• I’ve used the WordPress Database Backup plugin by Scott Merrill to back up my blog. It produces nice files like *.sql.gz. but there is no indication of how to restore these files, should I need to. It is easy to make a backup with a few clicks but I see nothing that reverses that process. What am I missing?

    Shouldn’t there be some equally simple way to restore?

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  • I backup and upload via PHPMyAdmin. Plugins such as WP Database Backup almost seem redundant. Does your host give you access to a MySQL browser such as PHPMyAdmin? If so, you can upload the SQL file there.

    It’s not that hard. You just unzip the file and you’ll have something.sql which you can restore from within phpmyadmin on your host.
    Or you can install this plugin and do it from the WP admin area:

    I have backuped my WordPress files and now I would like to restore just one post which I deleted accidentially.

    Is this possible?

    I have two backups: One from the backup system included in WordPress and one from the plugin “WP-DB-Backup”.

    I do not want to restore the whole backup, because in the meantime I have made some small changes, difficult to redo…

    Is it possible to restore just one post? How?

    Thank you for all suggestions!

    I have the same question. Is it possible to restore ONE post from a backup? I must have accidentally deleted this post and I really would like to have it back since I have another post linked to it, and would like to link to it again today.

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