• Ok, so the quick and dirty is that I just accidentally deleted a post. Is there any way to restore this post? The backup that I have of my data base Is before the deleted post was even written so restoring a backup of the data base is out. Is there any other way? Perhaps delving thru a file or something?

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  • Moderator James Huff


    Search Google for what would have been the post’s URL. If you’re lucky, Google cached your page before you deleted the post and you can copy/paste what’s there. If not, then it truly is gone forever. WP’s posts are only stored in the WordPress database. And, once you delete a post, you remove all traces of it from your database.

    I did the same thing (accidentally deleted the entire post instead of comment spam). Fortunately, I have all the text files backed up. So I simply created a new post, pasted the text, retitled it and changed the timestamp, hit “publish”…

    …and nothing. The new post doesn’t seem to exist, either as a new post or in my archives. I tried it twice more. Why? It’s a completely new post! Is the software banning the title of my post forever? Please, help.

    I should add that “Save and continue editing” doesn’t work at all either. All my html disappears.

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