• Resolved jbalazs8178


    I cannot get a backup that I made to restore. I’ve increased the php timeout limit to 3000 seconds, and it still gets hung up and the restore fails. I have the Reloads Enabled option enabled, and I don’t have any security plugins

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter jbalazs8178


    by the way, this is the message I get:

    “Your hosting has an execution time limit of 3000 seconds for PHP scripts, which is not enough for performing a full backup/restore of your website. A full website backup/restore is a complex process which may take a couple of minutes depending on many circumstances. The needed execution time varies depending on the backup options and your server performance, that’s why we cannot tell exactly how much execution time is needed. But, almost all hosting providers give users the ability to increase the execution time limit or they increase it themselves, upon user request. Please ask your hosting provider if they are able to increase your execution time limit. If this isn’t an option for you, then try to activate the “Reloads enabled” option in the settings (to compress your data chunk by chunk). Then disable any security plugin which could prevent nopriv ajax calls and try again to create a new backup. If you still see this error, please contact us and we’ll do our best to help you figure it out ASAP.”

    Thread Starter jbalazs8178


    fyi, just raised my time limit to 6000 seconds, same result…one note, I am restoring a site that was built in a sub-directory of the main directory I am restoring to, don’t know if that has anything to do with it.

    Plugin Author JetBackup


    @kamaim I can see that our support department replied to your ticket. Please check the ticket status for more details.

    @jbalazs8178 have you opened a support ticket for this?

    If not, you can open direct support ticket here: https://backup-guard.com/products/backup-wordpress/support-p2p and our developers will try to solve your issue.

    Thread Starter jbalazs8178


    Yes I think that I have, I mean I did it directly through the plugins support feature, and it brought me to the forums…

    Thread Starter jbalazs8178


    In fact yes I have opened a support ticket, I just checked…

    Thread Starter jbalazs8178


    here is the backup log info:

    Date: 2018-06-23 15:08:00
    Backup Method: reload
    Restore Method: external
    User Mode: free
    BackupGuard version: 1.1.64
    Supported archive version: 5
    Database prefix: wp_
    Site URL: https://www.fanemb.com
    Home URL: https://www.fanemb.com
    Uploads path: /home/fantastic5200/public_html/wp-content/uploads
    Site installation: standard
    OS: Linux
    Server: Apache
    User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36
    PHP version: 5.6.36
    SAPI: litespeed
    MySQL version: 5.6.39
    Int size: 8
    Int lib: gmp
    Memory limit: 128M
    Max execution time: 6000
    Disk free space: 24.7GB
    Archive Size: 114.5MB (114506395 bytes)
    Environment: WordPress 4.9.6

    Archive version: 5
    Archive database prefix: wp_
    Archive site URL: https://www.fanemb.com/revising

    2018-06-23 15:08:00: SGExceptionMigrationError: You should install <b>BackupGuard Pro</b> to be able to migrate the website. More detailed information regarding features included in <b>Free</b> and <b>Pro</b> versions you can find here: https://backup-guard.com/products/backup-wordpress [File: /home/fantastic5200/public_html/wp-content/plugins/backup/com/lib/SGArchive.php, Line: 487, URL: /bg_restore.php?k=4d654d911b70dfa59f4cc7b7f46ddb0d&action=awake]
    2018-06-23 15:11:00: SGExceptionExecutionTimeError: Execution timeout error [File: /home/fantastic5200/public_html/wp-content/plugins/backup/com/core/backup/SGBackup.php, Line: 113, URL: /bg_restore.php?k=4d654d911b70dfa59f4cc7b7f46ddb0d&action=getAction]

    Plugin Author JetBackup


    @jbalazs8178 This error massage could happen (SGExceptionMigrationError) if only you attempt to migrate your website instead of simple restoration. Migration is not just restoration. All database is being refactored to be compatible to the new environment in case of migration. The migration feature is included only in Pro versions, that’s why such exception could happen when you attempt to migrate the website using Free version.

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