Restore Failure
[STEP] [2022-03-04 17:20:43] Initializing restore process
[STEP] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Looking for PHP CLI executable file.
[WARN] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Could not find proper PHP CLI executable, this process may be unstable.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Restore process responded
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Locking migration process
[STEP] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Initializing restore process
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Backup & Migration version: 1.1.9
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Initializing custom error handler
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Site which will be restored: ***site_url***
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] PHP Version: 8.0.16
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] WP Version: 5.9.1
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Web server: Apache
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Max execution time (in seconds): 259200
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Restore process initialized successfully.
[STEP] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Free space checking…
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Checking if there is enough amount of free space
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Requires at least 258567184 bytes. [246.59 MB]
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Disk free space function is not disabled – using it…
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Checking this path/partition: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] There is 700,602.28 MB free. [684.18 GB]
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Great! We have enough space.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Confirmed, there is enough space on the device, checked: 258567184 bytes.
[STEP] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Making new secret key for current restore process.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:20:45] Secret key generated, it will be returned to you (ping).
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:46] Secret key detected successfully (pong)!
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:46] Making temporary directory
[STEP] [2022-03-04 17:20:46] Scanning archive…
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:46] Scan found 11625 files inside the backup.
[STEP] [2022-03-04 17:20:47] Preparing batching technique for extraction…
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:47] Files exported per batch: 2000
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:47] Using ZipArchive, omiting memory limit calculations…
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:47] Extraction milestone: 2001/11626 (17.21%)
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:48] Extraction milestone: 4001/11626 (34.41%)
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:50] Extraction milestone: 6001/11626 (51.62%)
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:51] Extraction milestone: 8001/11626 (68.82%)
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:53] Extraction milestone: 10001/11626 (86.02%)
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:55] Extraction milestone: 11626/11626 (100.00%)
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:20:55] Files extracted…
[STEP] [2022-03-04 17:20:56] Saving wp-config file…
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:20:56] File wp-config saved
[STEP] [2022-03-04 17:20:57] Getting backup manifest…
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:20:57] Manifest loaded
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:57] Backup Migration version used for that backup: 1.1.9
[STEP] [2022-03-04 17:20:57] Restoring files (this process may take a while)…
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:20:57] All files restored successfully.
[STEP] [2022-03-04 17:20:58] Converting database files into partial files.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:58] Max rows per query (this site): 300
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:58] Max rows per query (source site): 300
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:58] Starting conversion of: wp_actionscheduler_actions table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:58] Finished part 1 of wp_actionscheduler_actions table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:59] Finished part 2 of wp_actionscheduler_actions table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:20:59] Finished 1/57 (1.75%): wp_actionscheduler_actions table, total of 2 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:59] Starting conversion of: wp_actionscheduler_claims table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:20:59] Finished part 1 of wp_actionscheduler_claims table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:20:59] Finished 2/57 (3.51%): wp_actionscheduler_claims table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:00] Starting conversion of: wp_actionscheduler_groups table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:00] Finished part 1 of wp_actionscheduler_groups table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:01] Finished part 2 of wp_actionscheduler_groups table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:21:01] Finished 3/57 (5.26%): wp_actionscheduler_groups table, total of 2 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:02] Starting conversion of: wp_actionscheduler_logs table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:02] Cleaning up contents of wp_actionscheduler_logs table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:21:02] Finished 4/57 (7.02%): wp_actionscheduler_logs table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:02] Starting conversion of: wp_commentmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:02] Finished part 1 of wp_commentmeta table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:21:02] Finished 5/57 (8.77%): wp_commentmeta table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:03] Starting conversion of: wp_comments table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:03] Finished part 1 of wp_comments table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:04] Finished part 2 of wp_comments table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:21:04] Finished 6/57 (10.53%): wp_comments table, total of 2 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:04] Starting conversion of: wp_irecommendthis_votes table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:04] Finished part 1 of wp_irecommendthis_votes table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:21:04] Finished 7/57 (12.28%): wp_irecommendthis_votes table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:05] Starting conversion of: wp_links table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:05] Finished part 1 of wp_links table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:21:05] Finished 8/57 (14.04%): wp_links table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:06] Starting conversion of: wp_options table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:06] Finished part 1 of wp_options table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:07] Finished part 2 of wp_options table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:08] Finished part 3 of wp_options table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:21:08] Finished 9/57 (15.79%): wp_options table, total of 3 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:08] Starting conversion of: wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:08] Finished part 1 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:09] Finished part 2 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:10] Finished part 3 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:11] Finished part 4 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:13] Finished part 5 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:14] Finished part 6 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:16] Finished part 7 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:19] Finished part 8 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:21] Finished part 9 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:23] Finished part 10 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:25] Finished part 11 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:28] Finished part 12 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:31] Finished part 13 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:34] Finished part 14 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:37] Finished part 15 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:40] Finished part 16 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:43] Finished part 17 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:47] Finished part 18 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:51] Finished part 19 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:55] Finished part 20 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:21:59] Finished part 21 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:03] Finished part 22 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:07] Finished part 23 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:12] Finished part 24 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:16] Finished part 25 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:22] Finished part 26 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:27] Finished part 27 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:32] Finished part 28 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:38] Finished part 29 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:43] Finished part 30 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:49] Finished part 31 of wp_postmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:50] Finished part 32 of wp_postmeta table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:22:50] Finished 10/57 (17.54%): wp_postmeta table, total of 32 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:50] Starting conversion of: wp_posts table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:50] Finished part 1 of wp_posts table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:52] Finished part 2 of wp_posts table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:53] Finished part 3 of wp_posts table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:22:53] Finished 11/57 (19.30%): wp_posts table, total of 3 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:54] Starting conversion of: wp_revslider_css table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:54] Finished part 1 of wp_revslider_css table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:54] Finished part 2 of wp_revslider_css table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:22:54] Finished 12/57 (21.05%): wp_revslider_css table, total of 2 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:55] Starting conversion of: wp_revslider_css_bkp table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:55] Finished part 1 of wp_revslider_css_bkp table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:56] Finished part 2 of wp_revslider_css_bkp table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:22:56] Finished 13/57 (22.81%): wp_revslider_css_bkp table, total of 2 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:57] Starting conversion of: wp_revslider_layer_animations table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:57] Finished part 1 of wp_revslider_layer_animations table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:22:57] Finished 14/57 (24.56%): wp_revslider_layer_animations table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:57] Starting conversion of: wp_revslider_layer_animations_bkp table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:57] Finished part 1 of wp_revslider_layer_animations_bkp table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:22:57] Finished 15/57 (26.32%): wp_revslider_layer_animations_bkp table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:58] Starting conversion of: wp_revslider_navigations table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:58] Finished part 1 of wp_revslider_navigations table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:22:58] Finished 16/57 (28.07%): wp_revslider_navigations table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:59] Starting conversion of: wp_revslider_navigations_bkp table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:59] Finished part 1 of wp_revslider_navigations_bkp table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:22:59] Finished 17/57 (29.82%): wp_revslider_navigations_bkp table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:59] Starting conversion of: wp_revslider_sliders table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:22:59] Finished part 1 of wp_revslider_sliders table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:22:59] Finished 18/57 (31.58%): wp_revslider_sliders table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:00] Starting conversion of: wp_revslider_sliders_bkp table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:00] Finished part 1 of wp_revslider_sliders_bkp table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:00] Finished 19/57 (33.33%): wp_revslider_sliders_bkp table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:01] Starting conversion of: wp_revslider_slides table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:01] Finished part 1 of wp_revslider_slides table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:01] Finished 20/57 (35.09%): wp_revslider_slides table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:01] Starting conversion of: wp_revslider_slides_bkp table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:01] Finished part 1 of wp_revslider_slides_bkp table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:01] Finished 21/57 (36.84%): wp_revslider_slides_bkp table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:02] Starting conversion of: wp_revslider_static_slides table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:02] Finished part 1 of wp_revslider_static_slides table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:02] Finished 22/57 (38.60%): wp_revslider_static_slides table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:03] Starting conversion of: wp_revslider_static_slides_bkp table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:03] Finished part 1 of wp_revslider_static_slides_bkp table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:03] Finished 23/57 (40.35%): wp_revslider_static_slides_bkp table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:04] Starting conversion of: wp_term_relationships table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:04] Finished part 1 of wp_term_relationships table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:04] Finished part 2 of wp_term_relationships table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:04] Finished 24/57 (42.11%): wp_term_relationships table, total of 2 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:05] Starting conversion of: wp_term_taxonomy table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:05] Finished part 1 of wp_term_taxonomy table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:05] Finished part 2 of wp_term_taxonomy table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:05] Finished 25/57 (43.86%): wp_term_taxonomy table, total of 2 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:06] Starting conversion of: wp_termmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:06] Finished part 1 of wp_termmeta table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:06] Finished 26/57 (45.61%): wp_termmeta table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:07] Starting conversion of: wp_terms table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:07] Finished part 1 of wp_terms table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:07] Finished part 2 of wp_terms table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:07] Finished 27/57 (47.37%): wp_terms table, total of 2 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:08] Starting conversion of: wp_usermeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:08] Finished part 1 of wp_usermeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:09] Finished part 2 of wp_usermeta table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:09] Finished 28/57 (49.12%): wp_usermeta table, total of 2 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:09] Starting conversion of: wp_users table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:09] Finished part 1 of wp_users table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:10] Finished part 2 of wp_users table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:10] Finished 29/57 (50.88%): wp_users table, total of 2 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:11] Starting conversion of: wp_wc_admin_note_actions table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:11] Finished part 1 of wp_wc_admin_note_actions table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:11] Finished part 2 of wp_wc_admin_note_actions table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:11] Finished 30/57 (52.63%): wp_wc_admin_note_actions table, total of 2 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:12] Starting conversion of: wp_wc_admin_notes table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:12] Finished part 1 of wp_wc_admin_notes table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:13] Finished part 2 of wp_wc_admin_notes table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:13] Finished 31/57 (54.39%): wp_wc_admin_notes table, total of 2 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:13] Starting conversion of: wp_wc_category_lookup table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:13] Finished part 1 of wp_wc_category_lookup table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:14] Finished part 2 of wp_wc_category_lookup table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:14] Finished 32/57 (56.14%): wp_wc_category_lookup table, total of 2 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:15] Starting conversion of: wp_wc_customer_lookup table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:15] Finished part 1 of wp_wc_customer_lookup table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:15] Finished 33/57 (57.89%): wp_wc_customer_lookup table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:15] Starting conversion of: wp_wc_download_log table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:15] Finished part 1 of wp_wc_download_log table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:15] Finished 34/57 (59.65%): wp_wc_download_log table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:16] Starting conversion of: wp_wc_order_coupon_lookup table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:16] Finished part 1 of wp_wc_order_coupon_lookup table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:16] Finished 35/57 (61.40%): wp_wc_order_coupon_lookup table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:17] Starting conversion of: wp_wc_order_product_lookup table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:17] Finished part 1 of wp_wc_order_product_lookup table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:17] Finished 36/57 (63.16%): wp_wc_order_product_lookup table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:18] Starting conversion of: wp_wc_order_stats table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:18] Finished part 1 of wp_wc_order_stats table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:18] Finished 37/57 (64.91%): wp_wc_order_stats table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:19] Starting conversion of: wp_wc_order_tax_lookup table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:19] Finished part 1 of wp_wc_order_tax_lookup table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:19] Finished 38/57 (66.67%): wp_wc_order_tax_lookup table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:19] Starting conversion of: wp_wc_product_meta_lookup table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:19] Finished part 1 of wp_wc_product_meta_lookup table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:19] Finished 39/57 (68.42%): wp_wc_product_meta_lookup table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:20] Starting conversion of: wp_wc_rate_limits table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:20] Finished part 1 of wp_wc_rate_limits table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:20] Finished 40/57 (70.18%): wp_wc_rate_limits table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:21] Starting conversion of: wp_wc_reserved_stock table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:21] Finished part 1 of wp_wc_reserved_stock table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:21] Finished 41/57 (71.93%): wp_wc_reserved_stock table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:21] Starting conversion of: wp_wc_tax_rate_classes table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:21] Finished part 1 of wp_wc_tax_rate_classes table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:22] Finished part 2 of wp_wc_tax_rate_classes table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:22] Finished 42/57 (73.68%): wp_wc_tax_rate_classes table, total of 2 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:23] Starting conversion of: wp_wc_webhooks table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:23] Finished part 1 of wp_wc_webhooks table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:23] Finished 43/57 (75.44%): wp_wc_webhooks table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:23] Starting conversion of: wp_woocommerce_api_keys table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:23] Finished part 1 of wp_woocommerce_api_keys table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:23] Finished 44/57 (77.19%): wp_woocommerce_api_keys table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:24] Starting conversion of: wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:24] Finished part 1 of wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:24] Finished 45/57 (78.95%): wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:24] Starting conversion of: wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:24] Finished part 1 of wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:24] Finished 46/57 (80.70%): wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:25] Starting conversion of: wp_woocommerce_log table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:25] Finished part 1 of wp_woocommerce_log table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:25] Finished 47/57 (82.46%): wp_woocommerce_log table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:26] Starting conversion of: wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:26] Finished part 1 of wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:26] Finished 48/57 (84.21%): wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:26] Starting conversion of: wp_woocommerce_order_items table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:26] Finished part 1 of wp_woocommerce_order_items table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:26] Finished 49/57 (85.96%): wp_woocommerce_order_items table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:27] Starting conversion of: wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:27] Finished part 1 of wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:27] Finished 50/57 (87.72%): wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:28] Starting conversion of: wp_woocommerce_payment_tokens table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:28] Finished part 1 of wp_woocommerce_payment_tokens table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:28] Finished 51/57 (89.47%): wp_woocommerce_payment_tokens table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:28] Starting conversion of: wp_woocommerce_sessions table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:28] Finished part 1 of wp_woocommerce_sessions table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:29] Finished part 2 of wp_woocommerce_sessions table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:29] Finished 52/57 (91.23%): wp_woocommerce_sessions table, total of 2 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:30] Starting conversion of: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:30] Finished part 1 of wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:30] Finished 53/57 (92.98%): wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:30] Starting conversion of: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:30] Finished part 1 of wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:30] Finished 54/57 (94.74%): wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:31] Starting conversion of: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:31] Finished part 1 of wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:31] Finished 55/57 (96.49%): wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:31] Starting conversion of: wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:31] Finished part 1 of wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:31] Finished 56/57 (98.25%): wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations table, total of 1 parts.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:32] Starting conversion of: wp_woocommerce_tax_rates table.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:32] Finished part 1 of wp_woocommerce_tax_rates table.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:32] Finished 57/57 (100.00%): wp_woocommerce_tax_rates table, total of 1 parts.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:32] Database convertion finished successfully.
[STEP] [2022-03-04 17:23:32] Calculating new query size and counts.
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:32] Calculaion completed, printing details.
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:32] Total queries to insert after conversion: 535
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:32] Partial files count after conversion: 107
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:32] Total size of the database: 3.93 MB
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:32] Table count to be imported: 57
[STEP] [2022-03-04 17:23:33] Checking the database structure…
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:33] Successfully detected backup created with V2 engine, importing…
[STEP] [2022-03-04 17:23:33] Restoring database…
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:33] Initializing database import V2 engine…
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:33] Initialized successfully, memory usage: 79.22 MB
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:33] Loading file list…
[SUCCESS] [2022-03-04 17:23:33] File list loaded, memory usage: 79.25 MB
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:33] Finished 5/535 (0.93%) for wp_actionscheduler_actions table (part: 1/2, size: 1.66 KB).
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:34] Finished 10/535 (1.87%) for wp_actionscheduler_actions table (part: 2/2, size: 2.81 KB).
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:36] Finished 15/535 (2.80%) for wp_actionscheduler_claims table (part: 1/1, size: 818 B).
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:37] Finished 20/535 (3.74%) for wp_actionscheduler_groups table (part: 1/2, size: 798 B).
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:38] Finished 25/535 (4.67%) for wp_actionscheduler_groups table (part: 2/2, size: 685 B).
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:40] Finished 30/535 (5.61%) for wp_actionscheduler_logs table (part: 1/1, size: 980 B).
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:41] Finished 35/535 (6.54%) for wp_commentmeta table (part: 1/1, size: 904 B).
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:42] Finished 40/535 (7.48%) for wp_comments table (part: 1/2, size: 1.92 KB).
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:44] Finished 45/535 (8.41%) for wp_comments table (part: 2/2, size: 1.15 KB).
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:45] Finished 50/535 (9.35%) for wp_irecommendthis_votes table (part: 1/1, size: 778 B).
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:47] Finished 55/535 (10.28%) for wp_links table (part: 1/1, size: 1.5 KB).
[INFO] [2022-03-04 17:23:48] Finished 60/535 (11.21%) for wp_options table (part: 1/3, size: 964 B).
[DOWNLOAD GENERATED] File downloaded on (server time): 2022-03-04 17:25:51
[DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (seconds): 123 seconds ago
[DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (date): 2022-03-04 17:23:48
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