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  • Handoko


    Glad to hear your website is up again.

    Yes, you should delete the duplicates. But remember, do backups before you delete.

    wow! i am glad i found this! i have some question.

    how do you find the prefix set by better wp security in the backup? my wp-config is set to wp_ but i need to key in the actual prefix from the backup to get it working right?

    i deleted the .htaccess file and now i cant enter my wp-admin.. T_T



    .htaccess file is a very important file. You should restore it.

    i am confused… Didnt lingo sam say delete the .htaccess file?



    Okay, I see.

    You said you can’t access your wp-admin. What was the error message? Have you tried ? Normally you should login via wp-login.php not wp-admin directly.

    Do you remember, did you change the database prefix? If no, everything should working correctly.

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