeta: 31/93 (33.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_postmeta: 91/93 (97.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_postmeta: 93/93 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_postmeta restoration took 0.55945 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_posts 10/133 (7.52%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_posts: 52/188 (27.66%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_posts: 186/188 (98.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_posts: 188/188 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_posts restoration took 0.58539 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_term_relationships 11/133 (8.27%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_term_relationships: 29/41 (70.73%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_term_relationships: 39/41 (95.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_term_relationships: 41/41 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_term_relationships restoration took 0.60431 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_term_taxonomy 12/133 (9.02%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_term_taxonomy: 33/174 (18.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_term_taxonomy: 172/174 (98.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_term_taxonomy: 174/174 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_term_taxonomy restoration took 0.62678 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_termmeta 13/133 (9.77%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_termmeta: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_termmeta: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_termmeta restoration took 0.64508 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_terms 14/133 (10.53%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_terms: 31/142 (21.83%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_terms: 140/142 (98.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_terms: 142/142 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_terms restoration took 0.66858 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_usermeta 15/133 (11.28%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_usermeta: 31/163 (19.02%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_usermeta: 161/163 (98.77%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_usermeta: 163/163 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_usermeta restoration took 0.69041 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_users 16/133 (12.03%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_users: 38/57 (66.67%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_users: 55/57 (96.49%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_users: 57/57 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_users restoration took 0.71638 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_wc_admin_note_actions 17/133 (12.78%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_admin_note_actions: 33/69 (47.83%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_admin_note_actions: 67/69 (97.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_admin_note_actions: 69/69 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_wc_admin_note_actions restoration took 0.73578 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_wc_admin_notes 18/133 (13.53%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_admin_notes: 41/104 (39.42%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_admin_notes: 102/104 (98.08%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_admin_notes: 104/104 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_wc_admin_notes restoration took 0.75465 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_wc_category_lookup 19/133 (14.29%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_category_lookup: 27/38 (71.05%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_category_lookup: 36/38 (94.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_category_lookup: 38/38 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_wc_category_lookup restoration took 0.77471 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_wc_customer_lookup 20/133 (15.04%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_customer_lookup: 39/41 (95.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_customer_lookup: 41/41 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_wc_customer_lookup restoration took 0.79618 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_wc_download_log 21/133 (15.79%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_download_log: 33/35 (94.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_download_log: 35/35 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_wc_download_log restoration took 0.82147 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_wc_order_coupon_lookup 22/133 (16.54%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_order_coupon_lookup: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_order_coupon_lookup: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_wc_order_coupon_lookup restoration took 0.84200 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_wc_order_product_lookup 23/133 (17.29%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_order_product_lookup: 42/44 (95.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_order_product_lookup: 44/44 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_wc_order_product_lookup restoration took 0.86749 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_wc_order_stats 24/133 (18.05%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_order_stats: 40/42 (95.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_order_stats: 42/42 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_wc_order_stats restoration took 0.89087 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_wc_order_tax_lookup 25/133 (18.80%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_order_tax_lookup: 33/35 (94.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_order_tax_lookup: 35/35 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_wc_order_tax_lookup restoration took 0.90953 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_wc_product_meta_lookup 26/133 (19.55%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_product_meta_lookup: 45/47 (95.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_product_meta_lookup: 47/47 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_wc_product_meta_lookup restoration took 0.93803 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_wc_reserved_stock 27/133 (20.30%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_reserved_stock: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_reserved_stock: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_wc_reserved_stock restoration took 0.95483 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_wc_tax_rate_classes 28/133 (21.05%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_tax_rate_classes: 29/47 (61.70%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_tax_rate_classes: 45/47 (95.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_tax_rate_classes: 47/47 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_wc_tax_rate_classes restoration took 0.97395 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_wc_webhooks 29/133 (21.80%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_webhooks: 40/42 (95.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Progress of qxb_wc_webhooks: 42/42 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Table qxb_wc_webhooks restoration took 0.99220 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:32] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_api_keys 30/133 (22.56%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_api_keys: 36/38 (94.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_api_keys: 38/38 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Table qxb_woocommerce_api_keys restoration took 1.01276 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies 31/133 (23.31%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies: 32/34 (94.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies: 34/34 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Table qxb_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies restoration took 0.02942 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions 32/133 (24.06%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions: 40/42 (95.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions: 42/42 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Table qxb_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions restoration took 0.05237 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_log 33/133 (24.81%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_log: 32/34 (94.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_log: 34/34 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Table qxb_woocommerce_log restoration took 0.07038 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_order_itemmeta 34/133 (25.56%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_order_itemmeta: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_order_itemmeta: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Table qxb_woocommerce_order_itemmeta restoration took 0.08956 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_order_items 35/133 (26.32%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_order_items: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_order_items: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Table qxb_woocommerce_order_items restoration took 0.10689 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta 36/133 (27.07%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Table qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta restoration took 0.12805 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokens 37/133 (27.82%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokens: 32/34 (94.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokens: 34/34 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Table qxb_woocommerce_payment_tokens restoration took 0.14613 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_sessions 38/133 (28.57%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Cleaning up contents of qxb_woocommerce_sessions table.
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_sessions: 30/30 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Table qxb_woocommerce_sessions restoration took 0.16441 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations 39/133 (29.32%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Table qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations restoration took 0.18266 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods 40/133 (30.08%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Table qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods restoration took 0.19907 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zones 41/133 (30.83%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zones: 28/30 (93.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zones: 30/30 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Table qxb_woocommerce_shipping_zones restoration took 0.21604 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations 42/133 (31.58%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Table qxb_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations restoration took 0.23704 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Started restoration of qxb_woocommerce_tax_rates 43/133 (32.33%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_tax_rates: 39/41 (95.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of qxb_woocommerce_tax_rates: 41/41 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Table qxb_woocommerce_tax_rates restoration took 0.26033 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Started restoration of wmf_actionscheduler_actions 44/133 (33.08%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 46/147876 (0.03%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 1650/147876 (1.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 3254/147876 (2.20%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:33] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 4858/147876 (3.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:34] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 6462/147876 (4.37%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:34] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 8066/147876 (5.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:35] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 9670/147876 (6.54%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:36] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 11274/147876 (7.62%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:36] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 12878/147876 (8.71%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:37] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 14482/147876 (9.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:38] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 16086/147876 (10.88%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:39] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 17690/147876 (11.96%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:41] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 19294/147876 (13.05%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:42] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 20898/147876 (14.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:44] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 22502/147876 (15.22%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:45] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 24106/147876 (16.30%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:47] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 25710/147876 (17.39%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:49] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 27314/147876 (18.47%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:51] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 28918/147876 (19.56%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:53] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 30522/147876 (20.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:55] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 32126/147876 (21.72%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:57] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 33730/147876 (22.81%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:54:59] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 35334/147876 (23.89%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:55:02] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 36938/147876 (24.98%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:55:04] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 38542/147876 (26.06%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:55:07] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 40146/147876 (27.15%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:55:10] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 41750/147876 (28.23%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:55:12] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 43354/147876 (29.32%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:55:15] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 44958/147876 (30.40%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:55:19] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 46562/147876 (31.49%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:55:22] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 48166/147876 (32.57%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:55:25] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 49770/147876 (33.66%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:55:28] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 51374/147876 (34.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:55:32] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 52978/147876 (35.83%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:55:35] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 54582/147876 (36.91%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:55:39] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 56186/147876 (38.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:55:43] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 57790/147876 (39.08%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:55:47] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 59394/147876 (40.16%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:55:51] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 60998/147876 (41.25%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:55:55] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 62602/147876 (42.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:55:59] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 64206/147876 (43.42%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:56:04] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 65810/147876 (44.50%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:56:08] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 67414/147876 (45.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:56:13] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 69018/147876 (46.67%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:56:18] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 70622/147876 (47.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:56:23] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 72226/147876 (48.84%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:56:28] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 73830/147876 (49.93%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:56:33] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 75434/147876 (51.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:56:38] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 77038/147876 (52.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:56:43] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 78642/147876 (53.18%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:56:48] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 80246/147876 (54.27%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:56:54] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 81850/147876 (55.35%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:56:59] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 83454/147876 (56.44%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:57:05] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 85058/147876 (57.52%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:57:11] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 86662/147876 (58.60%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:57:17] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 88266/147876 (59.69%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:57:23] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 89870/147876 (60.77%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:57:29] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 91474/147876 (61.86%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:57:35] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 93078/147876 (62.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:57:42] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 94682/147876 (64.03%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:57:48] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 96286/147876 (65.11%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:57:55] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 97890/147876 (66.20%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:58:01] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 99494/147876 (67.28%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:58:08] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 101098/147876 (68.37%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:58:15] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 102702/147876 (69.45%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:58:23] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 104306/147876 (70.54%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:58:30] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 105910/147876 (71.62%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:58:37] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 107514/147876 (72.71%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:58:45] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 109118/147876 (73.79%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:58:53] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 110722/147876 (74.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:59:00] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 112326/147876 (75.96%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:59:08] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 113930/147876 (77.04%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:59:16] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 115534/147876 (78.13%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:59:24] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 117138/147876 (79.21%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:59:33] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 118742/147876 (80.30%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:59:41] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 120346/147876 (81.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:59:50] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 121950/147876 (82.47%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 03:59:59] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 123554/147876 (83.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 04:00:08] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 125158/147876 (84.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 04:00:18] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 126762/147876 (85.72%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 04:00:27] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 128366/147876 (86.81%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 04:00:36] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 129970/147876 (87.89%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 04:00:45] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 131574/147876 (88.98%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 04:00:55] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 133178/147876 (90.06%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 04:01:05] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 134782/147876 (91.15%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 04:01:15] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 136386/147876 (92.23%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 04:01:25] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 137990/147876 (93.31%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 04:01:35] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 139594/147876 (94.40%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 04:01:45] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 141198/147876 (95.48%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 04:01:55] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 142802/147876 (96.57%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 04:02:05] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 144406/147876 (97.65%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-18 04:02:16] Progress of wmf_actionscheduler_actions: 146010/147876 (98.74%)
    [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] File downloaded on (server time): 2022-07-18 04:09:53
    [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (seconds): 920 seconds ago 
    [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (date): 2022-07-18 03:54:33
    Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @nisaza

    We plan to release new version soon, this week.
    Could I kindly ask you to share new backup URL with me as well?
    E-mail: [ support (at) backupbliss dot com ]

    I would like to use your backup for our testing phase of next official release.
    This way we can deeply debug it and improve our plugin exactly for this scenario.

    I see that there’s a lot of new messages in the forum pointing restoration failures. Maybe is a problem from the plugin? Any help would be gratly appreciated. I’m pasting the restoration log below:

    Yes there are many topics about restoration but almost all of them can be quickly resolved with recommended settings for individual cases.

    Backup Migration already includes method that could resolve the issue for you.
    But it’s deprecated and I would not recommend to use it in your case.

    Current database restoration solution is much slower, but it can guarantee that the website will looks the same after restoration as it validates at lot of things in the meanwhile.

    I’ll check your backup right away, if possible I’ll send you back solution today as well.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter nisaza


    Hello, Sure, I just sent the backup file that was created two days ago, although I started messing with the duplicated images and I’m getting a new error, I did open a new thread some mins ago before reading this message

    Plugin Author iClyde


    Alright, @nisaza then let’s continue in new topic, I’ll close this one.
    I already started processing your new backup.

    Thank you!

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