• Resolved tamarabelt



    I try to migrate a website, but it stays at 100% every time. I already tried to the steps from: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/hangs-on-requesting-restore-process/

    this is the restoration log:

    [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:37:55] Het terugzet proces aan het starten
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Zoeken naar PHP CLI uitvoerbaar bestand.
    [WARN] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Het juiste PHP CLI uitvoerbaar bestand kon niet worden gevond, dit proces is mogelijk instabiel.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Terugzet proces heeft gereageerd
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Migratieproces vergrendelen
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Het terugzet proces aan het starten
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Backup & Migration versie: 1.2.0
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Aangepaste foutafhandeling initialiseren
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Site die wordt hersteld https://academy.maaikekastrop.com
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] PHP versie: 8.0.13
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] WP versie: 5.9.3
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] MySQL Version: 5.5.5
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] MySQL Max Length: 16777216
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Web server Apache
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Maximale uitvoeringstijd (in seconden) 259200
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Terugzet proces succesvol ge?nitialiseerd.
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Vrije ruimte controleren...
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Controleren of er voldoende vrije ruimte is
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Vereist minstens 722694703 bytes. [689.22 MB]
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Schijf vrije ruimtefunctie is niet uitgeschakeld - met behulp van het...
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Controleren van dit pad/partitie: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Er is 963,826.13 MB vrij. [941.24 GB]
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Super! We hebben genoeg ruimte.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Confirmed, there is enough space on the device, checked: 722694703 bytes.
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Maken van nieuwe geheime sleutel voor huidig terugzet proces.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Geheime sleutel gecre?erd, het wordt naar je teruggestuurd (ping).
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Geheime sleutel succesvol gedetecteerd (pong)!
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Tijdelijke folder maken
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:37:56] Archief scannen...
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:57] Scan gevonden 27603 Bestanden in de back-up.
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:37:57] Voorbereiden van batching extractie techniek...
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:57] Bestanden ge?xporteerd per batch: 4000
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:57] Gebruiken van ZipArchive, we laten geheugen limiet berekeningen weg...
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:37:58] Extractie mijlpaal: 4001/27604 (14.49%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:00] Extractie mijlpaal: 8001/27604 (28.98%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:03] Extractie mijlpaal: 12001/27604 (43.48%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:07] Extractie mijlpaal: 16001/27604 (57.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:13] Extractie mijlpaal: 20001/27604 (72.46%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:19] Extractie mijlpaal: 24001/27604 (86.95%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:28] Extractie mijlpaal: 27604/27604 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:28] Bestanden uitgepakt...
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:38:28] Wp-config-bestand opslaan...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:28] Bestand wp-config opgeslagen
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:38:28] Back-up manifest ophalen...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:28] Manifest geladen
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:28] Backup Migration version used for that backup: 1.2.0
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:38:28] Bestanden terugzetten (dit proces kan even duren)...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:33] Alle bestanden zijn succesvol teruggezet.
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:33] Splitting process is disabled because v3 restore engine is enabled.
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:38:33] De databasestructuur controleren...
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:33] Back-up succesvol gedetecteerd via V2 engine, bezig met importeren...
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 14:38:33] Restoring database (using V3 engine)...
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:33] Started restoration of wp_actionscheduler_actions 1/82 (1.22%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:33] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_actions: 45/3667 (1.23%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:33] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_actions: 3665/3667 (99.95%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_actions: 3667/3667 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Table wp_actionscheduler_actions restoration took 1.10947 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Started restoration of wp_actionscheduler_claims 2/82 (2.44%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_claims: 28/30 (93.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_claims: 30/30 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Table wp_actionscheduler_claims restoration took 0.37076 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Started restoration of wp_actionscheduler_groups 3/82 (3.66%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_groups: 28/54 (51.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_groups: 52/54 (96.30%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_groups: 54/54 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Table wp_actionscheduler_groups restoration took 0.73376 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Started restoration of wp_actionscheduler_logs 4/82 (4.88%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:34] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_logs: 32/5454 (0.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:35] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_logs: 2436/5454 (44.66%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:35] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_logs: 4840/5454 (88.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:35] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_logs: 5452/5454 (99.96%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_logs: 5454/5454 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Table wp_actionscheduler_logs restoration took 2.06215 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Started restoration of wp_commentmeta 5/82 (6.10%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Progress of wp_commentmeta: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Progress of wp_commentmeta: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Table wp_commentmeta restoration took 0.31485 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Started restoration of wp_comments 6/82 (7.32%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Progress of wp_comments: 46/286 (16.08%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Progress of wp_comments: 284/286 (99.30%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Progress of wp_comments: 286/286 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Table wp_comments restoration took 0.79926 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_category 7/82 (8.54%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:36] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_category: 27/29 (93.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_category: 29/29 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_category restoration took 1.05723 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_form 8/82 (9.76%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_form: 33/35 (94.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_form: 35/35 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_form restoration took 0.30739 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_lock 9/82 (10.98%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_lock: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_lock: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_lock restoration took 0.57346 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_master 10/82 (12.20%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_master: 73/75 (97.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_master: 75/75 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_master restoration took 0.82098 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_prerequisite 11/82 (13.41%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:37] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_prerequisite: 27/29 (93.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_prerequisite: 29/29 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_prerequisite restoration took 1.07829 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_question 12/82 (14.63%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_question: 48/50 (96.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_question: 50/50 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_question restoration took 0.32882 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic 13/82 (15.85%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic: 34/36 (94.44%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic: 36/36 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic restoration took 0.56915 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic_ref 14/82 (17.07%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic_ref: 35/37 (94.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic_ref: 37/37 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic_ref restoration took 0.82705 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_template 15/82 (18.29%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:38] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_template: 29/31 (93.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_template: 31/31 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_template restoration took 1.07182 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_toplist 16/82 (19.51%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_toplist: 34/36 (94.44%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_toplist: 36/36 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_toplist restoration took 0.31483 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Started restoration of wp_learndash_user_activity 17/82 (20.73%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Progress of wp_learndash_user_activity: 42/96 (43.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Progress of wp_learndash_user_activity: 94/96 (97.92%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Progress of wp_learndash_user_activity: 96/96 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 14:38:39] Table wp_learndash_user_activity restoration took 0.73483 seconds
    [DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Bestand gedownload op (servertijd) 2022-04-21 14:41:49
    [DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Laatste update (seconden) 190 seconden geleden 
    [DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Laatste update (datum) 2022-04-21 14:38:39 

    Thank you!

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @tamarabelt

    Before migration please also make sure all of your plugins are disabled.
    – Except Backup Migration plugin

    Your logs seems like the process was not cancelled by an error, more likely something from the topic you mentioned.

    You can try to refresh the page, then force both processes to stop: https://prnt.sc/1trv1tm – once you do that refresh once again and try to run the restore process again right form the backup(s) list.

    Please, let me know if your progress bar is always 100% (even since the beginning) or it goes from 1% to 100% slowly.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter tamarabelt


    Hi @iclyde

    It goes from 1% to 100%. I deactivated the plugins. Or do you mean while making the back-up? ‘Cause now it stays at 51%.

    [STEP] [2022-04-21 15:08:52] Het terugzet proces aan het starten
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Zoeken naar PHP CLI uitvoerbaar bestand.
    [WARN] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Het juiste PHP CLI uitvoerbaar bestand kon niet worden gevond, dit proces is mogelijk instabiel.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Terugzet proces heeft gereageerd
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Migratieproces vergrendelen
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Het terugzet proces aan het starten
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Backup & Migration versie: 1.2.0
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Aangepaste foutafhandeling initialiseren
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Site die wordt hersteld https://academy.maaikekastrop.com
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] PHP versie: 8.0.13
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] WP versie: 5.9.3
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] MySQL Version: 5.5.5
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] MySQL Max Length: 16777216
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Web server Apache
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Maximale uitvoeringstijd (in seconden) 259200
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Terugzet proces succesvol ge?nitialiseerd.
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Vrije ruimte controleren...
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Controleren of er voldoende vrije ruimte is
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Vereist minstens 722694703 bytes. [689.22 MB]
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Schijf vrije ruimtefunctie is niet uitgeschakeld - met behulp van het...
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Controleren van dit pad/partitie: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Er is 964,370.54 MB vrij. [941.77 GB]
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Super! We hebben genoeg ruimte.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Confirmed, there is enough space on the device, checked: 722694703 bytes.
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Maken van nieuwe geheime sleutel voor huidig terugzet proces.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Geheime sleutel gecre?erd, het wordt naar je teruggestuurd (ping).
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Geheime sleutel succesvol gedetecteerd (pong)!
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Tijdelijke folder maken
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Archief scannen...
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Scan gevonden 27603 Bestanden in de back-up.
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Voorbereiden van batching extractie techniek...
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:53] Bestanden ge?xporteerd per batch: 4000
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:54] Gebruiken van ZipArchive, we laten geheugen limiet berekeningen weg...
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:54] Extractie mijlpaal: 4001/27604 (14.49%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:08:57] Extractie mijlpaal: 8001/27604 (28.98%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:00] Extractie mijlpaal: 12001/27604 (43.48%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:04] Extractie mijlpaal: 16001/27604 (57.97%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:09] Extractie mijlpaal: 20001/27604 (72.46%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:16] Extractie mijlpaal: 24001/27604 (86.95%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:25] Extractie mijlpaal: 27604/27604 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:25] Bestanden uitgepakt...
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 15:09:25] Wp-config-bestand opslaan...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:25] Bestand wp-config opgeslagen
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 15:09:25] Back-up manifest ophalen...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:25] Manifest geladen
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:25] Backup Migration version used for that backup: 1.2.0
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 15:09:25] Bestanden terugzetten (dit proces kan even duren)...
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:27] Alle bestanden zijn succesvol teruggezet.
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:27] Splitting process is disabled because v3 restore engine is enabled.
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 15:09:27] De databasestructuur controleren...
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:27] Back-up succesvol gedetecteerd via V2 engine, bezig met importeren...
    [STEP] [2022-04-21 15:09:27] Restoring database (using V3 engine)...
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:27] Started restoration of wp_actionscheduler_actions 1/82 (1.22%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:27] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_actions: 45/3667 (1.23%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:28] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_actions: 3665/3667 (99.95%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:28] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_actions: 3667/3667 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:28] Table wp_actionscheduler_actions restoration took 1.13299 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:28] Started restoration of wp_actionscheduler_claims 2/82 (2.44%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:28] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_claims: 28/30 (93.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:28] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_claims: 30/30 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:28] Table wp_actionscheduler_claims restoration took 0.40630 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:28] Started restoration of wp_actionscheduler_groups 3/82 (3.66%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:28] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_groups: 28/54 (51.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:28] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_groups: 52/54 (96.30%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:28] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_groups: 54/54 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:28] Table wp_actionscheduler_groups restoration took 0.74301 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:28] Started restoration of wp_actionscheduler_logs 4/82 (4.88%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:28] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_logs: 32/5454 (0.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:29] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_logs: 2436/5454 (44.66%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:29] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_logs: 4840/5454 (88.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:29] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_logs: 5452/5454 (99.96%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:30] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_logs: 5454/5454 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:30] Table wp_actionscheduler_logs restoration took 2.00495 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:30] Started restoration of wp_commentmeta 5/82 (6.10%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:30] Progress of wp_commentmeta: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:30] Progress of wp_commentmeta: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:30] Table wp_commentmeta restoration took 0.24266 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:30] Started restoration of wp_comments 6/82 (7.32%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:30] Progress of wp_comments: 46/286 (16.08%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:30] Progress of wp_comments: 284/286 (99.30%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:30] Progress of wp_comments: 286/286 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:30] Table wp_comments restoration took 0.57897 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:30] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_category 7/82 (8.54%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:30] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_category: 27/29 (93.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:30] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_category: 29/29 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:30] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_category restoration took 0.81210 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:30] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_form 8/82 (9.76%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:30] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_form: 33/35 (94.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:31] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_form: 35/35 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:31] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_form restoration took 1.02724 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:31] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_lock 9/82 (10.98%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:31] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_lock: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:31] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_lock: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:31] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_lock restoration took 0.24531 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:31] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_master 10/82 (12.20%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:31] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_master: 73/75 (97.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:31] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_master: 75/75 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:31] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_master restoration took 0.46319 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:31] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_prerequisite 11/82 (13.41%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:31] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_prerequisite: 27/29 (93.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:31] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_prerequisite: 29/29 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:31] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_prerequisite restoration took 0.67674 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:31] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_question 12/82 (14.63%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:31] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_question: 48/50 (96.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:31] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_question: 50/50 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:31] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_question restoration took 0.89790 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:32] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic 13/82 (15.85%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:32] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic: 34/36 (94.44%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:32] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic: 36/36 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:32] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic restoration took 0.17267 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:32] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic_ref 14/82 (17.07%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:32] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic_ref: 35/37 (94.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:32] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic_ref: 37/37 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:32] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_statistic_ref restoration took 0.38794 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:32] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_template 15/82 (18.29%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:32] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_template: 29/31 (93.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:32] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_template: 31/31 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:32] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_template restoration took 0.62646 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:32] Started restoration of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_toplist 16/82 (19.51%) table
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:32] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_toplist: 34/36 (94.44%)
    [INFO] [2022-04-21 15:09:32] Progress of wp_learndash_pro_quiz_toplist: 36/36 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-04-21 15:09:32] Table wp_learndash_pro_quiz_toplist restoration took 0.84455 seconds
    [DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Bestand gedownload op (servertijd) 2022-04-21 15:10:24
    [DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Laatste update (seconden) 52 seconden geleden 
    [DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Laatste update (datum) 2022-04-21 15:09:32
    Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @tamarabelt

    Could you please send me URL to your backup via e-mail?
    I’ll check if I can reproduce the issue and fix it if it’s caused by the backup.
    – Please never share your backups publicly.

    E-mail: [ support (at) backupbliss dot com ]
    Thank you!

    Plugin Author iClyde


    As we didn’t hear any reply in last days.
    I can assume that you resolved the issue.

    Feel free to open new topic if I am wrong!
    Thank you ??

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