• risach


    I was following the instructions (Codex 1, 2, Podz) closely to backup my local WP1.5-database (MySQL 4.1.9, phpAdmin 2.6.1-pl3) and restore it on the server-site (MySQL 4.0.23a, phpMyAdmin 2.6.1-pl2).
    After selecting my local backup.sql-file the server’s phpMyAdmin gave me the error:

    MySQL said:
    #1064 – You have an error in your SQL syntax.????Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=6’ at line 10

    Could anybody help? What kind of measures do I have to take to fix this, as I understand it, Charset-encoding problem?

    Thanks for help!

    Btw: As a total OS X-Cocoa-head I would love to use CocoaMySQL instead of phpAdmin: but my first attempts to choose the right settings failed. Are there any guides or stuff available, specifically for using CocoaMySQL and WordPress? Couldnt find none so far.

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  • jamesinealing


    Just to add a note that I had the same #1064 mySQL error and found a solution – the secret for me was to change the ‘SQL export compatibility’ option in phpMyAdmin 2.6.1-PL2 to MYSQL4.0 and then the restore worked error-free.

    Hi there,

    I have the following error occuring while trying to restore my backup on a new server :

    #1064 – You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘visit bigint(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    stamp` datetime defa

    Does this pain have to do with the CHARSET issue ?

    I can’t find a way to change the SQL export compatibility as mentioned above ??
    Any idea someone ?

    If it is the CHARSET issue, then one solution is to edit the .sql file and remove that line from each ‘create_table’ part.

    Yep. Unfortunately, there’s no reference to the CHARSET variable in my .sql backup file ??
    I guess it’s something else… Thanks anyway !

    I had the same problem after editing the .sql file to replace the old domain with the new domain.

    I managed to solved it simply by saving it using Notepad with ANSI encoding. Hope it helps you too ??

    Thank you, THANK YOU for the suggestion to ‘delete each instance of the charset being mentioned’ – I knew that changing webhosts wasn’t going to be as easy as it seemed – and when I got this error when trying to restore my database, I was pulling my hair out! Deleted all mentions and it is now telling me ‘Your SQL-query has been executed successfully’. Yay!


    Aahh, an old post. Hope these still get read.

    I am having other character set problems.

    Starting with a Windows-1250 (Central European) encoded email that looks fine, I bath it in Notepad (or various other re-encoders), resaving there as UTF8. Copy again and paste into WordPress. Still fine. Backup and restore, and presto – apostrophes and quotes have become question marks.

    1) Is this something with backup / restore encoding changes?

    2) If WP is displaying it correctly, isn’t it then solid UTF8?

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